@Triton: honestly resolution issues are a bit more complicated but in the case of framerate if you can't tell the difference between 60 and 30 it means you are most likely blind.
Pretty much what one would expect from this game, a lot of mindless, insane, destructive fun.
Just Cause never has a good story, it's very self aware of how cheesy and ridiculous it is (somewhat similar to Saints Row), and it's way more fun than most pretentious games these days, so this review is mostly on point.
@gamingfan: not even remotely close, and grind is a cheap, lazy design choice to make the game seem longer than it actually is. Not one quest in W3 was identical to another, not one moment felt redundant, this on the other hand seems to suffer from the horribly repetitive grind that most JRPGs suffer from.
@RogerioFM: Newest one I played was The Last Remnant, I was excited at first but midway through I just wanted the damn thing to be over. So tiresome and boring, that's just lazy game design. I lost most interest in JRPGs after that, most start feeling like work sooner or later.
@gamingfan: I don't require any, you on the other hand require to know that Witcher 3 lasts 150-200 hours, and without mindless grind like in this. F4 I extremely overrated but even I know that's a big game too.
@blackamerica: considering they were the ones that supported streaming to a different device from the get go that statement is just plain dumb. I can't sugarcoat it, that's about the nicest way I can say it.
Daian's comments