@lilnazar Its funny when people go bananas for the most innocent post update by Microsoft... I swear at this point their can be a Gamespot post that says "Microsoft Saved a Puppy and kitten shelter from a Fire!" and people will some how tie in how its a greater plot for MS to use the saved fuzzy animals to sacrifice them to the devil. Or how its related to used game fees SMH
@Adavanter Not sure why your fearing so much that you think MS is gonna screw up the Halo series... Every Halo game has been a hit! (besides halo wars which was a hit but not at the same degree) Even the anime series and the halo forward unto dawn was amazing and made stellar sales! and the new Halo TV series is being directed by Steven Spielberg not M. NightShalimon I can go as far as I trust MS will make good decisions.
@HowlPendragon @Danny_KickAzz I may follow the same route... But IMO its best to hold off judgment till ALL of the cards are on the table. Every thing is still hazy about the used games, and other annoying quirks...
@Gatts1978 Gonna get an Xbox One at launch guaranteeing that. Dont care what the bitching kids in the comment section have to say about that! after a couple of months I may pick up a PS4 as a factory re-furbish.
@HowlPendragon It all seems sketchy at this point since Sony doesn't wanna share details on the used games matter. At this point it seems like used games wont be worth it anymore.
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