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Dark-prince619 Blog

Top Idiots!

Meet the crazy rabbit:


Carefulle! he can be annoying :|

speaking of rabbits, the last game was won by Blade_anime! congrats man,you owned the game :D

oh yeah while you at it....viste the Blue Ball Machine :|


Top Idiots!


Idiot # 1

I am a medical student currently doing a rotation in toxicology at the poison control center. Today, this woman called in very upset because she caught her little daughter eating ants. I quickly reassured her that the ants are not harmful and there would be no need to bring her daughter into the hospital.

She calmed down, and at the end of the conversation happened to mention that she gave her daughter some ant poison to eat in order to kill the ants. I told her that she better bring her daughter into the Emergency room right away.

Here's your sign lady. Wear it with pride.

Idiot # 2

Seems that a year ago, some Boeing employees on the airfield decided to steal a life raft from one of the 747s. They were successful in getting it out of the plane and home.

When they took it for a float on the river, a Coast Guard helicopter coming towards them surprised them. It turned out that the chopper was homing in on the emergency locator beacon that activated when the raft was inflated.

They are no longer employed at Boeing. Here's your sign guys. Don't get it wet, the paint might run.

Idiot # 3 - A true story out of San Francisco

A man, wanting to rob a downtown Bank of America, walked into the branch and wrote "This is a stick up. Put all your muny in this bag."

While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he began to worry that someone had seen him write the note and might call the police before he reached the teller's window. So he left the Bank of America and crossed the street to Wells Fargo.

After waiting a few minutes in line, he handed his note to the Wells Fargo teller. She read it and, surmising from his spelling errors that he wasn't the brightest light in the harbor, told him that she could not accept his stickup note because it was written on a Bank of America deposit slip and that he would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo deposit slip or go back to Bank of America.

Looking somewhat defeated, the man said, "OK" and left. He was arrested a few minutes later, as he was waiting in line back at Bank of America.

Don't bother with this guy's sign. He probably couldn't read it anyway.

Idiot # 4

A motorist was unknowingly caught in an automated speed trap that measured his speed using radar and photographed his car. He later received in the mail a ticket for $40 and a photo of his car.

Instead of payment, he sent the police department a photograph of $40.

Several days later, he received a letter from the police that contained another picture, this time of handcuffs.

He immediately mailed in his $40.

Another sign (though this guy might be onto something worth thinking about)!

Idiot # 5

Guy walked into a little corner store with a shotgun and demanded all the cash from the cash drawer. After the cashier put the cash in a bag, the robber saw a bottle of scotch that he wanted behind the counter on the shelf.

He told the cashier to put it in the bag as well, but the cashier refused and said, "Because I don't believe you are over 21." The robber said he was, but the clerk still refused to give it to him because he didn't believe him.

At this point the robber took his driver's license out of his wallet and gave it to the clerk.
The clerk looked it over, and agreed that the man was in fact over 21 and he put the scotch in the bag.

The robber then ran from the store with his loot. The cashier promptly called the police and gave the name and address of the robber that he got off the license. They arrested the robber two hours later.

Remind me to have more signs printed up. Give this guy his!

Idiot # 6

A pair of Michigan robbers entered a record shop nervously waving revolvers. The first one shouted, "Nobody move!" When his partner moved, the startled first bandit shot him.

This guy doesn't need a sign, he probably figured it out himself.

Idiot # 7

Arkansas: Seems this guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it over his head at the window.

The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. Seems the liquor store window was made of Plexi-Glass. The whole event was caught on videotape.

Oh, that smarts. Give him his sign!

Idiot # 8

Ann Arbor: The Ann Arbor News crime column reported that a man walked into a Burger King in Ypsilanti, Michigan at 12:50 A.M., flashed a gun and demanded cash.

The clerk turned him down because he said he couldn't open the cash register without a food order. When the man ordered onion rings, the clerk said they weren't available for breakfast. The man, frustrated, walked away.

Please note that these people are allowed to vote!



the answer to your question is,no. you don`t have to read them all >___>


thats it for now......oh I almost forgot!



:lol: have anice day :P


The one....The only....Chuck Norris!!!

