@darthrevenx: lol man, 10 doesn't imply flawless, nothing is flawless, it's one minor occasional issue, you nitpicky people that obsess over review scores are hilarious.
@7tizz: no, they don't, the 3rd party devs release this information about the 2 consoles and it's always in favor of PS4 due to its superior hardware. It is what is and people get butthurt about it so fanboys keepbringing it up even though they don't grasp the complexity of graphics and how the framerate means nothing when it comes to how the game actually looks. You can make any crappy looking game run at 60 fps, doesn't make it any better. Devs have to make a choice depending on how much high framerates matter, in a twitch FPS like CoD 60fps makes a difference in multiplayer, in a cinematic game like this 30 fps actually feels better.
@ALLIAMOS: they can make a crappy looking Zelda running at that speed and that resolution, it doesn't mean a damn thing if the textures, effects and so on are trash.
@redalert539: more power means actual support from other publishers and more than cartoonish kiddie games. As much as you hate to admit it better tech gives devs more breathing room both creatively and technically.
Daian's comments