RPGs, Strategies, Strategy RPGs, and Music & Rhythm In that order. Last but not least is FPS, Action/Adventure, then Racing. I have banned playing Sports and Wrestling games on any console I own.
$100? HA not a chance. I paid $25 for 50ft ethernet cable that I strung from my router, along the ceiling, and to the 360. Works just fine for me, and the connection to xbox live is WAY more stable than my friend's wireless.
[QUOTE="btiplling"][QUOTE="djmillard2"][QUOTE="btiplling"] Heh, why not? It's a great game. I can't play it for hours though because after a while I get owned to the point of frustration. I might be able to play it longer on social rooms. i only put on the flame shield because you see a lot of halo bashing on these forums Ah, well I could play Halo 3 longer but when you're playing ranked you can't ever not play at your best, and that can get tiring and frustrating. I haven't seen any bashing though. I love that game. :o Halo 3? omgwtfnooblolbbq j/k I like Halo 3, but there's now way I could play it for hours. Halo Wars on the other hand... ;D
-The shotgun is always the best weapon. -Don't bother with melee skills, the enemies always have shotguns and bazookas idiot. -Eating a ton of food will cure any battle wound. -Fire is more devastating than any element. -There's a way to dodge ANY attack. -You don't need good looks, pick up lines, or a first date if you have money and a nice car. Or beer. -You don't need stealthy skills if you can do 300+ damage from 10 or more yards away. -There's always more junk to sell.
My immediate response would have been Disgaea 1, 2, & 3, but since this is the 360 forum, I'll go with: Saints Row 2 Fallout 3 Phantasy Star Universe Rock Band 1 & 2
-Save points are your best friend. -If the last boss kicks your *** into next week, load last save point and go training in the caves. The last boss will patiently wait for you to level up so you can interrupt him trying to destroy/take over the world. -The main character actually has the best gig, no matter what the plot says. -The unlockable characters after beating it once were majorly exaggerated. -You will never have respect at level 1. -The guy who shoots fireballs is always pompous and arrogant until you pull out your massively over sized sword. -If they're not oozing more blood than they could possibly contain in their entire body, they're not really dead. -Give up being stealthy. Some ***** will always notice you at the last second anyway.
I can sniff out most jokes from a mile away. While this one is much too long for my usual tactless add-ons, I'll say something anyway. Humankind CAN prove things 100%. Like: -Gravity works -Vegetables are good for you -No two people have identical opinions -I'm a dude. ROFLMAO
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