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DaMan's Collection : Army of Two

I'll admit I have not played either of these games that I got with Games with Gold I know a friend of mine did like the game (1st one?) but never got around to seeing what it was about for myself.

Army of Two (360)

Army of Two The Devil's Cartel (360)

There's a comic for the but I skipped on that.

Blast off to destroy the Evil Bydo Empire DaMan’s R-Type Collection

I don't know what it was that grabbed me about this series maybe instead of being all out action shooter you had to think about how you used your weapons, the HUGE bosses the 1st game level 3 is just a fight with the boss which would be re-done again with a new coat of paint in R-Type Final's 3rd stage or maybe the Wave Cannon that reminded me of StarBlazers in the way it gathered energy.

while was not able to get R-type on the Sega Master System and get to the secret level or all the games that came out on Super Nintendo I've almost got most that I wanted.

R-Types (PS1)

R-Type Dimensions (360)

R-Type Final (PS2)

[EDIT] R-Type Final 2 (XB1)

The first 2 are the same except online and infinite lives to get thru the game without checkpoints

Wishing for

R-Type Delta

R-Type Tactics I & II Cosmos

and the crowdfunded -R-Type Final 2 ?!? [EDIT I got it when it launched in stores]

Just when you thought Final meant last...

I'm not talking you Final Fantasy fans (don't get mad, I have a few myself) the games series that i'm referring to is R-Type with the Phenomenal R-Type Final well well well I was looking for a history of R-Type games for the games I have and I came across this

1st response why have I not heard about this? I check egmnow and gamespot constantly, ok maybe this a prank (turns out the game was announced on April 1st 2019) [turns out Irem was known to play jokes on April Fools Day]

while I can't locate the documentation it says that this is no joke!

A funded kickstarter was where the game is at.

Kudos Lost! DaMan's MSR/Project Gotham Racing Collection

Why list the DC Game with this collection? because its the work they did on the Dreamcast that they would bring them to the Xbox and 360 consoles

Metropolis Street Racer [MSR]was an unforgiving game needing the kudos to progress while winning races did contribute to that but if you were bumping other players to get to 1st place your taking the podium would not be enough. you had to win and do it perfectly (staying on the road, no accidents taking advantage of ways to shave time off your lap.

The games main catch was real world locations instead of race tracks this would be carried onto the PGR series

Unfortunately while the locations are awesome, the lack of people can make the games fill sparse up until PGR4.

one of the downfalls was trying to pull off certain driving skills without losing kudos.

Project Gotham Racing (OXB)

Project Gotham Racing 2 (OXB)

Project Gotam Racing 3 (360)

Project Gotham Racing 4 (360)

Metropolis Street Racer (DC) game by the same developers before MS purchased them.

Blog Edit: Hacking Dots & DaMan's Dot Hack Collection

Normally I put one up and mention the other, but it seems I lost some pics editing the gamespot blog and since photobucket had decided to host and show without me paying I won't be able to put them back up, but the same blog posted at Wayne Carley's Spot another Wordpress blog still has the pics

Hacking Dots & DaMan's dot hack Collection

This covers the ps2 games

.hack Infection

.hack mutation

.hack outbreak

.hack quarantine

Double Payback! DaMan’s Collection: Burnout

This collection was started as my brother Craigs I did put quite a bit of time online in Burnout Revenge thanks to a live friend who loves the game. (I'd mention as soon as I remember)

I started adding the times for the videos i've been posting since not everyone wants to watch the whole thing with the time it starts if I have the chance I might go back for the previous posts.

Burnout Paradise (360)[3:07]

Burnout Revenge (360)[1:26]

Burnout Takedown (PS2) [1:00]

Wishlist inspite of the remasters not really looking to pick any up at the moment.


there are plenty of movies going by the same name, but name seem to be related to the game series

We are losing control of the outpost! DaMan’s Collection: Battlefield

My life on Battlefield did not start on consoles it was lan gaming together Chris, Ray, and Tory and i'm pretty sure i'm forgetting someone in Battlefield 2 on PC. (3:50)it would seem like i'd spend 10 mins running to the action only to get killed in 15 seconds once I got there.

still with so much to do you can help out a friend with the right pack the idea of just running and hopping into jeep, tank, helicopter or plane drive/pilot it to cause major havoc for the enemy was something else.

Battlefiedl 1 (XB1) (17:31) little experience with this one gwg it was the modern series that usually had my interest.

Battlefield 2 Modern Combat(PS2)(2:36) I did get to play this one online and for awhile I had people asking me for my ID to get online with the game. why? somehow the registration was taken down, while only the previous players could still play.

Battlefield 2 Modern Combat (360) (2:36) at the time when I got this game I was trying to decide between the Original XBOX and the 360 and here you see which version won.

overall on the consoles BF2 disappointed I know they were trying to speed up the gameplay but 'hot swapping' bodies like a ghost possessing people just did not seem 'realistic' or true to the pc game.

