@PrpleTrtleBuBum: One of the decisions in 1 was broken also btw and so no matter what decision you made if you carried the save over into 2 then the game always no matter what thought you made bad decision. This never got fixed in any version either and couldn't be fixed by modders either. Believe it was the decision for Conroy (think that was his name the shepherd imposter) and it always thought when you transfered the save that you had let him go and not basically done anything involving him. This was actually a well known issue especially since his quest line also went all the way into 3. Apparently it had to do with the coding in 1 in which despite the game knowing the decision you made and giving Paragon or Renegade points to you regarding your choice it wasn't being saved in the system because there wasn't a Renegade line programmed in for it in the system (they admitted to this fault). I was hoping they fixed it in this legendary version honestly. Mainly becausehe was also programmed in 2 to have a different response and how he handled you if you had done the renegade decision in 1.
@nilsdoen: 1 is easily the best game I always felt compared to the other 2 especially if you love world building which back then Bioware was known for doing well since it was also the time of Dragon Age Origin.
@mogan: I would make the argument that in terms of lore that ME1 had the most and established the most things, I can understand the comment about skipping it for gameplay but the amount of lore thats covered in it that isn't touched on in the others kindof makes it something I wouldn't want to skip. They cover so much stuff in the encyclopedia and its all voiced to boot that I kindof just push through it for that stuff alone.
@smeashbandit: You are 100% on this about the information you provided. Looked up an article from Bioware themselves about this statement and they also said in the article that when PS5 supports it they will patch it to allow it to do that. The author needs to fix this in the article as its false advertising.
The cross save issue does sortof suck but honestly I don't know how many of my PS4 games I even plan to play on the PS5 and of those I do Mass Effect isn't really one I'll play again on the ps5. Other than graphics there is no benefit to playing it on a PS5 if you've already played it on the PS4 as their the same edition with the same things in them just looks a tad bit better. The matter would be different if we were making the argument involving the originals vs the legendary edition since the graphical changes are so incredibly dramatic but not for a ps4 vs ps5 argument here.
You're complaint about the chapters is kindof silly since its chapter layout is literally the exact same as Final Fantasy 7 Remake and you had no issues with that, in fact you praised it for having such a lay out despite various chapters being a slog and boring.
Skin wasn't hard to get in multiplayer itself. I have no clue how hard it was to get in warzone but you could've gotten it from playing either one doing challenges. I feel the mp ones were much easier especially since they had a mode dedicated to it basically. Took me basically a few hours of playing to get it with a ppsh.
DarkCaptain3's comments