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DaMonkeyAttack Blog

My New Ndsi And a Yummy Starbuck Drink

I did get my Ndsi Last night at Midnight around 12 am and didnt whent to bed till like 3 in the morining since i been playing on it the whole time. I mean this New Dsi Is Bad Ass i cant wait for the More Update and hope they Acutally Put Yahoo Messanger on it then it be Lot cooler to have. In anything the Desgin Of it is very simple and i like there is 2 camura which make it fun to Use around Place and take pic and make it as a pic is show every time you start your Ndsi. I hope the new update will be Lot better then right now which WarioWare: Snapped! which i give it a bad Review. But anyway that what happen this Day * Drink His Caffè Misto/Café Au Lait* Good Coffe.

Oh no my old Ds Broke

I was playing pokemon, Yeah Laugh at me.... Anyway i open the screen since it was the first ds the handle of the holding the screen broke but No Worry * hold Up Gorilla Super Glue* Mahahah i got it fix and yeah this Glue is Bad Ass.

Fears of a Conficker Meltdown Greatly Exaggerated

Worries that the notorious Conficker worm will somehow rise up and devastate the Internet on April 1 are misplaced, security experts said Friday.

Conficker is thought to have infected more than 10 million PCs worldwide, and researchers estimate that several million of these machines remain infected. If the criminals who created the network wanted to, they could use this network to launch a very powerful distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack against other computers on the Internet.

April 1 is the day that the worm is set to change the way it updates itself, moving to a system that is much harder to combat, but most security experts say that this will have little effect on most computer users' lives.

Nevertheless, many people are worried, according to Richard Howard, director of iDefense Security Intelligence. "We have been walking customers down from the ledge all day," he said. Often, the problem has been that company executives have read reports of some April 1st incident and then proceed to "get their IT and security staffs spun up," Howard said in an e-mail interview.

That hype will probably intensify when the U.S. TV newsmagazine 60 Minutes airs a report Sunday on Conficker, entitled "The Internet is Infected."

Conficker "could be triggered, maybe on April 1st ... but no one knows whether on April 1st they'll just issue an instruction that says 'Just continue sitting there' or whether it will start stealing our money or creating a spam attack," CBS reporter Lesley Stahl said in a preview interview ahead of the show. "The truth is, nobody knows what it's doing there."

April 1 is what Conficker researchers are calling a trigger date, when the worm will switch the way it looks for software updates. The worm has already had several such trigger dates, including Jan. 1, none of which had any direct impact on IT operations, according to Phil Porras, a program director with SRI International who has studied the worm.

"Technically, we will see a new capability, but it complements a capability that already exists," Porras said. Conficker is currently using peer-to-peer file sharing to download updates, he added.

The worm, which has been spreading since October of last year, uses a special algorithm to determine what Internet domains it will use to download instructions.

Security researchers had tried to clamp down on Conficker by blocking criminals from accessing the 250 Internet domains that Conficker was using each day to look for instructions, but starting April 1, the algorithm will generate 50,000 random domains per day -- far too many for researchers to connect with.

Gradually, the Conficker network will get updated, but this will take time, and nothing dramatic is expected to happen on April 1, according to Porras, Howard, and researchers at Secureworks and Panda Security.

"There is no clear evidence that the Conficker botnet will do anything dramatic," said Andre DiMino, cofounder of The Shadowserver Foundation, a volunteer security group. "It will change its domain usage to the larger pool and may attempt to drop another variant, but so far, that's about it."

"Regular users just need to be sure they are patched and be extra diligent about possible new methods of infection."

Game Review Mind Block

Couple Days i been posting about 2 Review a Day Allmost ( yeah that alot but heck its worth it ) it just feel i dont even post sense of video game i have for a while. it fell i dont even get my point of the game i play to say in the topic. It like i have a Big Mind Block that is Blocking everything i whant to say but i cant even think what i was goina say. Urrg i hate this.

I Hate Monday Post 1: Ehh SO SO Day

I have been Downloading some SOng to my Stepmania in my system and my theme and Characterand my firefox keep crashing as eck, But anyway i have been getting more video on my youtube name and trying to get people to add me on there youtube name. As last night i did get a Tos Warring for a mistake of typing i have say about a program for a psp which is not Psp sony so have lose not point or get sup so i will be here as allways. thanks for reading and there be More info ir have next monday with my New NDsi system and give it a rateing of the system and otther thing.


this suck when you have to wait next sunday just to get the New Dsi, Urrg its a Pain in the butt, i shoud just buy the one in japan and just get it to me becase it has english in the game for the japanese Ndsi, Oh well i have to save the money and get my Ndsi On the sunday i mostly hate. oh now im goina post every day on here what im thinking and my famous ( well not realy but i did it on 1.up sometime) the : I hate Monday Blog ( laugh*) it be saying what going on in my life. thanks for reading

Me a illiterate ?

I was posting about a lit of game that would be cool to have on psp and this one A** hole called Me illiterate which is from wiki

The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to read, write, listen, and speak.In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level adequate for communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society, so as to take part in that society.

or as in the dictionary

illiterate - 5 results
   /ɪˈlɪtərɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-lit-er-it] Show IPA


1.unable to read and write: an illiterate group.
2.having or demonstrating very little or no education.
3.showing lack of culture, esp. in language and literature.
4.displaying a marked lack of knowledge in a particular field: He is musically illiterate.

-noun illiterate person.

oooh this piss me off soo bad.. I hate people who judges people with bad grammer problem. they have there own right to speak and type the h*ll they whant. if they dont like it then Dont post something Mean to them.

trade in 3 game to get kill zone for psp

Yeah i traded 3 of my psp game for this game and i got 17.95 for my 3 game so i had to get 2 doller i had and some changes to get the kill zone game so here the game i trade off

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ( Since i have 2 Copy )

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo (SUCCCK)

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

KillZone online Username : darkpysic

THinking of my Own Website

As the title Say it All. I was thinking makeing my Own Website, Something Simple and no im not Useing any the free Website that out there. This mean im makeing it myslef so it goina take a While to make it but i have made 2 new blog which are just my simple blog and a facebook username so i can Post Lot of suff and get more Fan, I think i have a myspace account but i think im not goina make one since i hate that Bloody Website and the hacker in the place. Well here the list and enjoy it.