DaBlackGuy's forum posts
Wow, i have owned a sega gensis, playstation, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, 360, and now i own a PS3
on thrusday i bought my ps3 along with a used ps2 and the MGS collection and DMC4.
I just now beat MGS after 14 hours lol.
Wow what a game, through the controls were frustrating for me, and the game out right just plain hard at times.(I died 64 times according to my records), this game was truely amazeing and is one of my fave PS1 games of all time and is imo the best game i have played story wise in a long time.
I just dont know why i didnt play it when it first came out, nost likey due to I have 2 brothers and before ps2 we only played multiplayer games or sonic only. But dear god the story is amazeing and i cant wait to pop in MGS2.
I wil say it again I was stupid to not play this game until now, and I agree that this series so far from what i played is freaking awesome.
lol please dont flame me for my playtime of 14 hours, i understand some if not most can beat it in under 4, but this was my first stealth game i have ever played.
I also got the collection and am at the part right now where you're fighting the helicopter, but I can't beat it. This game is awesome, # 2 is sweet also. I have yet to play 3 at all.AdaMoochUD
i had a hard time with the hellicopter too because i started the fight with no rations and half hp. because the gun turrents before the fight hurt me badly(no chaf gernades, so i had to run it lol) but after about 15 trys i got it down to a science where i wouldnt get hit by the Hind D.
Wow, i have owned a sega gensis, playstation, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, 360, and now i own a PS3
on thrusday i bought my ps3 along with a used ps2 and the MGS collection and DMC4.
I just now beat MGS after 14 hours lol.
Wow what a game, through the controls were frustrating for me, and the game out right just plain hard at times.(I died 64 times according to my records), this game was truely amazeing and is one of my fave PS1 games of all time and is imo the best game i have played story wise in a long time.
I just dont know why i didnt play it when it first came out, nost likey due to I have 2 brothers and before ps2 we only played multiplayer games or sonic only. But dear god the story is amazeing and i cant wait to pop in MGS2.
I wil say it again I was stupid to not play this game until now, and I agree that this series so far from what i played is freaking awesome.
lol please dont flame me for my playtime of 14 hours, i understand some if not most can beat it in under 4, but this was my first stealth game i have ever played.
Need help fighting Rex
ok so i stat with 5 rations and 10 chaff gernades and 35/35 missles.
the first part is easy and i always end with 5 rations left and little life left and about 5 or 4 chaff gernades left.
but the second part is hard for me it seems the missles still follow me and i end up dieing.
twice i came to a sliver of rex's life left.
can someone please explain to me the strat for beating it[QUOTE="sa10kun"]Woah, sorry to hear about that man. Were you that one guy they had on the news?
Anyways, the mgs games aren't that long. Most of the length comes from cutscenes and codec calls. But they are interesting and entertaining enough that you won't mind. I sporadically replayed all 3 games in november and I think I finished it in 3 weeks or so. (keep in mind I said sporadically) If you can play constantly you might be able to finish them in a few days.
Many many many people got mugged that day.
I was in the news
i am on the right last name campbell.
but you are right alot were mugged
i just got a 40 gig ps3 2 days ago along with a used ps2 and a copy of kingdom hearts 2 final fantasy 12, DMC 4, and the MGS collection. while there i repordered MGS 4 GTA 4 and mario kart for the Wii.( I only owned the wii before hand)
anyways i know what to expect with kingdomhearts and final fanstay because i playued them before but didnt finish them.
(I was mugged for my ps3 at launch and never got one since, and i sold all my ps2 stuff for said ps3)
well to the topic at hand how long is MGS 1, 2, and 3 ?
I wanna pace my self nice before MGS 4 comes out, I am stillg eting used to the controls.(The analog stick in MGS 1 is killing me lol)
But i want to make sure i can beat all 3 before 4 comes out, so i need to decide if i need to cut back on my brawl time and possibly my future mario kart and gta time as well.
so the TL;DR version
How long are the playthroughs for each MGS game in the MGS collection for the PS2 ?
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