Battlefield 3 (360) (13:27)

Battlefield 4 (360) (14:50)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (360) (10:15)

Onlineconsoles Battlefield 2 Post game talk.

The 1st video has the times of the games after my above console description the time is about where the gameplay starts for the game I have.


Wishlist maybe the 1st Battlefield Bad Company and that's stretching it for the moment.

gamespot's own history of battlefield

Release the Dragoons! DaMan's Panzer Dragoon Collection.

My collection started the Saturn game Panzer Dragoon later on bidding for something else I saw that the person I was buying from also had Panzer Dragoon Zwei unfortunately in my rush to secure the game I did not read the bid carefully and there was no case :(

I will go onto to commit this mistake several more times.

Panzer Dragoon (SAT)

Panzer Dragoon II Zwei (SAT) no case

Panzer Dragoon Orta (OXB)

Panzer Dragoon Remake (XB1) added on 9/30/22

Could've gone under play it again blog? nah listed with proper collection is good enough.

-not related, but I could'nt help but thinking of the Dragoon series after seeing it

EDIT some of the people who worked on the Panzer Dragoon Series went on to work on,

Crimson Dragon (XB1)

I'm wishing for the remake of Yar's revenge (360) the pictures remind me Panzer dragoon Still dreaming of

Panzer Dragoon Saga, or the better priced

Azel Panzer Dragoon (SAT)imp

Apparently there's a rumor that the series would get the VR treatment including SAGA, you factor in the price of PDS and setting a VR rig just might be cheaper.

Other Stuff there was an animated movie for Panzer Dragoon and I ripped it a new one in a previous mention as a fan I felt taken advantage of.

no luck finding my comment, but some youtubers had some words for the Panzer Dragoon Anime except 1 that I saw (did not watch) and if you look carefully you could probably watch it on youtube.

My dissatisfaction with lost/missing manuals and cases returning a preowned

Off to the Animus DaMan's Assassin's Creed games.

Published at Wordpress 1st and then gamespot

A highly recognized series that I have not played my brother gave me his discs and xbox live gold has gotten me even more Creed than I can shake a stick at. if I did not have to watch webinars for work during lockdown I might've considered given the games a try.

gwg = games with gold if I lose my subscription these games will no longer will be available for me to play.

Assassin's Creed (360) (Digital Download)

Assassin's Creed II (360) (DVD+Digital Download)

Assassin's Creed III (360) (Digial Download)

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (360) (Digital Download)

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (XB1) (Digital Download) gwg

Assassin's Creed Chronicles China (XB1) (Digital Download)gwg

Assassin's Creed Chronicles India (XB1) (Digital Download)gwg

Assassin's Creed Chronicles Russia (XB1)gwg

Assassin's Creed Revelations (360)

Assassin's Creed Rogue (360)

Assassin's Creed Syndicate (XB1)gwg

I did watch the Movie Assassin's Creed with Michael Fassbender after seeing it that really wanted to make me leap and see what the fuss is about.

I believe have been some comics also (none that i've read)

EDIT Titan Comics publishes Assassin's Creed Comics,

I don't think of purchased anything but its out there.

EDIT : December 2020 previews has Assassin's Creed Blade of Shao Jun Manga coming in February 2021 still which will be based on the Assassin's Creed China game.

Dancing, Dancing, Dancing Machine. (DaMan's oh I mean DaManFL's DDR games)

Dance Dance Revolution Universe (360)

Dance Dance Revolution Universe 3 (360) bought with dance pad.

Looking to get -ddru2 along with another Dance Pad although currently I would not have anywhere to put it. :/

sure you can play the games without the pad and give your fingers a workout,

but I thought would be a good way to get in shape along with Xbox One's Kinect Fitness

yeah neither of those ideas went well but atleast with DDRU series it keeps tracks of how many calories i've burnt

never took online for fear of being obliterated

Pac-Man Fever

About to add these titles, why cause i'm playing them at the moment

Pac-Man CE (360)

Pac-Man CE DX (360)

Pac-Man Championship 2 (XB1)

Pac-Man Championship 2 (PS4)

Pac-Man 256 (XB1)

Pac-Man had his own song and one of the main representatives of video games before the 'crash'

He had his own Saturday morning cartoon and successful sequels Ms. Pac-Man, Baby Pac-Man?

I believe at Grannies house they had the Atari 2600 Ms. Pac - Man

at one point I even had a white visor with a Pac-Man emblem on it.

The Movie Pixels

Wreck it Ralph

and pretty sure he made it into the sequel Ralph wrecks the interenet (sp?)

while these are the movie I recall this site has a whole list of Pac-Man appearances

Pac-Man References and Cameos , List of Pac-Man Games.