DaMattGuy-360XL's forum posts
Maybe I should, cause I've lost count of how many game cases I've broken..... >.OIncase you don't know, there is a trick to easily take out UMD from the box. Just press that "Joystick" logo (at right corner below UMD) with your thumb only.
Try it if you haven't
Should the teacher of the class, the authority figure in this situation, be singling out a vulnerable minority for the rest of the class to have fun at her expense?nocoolnamejimIf the teacher is a well know joker and is good at it (yeah, some teachers really do have good enough senses of humor to make even the most dramatic smile) then I say ***** yeah! Sheesh, this entire thread needs to lighten up.
yeah whenever I meet new people I usually shake their hand. It's rare you find someone who actually gives you a good firm handshake though.
I do. But shaking hands with women...I haven't mastered that yet. Any tips or advice? I don't know if they like firm handshakes or what... :?
For me it depends not only on the gender but the formality of the situation. Like, if I'm introduced to a friend's friend, I give the guys a good handshake and the ladies I skip handshakes and give them a hug. :D (They've come to expect if of me actually) If, on the other hand, it's an employment interview or other professional situation I give a firm handshake regardless of gender.
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