@not_a_sheep111: i fail to see how stating the truth is trolling but whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.
I don't get why people are complaining about it being multiplayer only, sure I'd love single player campaign but the series was always multiplayer only.
@silversix_: nothing is a bad as Destiny. I'd even play CoD over Destiny and it hurts me to say that.
@davidsworld3: a few months? How is that not enough, how many single player games to you play for months?
@BradBurns: more like Xbox 420 because clearly they're smoking something over there judging by how chaotically they pick names.
"At the end of the day, a console is a high-powered PC that sits in your living room,""At the end of the day, a console is a decently powered but severely limited PC that sits in your living room," There, I fixed it.PS. Apple will never make consoles, they only sell overpriced tech and nobody will buy 1000$ consoles, at that point you might as well get a PC.
Daian's comments