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DaMonkeyAttack Blog

Bussy Bussy Bussy

As you can tell i havent post much since the last time, I been mostly working on my myspace pages and otther thing i been trying to get done. I will be game Reviewing again but at the moment i been mostly been playing my Dsi Game but my New review will Be Metal Slug 7 on Ds.

3 New Video Up On My Youtube Name

I have made 3 new video on my youtube name 1 isnt a video game but a song i made with MAGIX Music Maker 12 silver program.Well Anyway it cool i made my own song i wish i can download more song onto it which be cool. Well Anyway the 2 video that is video game is Level 1 and 2 of Zombies Ate My Neighbors. The song i Made is called cool air . it was hard to make a name but anyway here is the Link to My new video.

Let's Play : Zombies Ate My Neighbors ( Snes) : Level 1 : Zombie Panic

Let's Play : Zombies Ate My Neighbors ( Snes) :Level 2: Evening Of The Undead

DJ DaMonkey Custom Song : Cool Air

My todayness

I hope everyone had a good Mother day i hope you give her a Nice Gift like i did a game for her ds and eat with for Her. in otther news i had to get my psp fix becase the screen was Broken so it goina cost me * sigh * 80 Bucks to get the Psp Screen to get it fix. Yeah it a bad price but it the only place i can get it fix. So this mean i whont have a psp for a While But not till wednesday which is fine with me i didnt whanted to send it to sony to get fix beside it cose more for shipping and Handly thing. In otther News im goina learn how to make music on a Music maker so yeah today was so and so.

Day 1 of Pains :

Today i got my teeth pull and i got 8 count it 8 teeth pulls. So i will game review it goina be hard for me to eat food and suff becase of the 8 teeth that got pull.

Booya a new Emblems

It cool they won the 209 and i got award for voteing so woot, anyway i been trying to thinks of game i could do a lets play but all the good game on the snes the n64 are play so yeah it getting less and less. What game should I Play?

Let's Play : Donkey Kong Country ( Snes) : Part 1: Jungle Hijinxs!

This is My new Clip on youtube as nomal i cant think of any game that i can play so i have pick Donkey Kong On the Snes. If people tell me what to game to play then i will play for them. I need more People to sub so yeah enjoy with a funny Warring i mess up.

Warning: This Game Might Be Lagging So I'm sorry If it Is. Do not Put Your Face The Screen too close you Might Get Brain Damages. LOL I'm kidding so Enjoy the Video. DaMonkeyAttack ~<

Video Game Reviews: Tips From a Pro

I did not Wirte this, i wish i did.

After two professional stints as a video game reviewer, and now after being named an advisor on Epinions, I figure it's about time for me to write one of these Community Center thingys on what makes a good video game review, in terms of style, information, and schwerve.

First off, you've gotta include the Big 5. There are 5 main points everyone wants to know about in a good game review. Those 5 areas of the game are:

1) Gameplay
2) Graphics
3) Sound
4) Endings/Extras
5) Overall Quality/Bang for Buck.

Now, there's obviously NO way you can cover all of this in only 100 words. So if you write one of those reviews that barely makes 100 words, you're automatically not getting a HR from me. I don't care how hard it was for you to come with those 100 words, or how quality they are, you aren't going to tell me what I'd need to know, therefore, your review is not useful to me. Here's how to cover the Big 5.


This is that area of the game that encompasses everything about the game that doesn't have a real section. Good things to cover in this area are level design, control issues & fluidity, bugs, fun factor, playability, plot, and pretty much everything else that caught your attention that isn't in the other 4 categories.

You want to write a lot in this area because, without gameplay, you have a really bad game. Also, with really good gameplay, you can take out the other 4 categories and still have a great game. Your review may help sway someone's opinion of the game, so write it well, because his money is at stake here.


This is pretty self-explanatory. How's the game look? Does anything in particular stand out, or grate against you? Do certain things look out of place, is the overall theme of the game reflected in the graphics?


This one too, is pretty straightforward. Is the background music good? Do you find yourself humming it after you've put the controller down, or looking to pick up the soundtrack? Do the voiceovers blow chunks? Did the game sound much cooler in Japanese?


This really only applies to a game you liked enough to finish. I've played some games for 15 minutes and known that I was going to hate it al lthe way through. Why bother playing a game for 2 hours that sucks after 15 minutes? Pan the game and be done with it. Don't look for redeeming qualities deeper into the game...I've been around this industry for a long time, and I've never had a game get better as it went on. Make sure you have played the game long enough to adequately address the Big 5, though.

If you do play a game and you finish it, tell the reader if the ending is rewarding or not. Every game I've played recently has had a fairly/very disappointing ending. Deus Ex, Vanguard Bandits, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. You just want to let the player know in advance, so if they aren't enjoying the game, maybe they won't waste their time finishing the game if it has one of those aforementioned horrid endings.

Remember, don't tell them WHAT the ending is, just rate the quality of it.

As far as extras go, you want to tell the player how to access them, so they don't go around looking for it the whole time. Also, if you've got a useful cheat, it might be a good idea to drop that into your review. It'll give you something that the other reviewers don't have.

Overall Quality/Bang for the Buck

Is this game worth buying after all is said and done? Did you feel like you got $30-$40 worth of value out of your purchase? Or is it more of a rental level enjoyment? A lot of these video game companies are trying to skate by making really bad games, like Nintendo, and I'm sick of seeing it happen. If it's not worth buying tell people so, and they can spend their money supporting a quality developer, as well as sending a message out to the slop producing companies.