And the Oscar award for the best motion picture goes to.......


a movie based on a famous quote spoken by a true hero....

ITS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!*crushs scouter*vegeta


Coming to your nearest theater...


The one....The only....Chuck Norris!!!


Chuck Norris does not wear a condom. Because there is no such thing as protection from Chuck Norris.

When the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

The best part of waking up, is not Folgers in your cup, but knowing that Chuck Norris didn't kill you in your sleep.

Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass.... At night.

Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk.... When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story:...Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.

Nagasaki never had a bomb dropped on it. Chuck Norris jumped out of a plane and punched the ground.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

Chuck Norris has two speeds....Walk, and Kill.

Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting.... CHUCK NORRIS GOES KILLING.

Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light on.... Not becauseChuck Norrisafraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.


so be thankfull that Chuck Norris didn`t kill you yet.... >__>


*pokes chu* :P

Have a nice day! :D


I was wondering......

This song.....


.....I drive old people crazy singing to this song with random wordz! :lol:



I was wondering....


ever heared of a site called gaiaoneline ?

If no,than its a virtual world where you can create your own character, dress it up with thousands of items, play games, chat, start a blog and have fun! Visit the link below to check it out :


If yes....than PM your user name so I can add you >__>


Yeah I know...I have nothing to write about.....btw,I wont be here for a while so...sorry if I haven`t checked your blogs...


Phishing the Phisher.....

LAB | Mathieu Badimo :


OMG this place is fun! so many thing to do here.....its like theMATRIX or something .... :o

Mathieu Badimo


Phishing The Pisher :


An allegedly true story from the Futeremark forums,Let this be a lesson to all the wanna-be thieves -- choose your marks carefully....

br0kenrabbit: hi

Greg_ValveOLS: good evening

br0kenrabbit: What's ip?

br0kenrabbit: up?

Greg_ValveOLS: my name is greg a member of the valve online Support team

br0kenrabbit: On MSN?

Greg_ValveOLS: yes :)

br0kenrabbit: Why?

Greg_ValveOLS: we logged multiple ips from your account and ned to verifi your information

br0kenrabbit: My information?

Greg_ValveOLS: we believe someone may have stolen your account mmmm you havent shared youre account infomation with anyone have you?

br0kenrabbit: No. I don't even have it written down.

Greg_ValveOLS: hmmm maybe a keylogger on you r PC then maybe you need a format?

br0kenrabbit: Well...

Greg_ValveOLS: if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. :)

br0kenrabbit: Well...

Greg_ValveOLS: dont worry this connect it secure

br0kenrabbit: Can I be honest with you, Greg?

Greg_ValveOLS: k

br0kenrabbit: Look, I don't know how you go this MSN account name, don't really care, either.

br0kenrabbit: Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you'll see.

Greg_ValveOLS: huh?

Greg_ValveOLS: bs

br0kenrabbit: Trace it.

Greg_ValveOLS: how

br0kenrabbit: Start/run/cmd type Tracert and then my IP address and hit enter.

Greg_ValveOLS: oh k

br0kenrabbit: As an employee, I know that Valve employees will NEVER contact users over MSN. I also know a valve employee will NEVER ask a user for his/her username and password.

br0kenrabbit: I'm putting a temporary hold on your Steam account.

Greg_ValveOLS: why?

br0kenrabbit: Have you read the ToS?

Greg_ValveOLS: Tod?

Greg_ValveOLS: tos

br0kenrabbit: terms of service

Greg_ValveOLS: were?

br0kenrabbit: Greg, this is a serious infraction against the Tos. You are at risk of losing your account.

Greg_ValveOLS: why

br0kenrabbit: I just told you why

Greg_ValveOLS: :(

br0kenrabbit: I need some information from you if you want me to unlock you account. I'm going to write you up but I will only suspend you account for three days, since this is your first infraction, okay?

Greg_ValveOLS: k

br0kenrabbit: First, what is the name the account is registered to. Not the user name, the persons real name who created the account. This is for verification purposes.

Greg_ValveOLS: ****** (lets just leave like that :wink: )

br0kenrabbit: Is this you?

Greg_ValveOLS: ya

br0kenrabbit: Are you the only user of this account?

