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Phantasy Star Zero

DS Lite & PS0

My Sister gave me her DS Lite (last year I got her a DSi XL for a late B-Day present) and about 3 weeks after that after much searching I found the game I wanted PS Zero granted I payed a bit more for the game at gamestop (it was'nt even sealed!) I should have just stuck to amazon or ebay , but I got impatient :/

PS0 is game number (367)

Cyber-Lip and Hawk of Marvel

My new gamespot rank is 26 (Cyber-Lip) and going to a Vulcan con (that I thought was a comic book convention) I picked up the PS1 game Warhawk (366).

somehow I managed not to post that I got Marvel vs Capcom 3 (365) for my birthday (back in Feb) sad thing my 360 is on the ropes and I can hardly start the game wiithout it crashing ((freezing up) before i finish my first match.

Smiles Pursuit

Towards the end of last year I got and added Deathsmiles LE (363) and for Christmas I received Need for Speed Hot Pursuit xb360 (364)

At the start of the year I informed my former GF that i'll repurchase the 4 games that were lost by her nephew

Sonic the hedgehog (360)

Sonic's ultimate Genesis Collection

Street Fighter 4

Sneak King since I plan on getting them back again I have'nt bothered to take them out.

I hope all is well for the start of 2011 for all my friends.

game covers deathsmiles need for speed hot pursuit

A few new additions and Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

on XBLA i've added

Raystorm HD (358)

Battlezone (359)

Sonic 4 ep 1 (360)

Gyruss (361)

Xevious (362)

I can't add Destination arcade games / game room stuff

but I got Yars Revenge, River Raid and Air/Sea Battle (pretty useless as a 1 player game, should've played the demo before buying)

Enjoy your time off from school / work and enjoy the company of friends and Family and most of be thankful to GOD to see another year with the same family & friends!

Voided Dark

game #(357) Dark Void (360) has taken most of my time this past week, I beat the game but trying to go thru it on a harder difficulty picked up the game from Gamestop's summer sale and waited a few weeks to play it.

The price? $10 but the regular (non-sale) version is just 10 more to that.

Hydro Shodown

At Best Buy I picked up Samurai Shodown Sen (360 game #355) for $19.99 along with the point card that got me

Hydro Thunder Hurricane (360 XBLA #356) which is the sequel to the arcade and DC fave boat racing game.

and off topic I also picked up Corinne Bailey Rae's Album The Sea; its alright but just does'nt have the same appeal as the first album.

Symphony Complex

Due to some deals of the week I picked up Castlevania Symphony of the Night (#353) and Shadow Complex (#354) both off of XBLA.

Currently on the lookout for Deathsmiles (xb 360)

Rank 25

Defias Brotherhood

and game #351 is After Burner Climax (XBLA) its a good time on that one!


BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (360) is game #352.

Sonic & SEGA all star...

game number 350 is Sonic & Sega All Star Racing on the XB360.

just played a bit and anyone familiar with the OutRun Missions will be right at home here.

When Payday comes I may look into getting Blazblue on discount at gamestop.

and or Samurai Shodown Sen that almost sneaked under the radar.

Ultimate Shooting Collection

DC games Radirgy & Karous and Wii game Ultimate Shooting Collection

Ulitimate Shooting Collection [349] is the first Wii game added to my game list. while there is a Wii in the household and i've purchased

games for it i'm probably the only 1 with enough interest in playing this game.

First off lets start with the title Ultimate Shooting Collection does sound like Wii Shovelware and they in my opinion

probably should have stuck with the Japanese title Milestone Shooting Collection (even if it would'nt be recognized here in the U.S.)

some of this may look familiar to lazyhoboguy who read the previous blog...

  • The Collection consists of 3 Milestone shooters which were on DC & eleswhere,the games being...
  • Karous which has a gray/black color scheme
  • Radio Allergy (DC [Dreamcast] name Radirgy)
  • Chaos Field

All three games employ the same 3 attack schemes

  1. Shooting
  2. A Sword (for upclose enemies)
  3. Shield
  4. A special attack


Shooting is pretty straight forward as with most shooters your weapon can be powered up several times

Karous) you have three spheres that build up as you collect powerups

Radio Allergy) you pick between 3 weapon types weapons at the start of the game which can also be powered up

Chaos Field) you pick between 3 ships that have different shooting mechanisms

1A) Ships 2 of the three games allow to pick your ships these also handle in different ways speed/firepower and in the case of Chaos Field shield strength

Karous) No Option to pick ship.

Radio Allergy) the ship you pick determines speed then you select whic gun to use.

Chaos Field) you pick the pilot (thereby picking a different ship)

  1. first one is average, but does not excel in anything.
  2. 2nd person's ship is is a bit faster than the others
  3. the last one is slower, but packs more firepower


While its not necessary you can use the Wii mote make a swipe with your sword

your sword can stop certain attacks in all 3 games but of course you can't stop everything.

the more you use your sword the weaker your shots become.

Karous) your sword those power up and you can see the difference after several levels.

Radio Allergy) I have not been good enough to see much of a difference it seems to be a tool

to collect bonus points in the tutorial.

Chaos Field) 2 swords (right/left side) cancel enemy bullet


In 2 of the 3 games employ a shield that can be used to deflect enemy attacks and gain bonus points

the over head view looks your ship is holding a riot shield this applies to

Karous) as noted above

Radio Allergy) As noted above

Chaos Field) Employs a traditional Shoot'em up shield in that absorbs several hits before you're killed


The Milestone games have a common use between the 3 games it seems

that the specials do several things cause damage to enemies and collecting bonus points

Karous) adds to one of the spheres, and helps refill your special meter

Radio Allergy) collects bonus points along with damage

Chaos Field) changes fields: Field of order enemies fire bullets in predicatle paths, Chaos Field Bullets are scattered in all sorts of directions your ship seems to be stronger

This will probably be edited and put up as a review in reponse to Asagea_888's review.