Most Importantly

You are never the sole source of information someone needs to make a judgement on a purchase. I don't care if you work at a game store, or whatever, your review isn't worth paying you the $.01 for my page view if you haven't written it well. You are NOT bigger than the game. I wish I could go to all these game magazine and ram that down each and every writer's throats out there. Most of these so-called "professionals" have developed such inflated egos it's a wonder they even bother writing reviews for us lowly normal people.

More important to a potential game buyer isn't the fact that you're spectacular or sensational, rather, being HONEST about a game is the most important thing.

These "professional" reviewers would have you believe every word they say because "they are right." Well, don't listen to them. Listen to me, and others like me because "we're honest." If the game sucks, we aren't getting any advantage out of saying otherwise, so we'll tell you the truth. I try and make my reviews well written, entertaining, informative, and most importantly, hype-free, and 100% truthful.

Do the same, and you'll be an advisor here in no time flat.

My Review Of the New Mountain Dew Drink

With all the buzz on the 'net around the announcement of Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback, some additional information has come to light by way of an alternate take on the label design and packaging.

Per some forum members at BevNET involved with Pepsi sales, we know that the retro flavors will be arriving in regular 20 oz. bottles with new labels. The Pepsi bottle uses the imprinted 'wave' pattern we first saw with the redesign of the Diet Pepsi line and introduction of Diet Pepsi Max in 2007.

Meanwhile, the Dew bottle maintains its vertical 'swirl' pattern. We saw these being used heavily last summer with the "DEWmocracy 3"... Mountain Dew Supernova, Mountain Dew Revolution, and Mountain Dew Voltage (by the way, Voltage won that vote).

Of interest, however, is that the label design might not follow the previous images filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. An internal promotional piece of artwork shared with the Pepsi Bottling Group illustrates a completely different look.

The Pepsi bottle showcases the logo design used from 1973-91, with the Pepsi font in non-italic sitting inside the two halves of what we now refer to as the Pepsi Globe. The light, baby blue color also makes a return as an accent in the background, which is prominently white, split between a red and blue bar. It's very 80s feeling, taking on the red/white/blue color scheme that Pepsi was known for before they claimed "blue" as their official color in 1998.

The label has a weathered look, reflecting the ****used during the Pepsi Retro campaign in Mexico last year. The phrase "Made with Real Sugar" adorns the top of the label, with "Refreshingly Retro" and "Limited Time Offer" in smaller print on the bottom. In fact, the "Refreshingly Retro" tagline seems to be something that Pepsi is running with here, given that it's the title of this trade piece. The last time Pepsi did a retro-themed bottle design for a mainstream product was 2004's Pepsi Holiday Spice, which was favorable accepted for its look, but apparently didn't sell well enough to warrant its return.

On the Mountain Dew side of things, we see a return to the 'box' logo used throughout the 1970s/80s. It has a bit of a rounded top/bottom to it, but still remains the logo most folks would remember (and references Pepsi's trademark filing for the Throwback lineup).

Instead of using the references Pepsi's trademark filing previously-noted font for "Throwback" which we saw with the patent office submission - which seemed to be the same font used in the controversial new Pepsi logo - PepsiCo has gone with more of a cartoony, upper-case font to denote "Throwback" under the traditional Dew logo. It's not a very integrated way to do it, but for the customer that this product is targeting, it probably doesn't matter. Like its Pepsi sibling, the phrase "Made with Real Sugar" adorns the top of the label, with "Refreshingly Retro" and "Limited Time Offer" sitting below the logo.

It should be noted that the bottom of the information provided to the Pepsi Bottling Group regarding the design of the Throwback products have the following disclaimer: "Visuals are directional only. Final executions may vary." So this might not be the final artwork. We will see!

Per a report by Serious Eats, the pricepoint for both of these products will be the same as regular high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) sweetened Pepsi and Dew. Their availability will be from April 20-June 13, which gives you just 54 days to enjoy sugar-sweetened goodness in these beverages. Is it any coincidence that the availability of these drinks just happens to be around Passover, traditionally the time when both Kosher Coke and Kosher Pepsi have been previously available? Hmmm....

One of the other questions being raised about these two new products is what kind of sugar is being used. For example, Jones Soda now headlines their products as being "Pure Cane Soda", listing "inverted cane sugar" as the primary sweetener in the ingredients. This has sparked some conflict as well regarding just what is considered "sugar" these days. In the case of the Pepsi Throwback and Mountain Dew Throwback lines, is pure cane sugar going to be used (which is preferred by beverage enthusiasts)? Or will beet sugar, which is cheaper and pulled from sugar beets, not exactly on the same level as cane sugar. These questions remain to be answered as we await this HFCS-free line of limited edition drinks.

( My Thought )

OK i whent to the gas sation to Pick Up the New Mountain Dew as i drink it seem Dif with the Tase Becase of the New Natural Suger is in it. the only dif i can tell is the tase of the Mountain Dew and Less Suger Rush to drink it. Mostly the dink not bad the only dif is the Soidum And Super G has changes, Now the New Mountain Has Little Less.As you Can Tell the Mountain Dew Logo is the Old School Retro 70's Look. The Drink is Not bad but i still like the Oringal Drink then this One with New Suger in it.