@ggaming72: "Druckmann went on to reveal that Uncharted 4 also features a white character played by a black actor." Calm the f down lol.
"Druckmann went on to reveal that Uncharted 4 also features a white character played by a black actor."Well there you go, "controversy" over, the just picked the voice not other irrelevant details.
It's still bs that they scraped the actual sequel and left only a multiplayer component for full price.
Is he really that oblivious that he's selling an incomplete game to everyone that doesn't pre-order or is he just full of bs?
Well there a few questionable decisions (Rocket League losing best multiplayer to Splatoon? Really?) but at least the big one was right and Greg Miller won over those other "trending gamers" (random category name of the year).
Daian's comments