@Pyrosa: you give them too much credit and you're making assumptions. Also every platform has similar percentage taxes, Epic is just trying to play the good guy as they slowly create the real monopoly. Fortnite has done nothing but get publishers more motivated to change everything into games as service garbage that they can milk to death, as well as take attention away from every other game put there. It's created this toxic one game to rule them all mentality that's incredibly damaging to the industry. All those potential positives you mentioned mean nothing if the whole industry switches to a handful of games as service models which ruin gaming on every level. You have no idea how horrible this is for developers who are constantly overworked to keep up with updates and patches for these games.
The move is illogical, they've been so successful for so long, selling out will only draw ire from players.
Fortnite is the worst thing to happen to gaming for as long as I can remember, it has done so much damage to the gaming industry in multiple ways. The money it just prints out has given Epic Games too much power, which they abuse more and more. I didn't thing I could happen any publisher more than Activision.
You really love hating on things people love. So much of the bs in this article only proves you're angry just for the sake of it even when it's not justified and ignores details that make your complaints ridiculous. Why do they pay you again?
Daian's comments