Greg_ValveOLS: ya

br0kenrabbit: Okay, and what is the username

Greg_ValveOLS: *******

br0kenrabbit: Okay.

br0kenrabbit: I see you have purchased a few of our games, thank you. :)

Greg_ValveOLS: some. dude

br0kenrabbit: Do you always log on from the same IP?

Greg_ValveOLS: ya

br0kenrabbit: And who is your internet providers, your ISP?

Greg_ValveOLS: ******

br0kenrabbit: Thank you. One moment, please, let me verify this information.

Greg_ValveOLS: am i gonna be bale to play 2nite?

br0kenrabbit: What is your city of residence?

br0kenrabbit: That depends on if you cooperate. You're doing fine so far.

Greg_ValveOLS: *****

br0kenrabbit: Illinios?

Greg_ValveOLS: yes

br0kenrabbit: Okay. And what is the password associated with this account?

Greg_ValveOLS: ******

br0kenrabbit: Okay. Do not try to log into steam. If you are connected now you need to log off.

Greg_ValveOLS: why

br0kenrabbit: So I can update your account.

Greg_ValveOLS: can I play 2 nite

Greg_ValveOLS: clan fight

Greg_ValveOLS: wont win without me heh

br0kenrabbit: Heh. You'll have to wait a few minutes. Are you logged off?

Greg_ValveOLS: ya

br0kenrabbit: Okay. Give me just a moment.

br0kenrabbit: Try to log in now.

Greg_ValveOLS: k

Greg_ValveOLS: It says login failed wtf wtf!!@?

br0kenrabbit: Greg

Greg_ValveOLS: did u ban me???????????>WHY

br0kenrabbit: Greg

Greg_ValveOLS: what

br0kenrabbit: Valve will never ask for your username and password.

Greg_ValveOLS: what????

br0kenrabbit: I don't work for Valve dude, but you just got pwnt.

Greg_ValveOLS: omg dude wtf why?

br0kenrabbit: Why were you trying to steal my account?

Greg_ValveOLS: i wanst

br0kenrabbit: Then why were you asking for my information?

Greg_ValveOLS: i was just making a joke but not cerious honest dude just give
my acount back pllllleeease i'm only 13 and save d up for like a year to buy it

br0kenrabbit: Greg

Greg_ValveOLS: dude please

Greg_ValveOLS: what?

br0kenrabbit: Go mow some yards, b!tch :D

{End of convo}



I KNOW you didn`t read that......lazy bums >__>


Well thats it for now.....oh and remember.....


Rule number 1

:P Have a nice day.....


I wish.......

....I wish my eyes would go like this >_>......No matter how hard I try I can`t do it....its killing me!*Hits head on wall*

oh and I`m on level 20...yay.....

They didn`t study......

Flash of the day:

[spoiler] Man! I watched this over and over again :lol:

The world against one man!


They didn`t study:


These are some guys who failed in certin subjects in is why


He didn`t know the answerso he"littrary" explained what he is seeing :|

Oh dear...

:lol: I laughted so hard at this one :lol:

Find X

Well this guy is a genuis.... :P

there is an elphent in the way

I can`t believe he actually drew an elephent ! :lol:


This guy was he just drew batman :D


He didn`t know the he killed himself...:roll:


I`m suprised he wasn`t expeled for this :o


The blue is what the studant wrote......the red is what the teacher wrote.....he actually wanted to give him marks because he liked it :o


Thats the end of it....oh yeah...


time leaper


I had a better blog.....but my cat ate it.....

Proof that girls are EVIL :

[spoiler] EVIL [/spoiler]

Ever wanted to see the timeline of life?

[spoiler] yea yea..suprising as it is this one actually works.. :roll:

lifeline [/spoiler]

And speaking of my cats....


A cat listening to House Music :


A cat listening to Hip Hop Music :

hip hop

A cat listening to Metal music :


A cat listening to Stevie Wonder :


A cat listening to Alternative Rock :


A cat listening to Techno Music + Extasy :



Just so you know...the last one ate my blog.....blame her >__>

more of my crazy cats? :D


don`t wanna



U has smell

I needz



Push up


I has a hat


Well thats it...Oh...


stay out

No one will destroy this blog :evil:
