Chapter 2- Fading Memories
Kairi awoke form her vision. The breeze swept across her face gently. She thought about what might happen. Was Sora really falling from her? She knew she had to find him. But, she wasn't sure who's journey it was. But, things would come together again, and she wasn't about to give up now. Kairi stood. "We made it. Okay, now we just have to look. I'm not quite sure where it is, but the Castle is near. We need the King's help." She said. Tidus sat on the grass thinking. "We should split up. In groups of two. Or, maybe just into two groups." He said. "Right. But we need to find the castle first." She said. She looked around. "When we do find the castle, we will split up. Let's see. Wakka, Rikku, and Riku. Me, Yuna, and Tidus." She said. "Kairi, I want you to be with us. Plus, we need to find our friend together." Riku said. Kairi nodded. "Okay, then I'm with you guys, and Wakka, you are with Tidus and Yuna." She said. Wakka nodded. They walked across the fields looking for the castle. "Over there!" Yuna pointed. The Castle was sitting neatly on the hilltop. "Let's go!" Rikku said. The group ran to the castle. Max and Goofy were talking at the gates. "Kairi!" Goofy shouted. She ran up to him. "Sora is missing! The heartless are loose again! We have to find the door, and re-seal it." Kairi said quickly. They all ran up to the castle. They were all sitting in the Royal living room. Kairi had explained everything to Mickey, Max, Donald, Goofy, Minnie, and Daisy. "Well, we have to look for them then. Okay, since you have groups, then so will I. Goofy, Donald, you are with me. And, Max, sorry, but you must stay here with the girls." Mickey said. "But, Dad, will you come back?" he asked. Goofy nodded. "I promise son. I won't stay away for too long." He assured him. "Tidus, I'm sure you remember this from some time ago. I want you to take it on your journey." Mickey said. He handed Tidus a sword. It was crystal blue. "It's the one Wakka gave me. Brotherhood. It's been quite sometime since I've fought." He said. Mickey nodded. "Wakka, you have your blitzball. And Yuna, you have your staff. Now, for the next group." He said, his attention shifting towards them. "Riku, you can have the warrior's sword. Uh, Other Rikku, you have your grenades. Kairi, you have this." He said. He cast his hands towards her, and the kingdom keyblade appeared in her hands. Kairi`s eyes started to tear. Tidus went to her. "What's wrong Kat?" he asked. She wiped her eye. "It's just, I remember the day me and Sora opened the door. We both had a keyblade. Our destinies were inter-twined. So, now what? I don't know where he is, or if he is safe. And, I couldn't protect him like he always did for me." She sobbed. Tidus hugged her, and said, "We will find Sora Kat." Riku turned to face the valley. He looked back. "They're coming!" he shouted. Everyone was alerted. Kairi stood strong, and said, "If they will take me to Sora, then that's all I want." She said to herself. "C'mon Kairi!" Wakka shouted. She stood stiffly. She shook her head slowly. There was no time. The darkness covered the valley. Its shadow crept up the hillsides. It took Kairi with no trouble what so ever. The rest were running. "We can't fight it!" Riku said. He held Rikku, and tried his best to protect her. It may have only been a year since they met, but they were really close. In spite of his lost feelings for Kairi, he restored them with Rikku. He wasn't quite sure if he loved her or not, but it was pretty close to it. "Riku!" she shouted. He brought her closer to him. The shadow swept over them. It eclipsed the whole valley. All was lost. Except, Riku remained. He stood. He was wearing a dark and mysterious cloak. Two keyblades appeared in his hand. A voice said "To truly be a hero, you must sense the heartless. You shall be blinded until you defeat them." It said. He looked at his blades. They were The Oathkeeper, and the Kingdom Key. He listened carefully. Heartless were everywhere. Riku wanted to be serious. No more happy go lucky. He had to really buckle down. He swung the blades around, destroying all of the heartless. But they reappeared. He sensed the tall buildings around him. He decided to quickly jump up the front of one. Even though he was still fighting the evil heartless, he couldn't help but have that little smile on his face. He stood atop the building. What was this place? Why was he here? He sensed Sora inside of him. His figure changed. "What?" He saw Sora run up the side of the building. Riku's keyblades were gone. Sora was running. He had Oblivion in his left hand, and Oathkeeper in his right. He was running, faster, and faster. He threw a keyblade to Riku. Riku somehow could feel it. He dove off of the building. He caught Oblivion in his hand. He wisped past Sora. It was so unreal. What was happening? "Sora!" Riku shouted. Sora kept going into the endless sky. Riku just kept falling, not even trying to stop himself. Right before he hit the ground, he stopped. He was floating two inches from death. He realized that something had saved him. But what. He rested gently on the ground. He stared at the night sky. What a horrible time to see Sora. In the rain, at night, in the cold. Riku stood. "How is this real? It just, doesn't make sense at all." He thought.
Sora stood overlooking the forgotten lake. The world in which he was, the Forgotten world. A world between worlds. The darkness was everywhere. A figure walked out of the shadows. Its yellow eyes glowed. Sora just stared at the lake. He wasn't happy anymore. His world, was gone. His friends were nowhere to be found. He was depressed. The figure spoke. "Your Riku has a limited time to save you. Or, you will never see your world, your friends, or anything of the normal." Sora looked at him. "He will. I know Riku." He said solemnly. The figure chuckled. Sora had no smile on his face. "You'll see." Sora said.
