I like Tom but even if it may be overrated, it's not THAT overrated. I don't remember the last time he agreed with the general opinion about a game.
They just keep sounding like bumbling idiots. One idiot says something, next day somebody else says the opposite.
Mario gets his derrier kissed far too much, many games can't take a damn thing from Mario and apply it within their game.If you wanna make a cute platformer, Mario is the golden standard, if you wanna make anything else, look elsewhere.
Well no kidding, the game was listed with GTX 780 as recommend (lolwut), that's insane, that's super high end tech. Obviously they're gonna be lower, the specs that is.
@GOGOHeadray They made some great games, they just spent way too much making them, poor management is the issue with them.
@hippiesanta everybody knew the type of game this would be and yet some are bitching about it, including her. So senseless.
Daian's comments