@matty_6666: I don't think you understand how unions work. It doesn't matter that this isn't about them, they need to respect the strike in support of the people who actually need this strike to obtain a sustainable career and stop AI from replacing real human workers.
Unions are about unity, it's kinda self-explanatory.
@firedrakes: you people are hilariously delusional about who the Hollywood "elites" are. Most actors and writers aren't remotely wealthy and are barely scraping by in some cases because the real elites aka studios take most of the money being made while your so called elites take scraps.
This strike isn't about Matt Damon and RDJ and so on who make millions, they're merely respecting their union's orders. This is about the 99% that need sustainable careers within this industry or else everything will start falling apart.
Oh and also AI is being used to replace real human workers already. So there's that "little" problem to take care of. Have some empathy, this isn't the rich vs the rich.
@Sushiglutton: You're trivializing the situation which is nowhere near that simple. You're imagining a bunch of rich people fighting over a fortune when this really is more about the 99% of people that work on your entertainment that aren't remotely wealthy and just want this business to remain sustainable for everyone instead of all the money going to studios while they struggle to make ends meet.
On top of that the most worrying problem they're trying to tackle is the usage of AI to replace real human workers which has already begun. If you consume entertainment in any way shape or form you should care because this will lead to everything being soulless garbage written and made by AI instead of actual human beings that can support their families working in this business.
Would it kill ya to cover a story about her trauma as a victim of domestic abuse without bringing up something unrelated just because?
I hope you never have to experience domestic abuse, you'd learn how emotionally damaging and traumatic it is and how insensitive and disrespectful this article is.
Daian's comments