@GOGOGOGURT Its a war that will never end with people and Microsoft. Microsoft gets exclusives; people get pissed off, MS doesnt have enough exclusives; people get pissed off, MS releases a machine that does every thing from TV and gaming; people get pissed off, MS releases a machine that just does gaming; people think that its not different enough, ect, ect gah! people are so annoying -_-"
@meatz666 From what Ive read is that you get way better gaming performance when you install the game directly to the HDD. Like you can cut load times in half
@2bitSmOkEy @JohnCro @arrow2thekneeXD Cuz you know MS totally wants to watch you sit on you're couch and eat potato chips while you play video games... must be priority #1 on the list of evil mischief by Microsoft.
@DefconRave Wow that has never ever happened to any indie developers EVER! well except for submitting apps on the App Store or Windows phone store or the Windows 8 store or the Blackberry store or the XBLA Store, and many many others.
Danny_KickAzz's comments