Ya i'm not trading in games anymore either, I used to trade in a lot and now all i'm left with is Mass Effect 2 which is a great game and i'm glad I didn't have to trade it in the other day. I walked into blockbuster with it and found out that they have like so many of the games that I want to play in stock for rent, like almost 5+ of each game(they upgraded their stock)so I ended up buying the one month rental plan for 24 bucks. So this way I kept my Mass Effect 2 and now i'm playing Bioshock 2, gonna play AC2, Bayonetta, etc all for 24 bucks. That's a good deal except I won't be able to keep the games but once i'm done with it I usually won't play through those games again anyway so it's all good.
Dabbagins' forum posts
After playing Red Faction:Guerrilla last year, which was a terrible game imo..I stopped playing all together for almost a year. Got bored of my 30 inch tv as well and there weren't any games out that I wanted to play at the time so I just moved on to playing poker full time. I'm 30 now and I'm back playing video games again with a brand new 47 inch 1080p hdtv which I just bought this month. So it's good to be back even though most of the games I'm playing at the moment are all sequels to games that came out 2-3 years ago...but then again they're improved sequels. ME2, B2, i'm gonna play AC2 as well which I heard is a much improved version than the first repetitive one. So it's good to be back, gonna buy a ps3 as well in a few months, was gonna buy it next month but my car broke down so I gotta pay for that instead.
I played the single player first for a few levels then jumped into the multiplayer. Both are great but when I play the single player I just can't put it down cause it's so much fun. Also imo playing as a big daddy is much funner than the guy that was in the original Bioshock cause of the drill.
I'll rather trade in my games than sell it online cause if you sell it online you gotta wait for someone to buy it, when I trade it in i'm playing the game I wanna play the exact same day. I usually go to Blockbuster to trade in my games they give me atleast half of what I paid for like 30-35 bucks for pretty new games. Not bad.
Well I played with real money again a few days ago and I was doing good but eventually lost however much I was playing with. My brother negotiates with me all the time when he deposits money online he tells me if I take him to work(works in downtown,la) that he would let me play a bit with his deposit. So I usually fall for it and end up playing and getting pissed when I take bad beats. I don't think i'll ever completely stop playing though, right now i'm playing online with play money as I write this but I haven't been playing as much as I used to, got back into playing video games so I spent most of my time playing that. But like someone else wrote above it's just good to do both. Play video games and poker so I'm doin that as well, more video games than poker though right now.
Edit: I just won with the nuts.lol
If it turns out to be fact then i'm easily playing it on the ps3. I do want to play it on the 360 though so hopefully it's just a rumor.
Assassins creed 2 or Bioshock 2 will be the next 2 games I will most probably play so I'm hyped for those 2. Besides that I'm hyped about finally getting a ps3 next month and playing games like God Of war 3, FFXIII(I'll be playing it on the 360), MGS4, uncharted 1 and 2, Resistance 1 and 2, so ya I'm hyped for a lot of games even though some of them are already out but I am yet to play them like AC2 and MGS4.
I found this site http://www.soundtrack.net/albums/database/?id=4170 where the Oblivion soundtrack is on sale for 10 bucks. I want to buy it but does anyone know of a site where I can just download the music for free? I love the music of Oblivion and I'll spend 10 bucks on it it's cool but if someone knows of a site where I can download it for free I'll take that option instead.
Edit: Nevermind, I'm listening to it on youtube.
I can't wait to play this damn game!
I don't see the point of online poker since you there's really no human interaction.... also play money really takes away the fun of high-stakes gambling (even if we're only playing for like 5 bucks or something)hamstergeddonI play 25/50 and 100/200 with play money. It's fun to me, everyone plays wild kamikaze style. It's entertaining.
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