18 months later.........
Kairi stood on the beach, wondering why she was once again in the same position. After two years, her hair had grown long and silky. It followed the swift ocean breezes, and she closed her eyes as it lifted every strand from her back. She walked across the shoreline, pressing each foot firmly against the damp sand. "Ouch!" she exclaimed. She knelt down to the ground, and examined the object she had stepped on. Small tears started to trickle down her cheek. She held a silver ring in her delicate hand. Kairi closed her eyes, and recalled the memory........
"Sora, come on! Riku wants us to go swimming with him!" Kairi shouted, her small voice echoing down the beach. Sora stood with his short fly-away hair blowing astray in the wind, with his hands behind his back. Kairi finally reached him. "Watcha got?" she asked sweetly. Sora held his little hand out to reveal the secret that was behind his back. "umm...this is For you." He said, his cheeks red with embarrassment. Kairi smiled. "It's beautifull" She giggled as she took the ring. "I know, let's bury this. And when we find it someday, that means that get to marry me!" she proclaimed. Sora scratched his head. "That's silly Kairi, we're only eight. But.....I promise that when we find it again, I'll marry you. Kay?" he said with a smile. Kairi nodded, and buried the ring deep in the sand. "Let's go swim with Riku!" she said finally. Sora smiled and took her hand. They took off running, their small feet carrying them swiftly across the beach.
Kairi's memory blurred. She smiled softly, and held the ring close to her chest. She gazed out at the sunset, hoping her little hero would be shooting down from the sky. Faint memories of being swallowed by the darkness still clouded her mind heavily. Why did they end up back where they started? She guessed that maybe it was Riku's journey to find Sora, wherever he was. Kairi collapsed to her knees, and began to cry. Her tear drops hit the sand softly. She wanted to run, but where? Where could she go? She was stranded on the island, and her beloved Sora was melting away from her slowly...
Riku stood atop the building, his hair blowing in the rainy breeze. Lulu approached him. Riku quickly turned to face her, and instantly sensed that she knew what was happening. "Where's Sora?" he asked. Lulu scraped the braids from her face with her long violet fingernails. "His heart is lost......something once very, very sweet, had become so bitter. He has become a shadow, searching for the light." she explained in a hushed voice. Riku turned away. "This place.....where are my friends? Where is Rikku?" he asked. Lulu reached into her pocket, and revealed black, hazy dust. She stretched her dainty hand out with her palm facing up, and with her other hand cast the dust towards it. A dark sphere slowly formed out of the dust. And he saw Rikku, trapped behind bars, screaming for help. "No!" Riku said, trying to reach for her. Lulu clasped the sphere, and pulled it away. "Sora has a certain amount of time in which to find his heart. But, Rikku also has a time limit to her rescue. So who will it be? Sora? Or Rikku?" she asked. Riku stared out into the blackness of the cold, eerie night. He had to choose. The love of his life.......or his best friend.
"Sora don't dawdle! We have work to do!" Luka said. Sora turned to face him. His darkened grey eyes stared at Luka. "Not now." He muttered. Luka rolled his eyes, and smoothened his cloak. "Very well." He agreed. Sora turned to face the ocean, and realized where he was. A dreary grey world in which he imprisoned himself. He pulled his hood back slowly, as if to get a better view at the lifeless water. "Kairi, where are you when I need you." He whispered into the wind. "A radiant light to shine the darkness away from my heart. I've now realized my fate. A washed-up has been hero who can't save the world again. Every day I think of you, those bright blue eyes....I could stare into them forever. I'm so sorry...because this time, I can't promise that I'll come back to you. My heart has shattered knowing that I will never see your face again." Sora sat on the black, mossy rock behind him. No tears would come to his eyes. Though he tried forcing them, nothing would come. He hated himself for his pride. Mister keyblade master is all he used to think about. The greedy and the boasting, their hearts shall be consumed by darkness. Sora knew this. He knew that was the reason he lost his heart. Another rule he knew very well.......within three hundred days if you shall fail to find your will perish.
The islands were silent. Sorrow and grieving had made it nearly impossible to smile or laugh. Once again, Kairi was on the shore gazing at the ocean. She stared thoughtfully at the full moon. This time, Riku would be the one to save Sora, and all Kairi could do, is wait. Kairi suddenly thought about wedding plans. Of course, she would wait awhile, after all, she was only sixteen. She thought about the day Sora would come home to her...the day her life would have meaning once again.
Riku sat on a park bench. The dead trees shook and rattled around him, as the chilly night air wisped by, causing him to shiver. He missed Rikku so much that he could hardly bear it. But, Sora saved him, so he had to return the favor. He would save them both somehow. Lulu returned to Riku, bringing the Oblivion chained to her wrist. "Who are you anyways?" Riku asked her. Lulu sighed heavily. "My name is Lulu. I am very close to Lady Summoner Yuna. As well as Tidus and Wakka. I'm sure someone must have told you about me. I helped Yuna on her Pilgrimage after all." She explained. Riku nodded. Lulu unclasped the keyblade from her wrist, and handed it to Riku. "Here, you may need this. You have only forty days to rescue Rikku." She said. Riku took the keyblade from her grasp. But before he could say another word, she snapped her fingers, and vanished....
P.S : lets see you say that was short now ,soulless :P
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