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DC game Sturmwind + Fcbd

It shipped on April 22nd and I got it on May 4th 2013.

I was all set to play when my connection to my av switch won't work on input

2 and 3 so the as soon i'll add it to the collection.

I went to Free Comic Book Day, but still managed to snag a few ccomcis for my Neice.

the not yet counted

I have'nt added (or tried to add) to collection because I have not taken

the time to play these games  I dunno maybe i'm superstitious but I

trust in GOD instead thinking that if I add a game it won't work.

so in no particular order the games that are waiting for me to add to my

collection are:

Virtua Fighter 2  (xbla)

Dust an Elysian Tale(xbla)

Geometry Wars 2 (squared) xbla

Child of Eden 360 (disc)

Lost hog course walking dx wars.

Sonic the hedgehog has yet to be replaced so i'm taking it out of the collection but its been replaced by Doritos Crash Course [411] actually i've had it for a while but just now adding it. The Walking Dead Episode 5 [412] was finally picked up and played when I got it on sale. Still can't add Crazy Taxi (XBL) to my collection. PacMan CE DX [413] Had for some time but finally added it to collection. free to play game (if you have live) Happy Wars [414]

New badge, New games

All-star Halo dungeon walking. 

1st the badge for years i've been trying get something anything to

the ones I have already and now I don't even know what earned

me the badge 'Bad Taste'  so far no luck seeing what its about.

this past Christmas I received   Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed

(403),   Halo 4 (404), Dungeon Fighter Live (405) which seems

very similar to Guardian Heroes.    and the Walking Dead episodes

1 (406), 2( 407). 3 (408), 4, (409) still gotta get the last part though.


stie is acting funny at the moment I stopped at 409, but the

game lists say 411, and my list has my wishlist combined with my

game collection,  my I won't wait so long to update the fnfo.

Heroes Kombat vs Horizon Fighters.

Guradian Heroes xbla (399).

Then some black friday deals Mortal Kombat vs the DC Universe 360 (400) for $10, that was hard fought cause I bought it at the store, and found out that the sale was online only, took it back and found the online deal ordered online and chose store pick up and ended up with the same copy I had just returned (!) and Forza Horizon (401) microsoft store sale of $15 plus using a coupon given to me I got it for $5.34!

xbla new release Sonic the Fighters (402) was picked up new, while not on sale it was still cheap at 400 ms points I meant to pick up Fighting Vipers and Virtua Fighter 2, but its less tempting when I already have the games on Saturn still the idea of fighting online is still attractive.

Anniversary Street

Picked up Halo combat evolved anniversary (397) from KMart for 14.99 and that's the sell that's still going on this week!

and picked up the deal of the week Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition for xbla (398). for 600 MS points.

Way II Mora arcade FX End of 360 PSU

Good luck guessing those games, eh? Microsoft had a back to school sale and I took advantage of it.

I got Sonic 4 Episode II (392) and by doing that I unlocked Metal [or is that Mecha?] Sonic's story of how he came back from Sonic CD, The Simpson's Arcade game (393), although I had got the Paranormal Table in Pinball FX 2 (394) [for free!] I did'nt add it to my collection well that has changed now that I have 8 more tables to go with that one.

The deal of the week had Sine Mora (395) on sale so i picked that one up too, I managed to find a game I had'nt added before Harm's Way (396)

The End of Phantasy Star Universe went worst then I thought, why you wonder? because Sega of Japan / and Microsoft were pointing fingers at each other when some players (myself included) had their Guardian License expire before the last day of game play so instead of doing like I did on the PS2 version and playing til the server was shut off I could'nt log in to take last pics, do some phantom missions on 2 of my avatars and see faces that I had not seen in ages.

Hopefully I can get my PC to run PSO 2.