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DarkNinja1994 Blog

Hare Hare Yukai: The song that never leaves your head!!!

Well, since I totally mastered Sailor Fuku Motteke (, I thought I'd give Hare Hare Yukai ( a shot. And yes, the English version!!!!! I'm so tired of you people complaining how the English version totally sucks just because it happens to sound different from the Japanese one. I'm not saying that it's annoying for you to like the Japanese version better, it's just annoying for you to complain about the English version ALL THE TIME!!! Did it ever occur to you that maybe some people get tired of reading subtitles all the time and would rather just listen to it? How are blind people supposed to enjoy anime if it's freaking Japanese?!? Crap, I was trying to avoid doing a rant today... Well, oh well. Anyway, Hare Hare Yukai is sorta of easier than Sailor Fuku Motteke because one, the lyrics actually make sense and don't sound like a drunk kindergartener on crack wrote them!!! XD And there is no part about disentagrating meteors forcing you to sing and dance. That's a big plus. Well anyway, I have pretty much the whole song down, but I only have the dance up until Kyon and Itzuki join them, so I think that's up until :35. I'm working on that part. Did anyone else noticed that Itzuki had a weird smile on his face throuought the whole part of the dance he was in? I've only seen the first episode of The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, so I was just wondering... does he always look like that?

Whatever happend to that one user...

I don't remember what her name was, but she was emo and often talked about suicide. She was on my friend's list at one time, but I think she removed herself. I remember her icon had a girl whose makeup was badly smeared and the icon said, "I'm such a mistake." I also remember in her "About Me" thing it said she was British or something and she was 13. I haven't heard from her in a long time, and I was just wondering... Did she kill herself?

Feel like I've been punched in the gut...

As you know, Cody and I were supposed to go to the movies sometime this week. I just got an IM for him saying that football season in Newcastle jsut started up, so he had to go back today, and that he was sorry and really wanted to o to the movies. It's not like it's his fault, but I still feel sad. :( But on the plus side, he said he might be coming back for Christmas break so he can come to my birthday party.

Back from B.'s

I spent the night at my pally B.'s last night. Her name is Savannah, but there are two of them in my social group, so we pretty much just refer to them as Savannah and B. First I had to watch the both of them plus Alec in their marching band practice, which was kinda sweet. The four of us are starting a band. I'm going to sing, B. is playing the Snare Drum, Savannnah is playing the Xylophone, and Alec is playing the Clarinet. What a fun band!!! :lol: And then me and B. went to a Youth Groupish sort of thing at this person's house and we ate hot dogs and hamburgers and watched the movie Jumper. The guy who played Griff sorta reminded me of L...

It's kind of assumed that Griff dies, because David pushed him into an electric wire thingy, but Griff seemed to be OK... No one really knows what happened to Griff. :? But he was my favorite, so he better not have died!!! Then we went back to her house. It was around 11 at this point, and her sis Melissa came to pick us up from the party. Melissa's the kind of person who likes to roll down the windows and blast the music... :| She sorta reminds me of my grandparents, the nice ones who don't make up rumors about me to tell their friends!!! Anyway, when they're driving through Indy, they roll down their windows and blare their music, only it's old people music from the 60's. :lol: My grandparents rock. So anyway, when we got back to B.'s, we played with her new wiener dog, Oscar, then we watched the Simpson's Movie and fell asleep. In the morning, we ate bacon, then me, B., and her little bro Devin (who is a giant flirt!) played the Sims 2 and massacred people until my dad came to pick me up and now here I am typing this...

First date, having jitters

OK, well it's still sort of a not date hanging out thing, but it could possibly turn into a date. :oops: Cody and I are going to go see the new Mummy movie at a date yet to be determined. At least I finally got the nerve up to ask him out... Sorta. Well I'm really excited about it!!! And also kinda jittery. WISH ME LUCK!!!!! :D

Back 2 school shopping.... BLEK!!!!!

Ehhhhhhhhh, Mom's taking me back 2 school shopping later........ BLEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate shopping for clothes!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to AnimeShowdown who thought I was a DUDE, I am not a DUDE! I AM A CHICK WHO HATES SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!! Me and Cody were ranting on IM about how much we hate shopping. He's a football player who loves fuzzy kittens and isn't afraid to say so. :D Well usually I just hate these shopping trips because Mom takes advantage of the moment to try and turn me into a girly girl, which I will NEVER be! I will always be a tomboy and I will always love anime and mangas more than I will clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if I'm not willing to conform into girliness, Mom gets mad and I have to spend an hour listening to one of her lectures about how I'm fortunate enough to even be going shopping with her and how some kids don't get to go shopping. Hell, she can take one of those kids with her! I complain about her and shopping so much that Dad offered to take me this year. That would be nice, but I had to decline because 1. Dad's sort of..... Embarassing, and 2. There are some things you can't take Dads shopping for.....

Gurren Lagann

This is a new anime on the Sci-Fi channel's AniMonday. So I watched it. IT WAS AWESOME!!! But you can tell by the way Yoko (redhead girl) is drawn that the creator is a dude, probably an unmarried middle aged one. My favorite character is Kanima (blue haired dude), but guess what? HE DIES!!! And like half way through the series! That's not even fair!!! If he would've lived, I would've supported KanimaxYoko, but no such luck. :( Simon's the main character (dude in the front), but who cares about him? LOL, just kidding. I like Simon.

Raising my score/My Inspiration

Well I've managed to earn back 15 points of 50 that those idiot Disney Groupees took off...

And now for my Inspiration. He's the reason I only write love fanfics, and also the reason why I write them so well. I LOVE YOU MY INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!!!

Giving dating advice to a football player...

Wow, I never thought I'd be doing this, but I'm giving dating advice to a football player. O_O Actually, it's my pally Ben from camp. If you dig through my blogs and find the one of our camp pic together, he's the dude in the Best Buddies blue circle. Anyway, Ben's this insanely hot (Just because I think he's hot doesn't mean I have a crush on him) football player who seems to have everything until you get to know him. He has no cell phone, no IM account, and just barely gets by with his myspace. Well, he met this girl at camp named Katie (not the creepy one in the pic) and she had this huge mondo crush on him, and he sorta liked her too. Only now he can't decide between her and Alyssa, this girl back home that he likes. I haven't seen her pic, but Bryson has and she says that she's pretty. Usually in the emails that are exchanged between Ben and I, they are filled with mean comments and name calling. That's how Ben and I bond. But lately we've been having more adult like conversations. Actually polite ones. I told him he should probably go with Alyssa because he sees her nearly everyday and stuff. I can't look at Ben's picture anymore without bursting out laughing because I had a dream about him a few nights ago that he made a wise crack about my dearly departed pal Jordan (hard to believe it's been over a month since he died) and I ripped of Ben's arms and beat him with them. And then I killed him by shoving his arm down his throat. :|

The best thing(s) happened to me today!!!

OK, so here's how my day, the best day ever, went.

I woke up this morning and my mom had made those delicious blueberry coffee cakes like we had at camp. And they were all for me!!! :o So I grabbed the whole pan and went into the sunroom and Mom said, "Here, I don't feel like watching Nash Bridges or Matlock or any kind of dramatic detective show this morning. Let's watch anime!" So then we watched a marathon of my stored up Inuyasha's. After that we went to the mall and I got loads of mangas and other random and probably useless anime merchandise. Then we came home for lunch and I had a grilled ham and mozzerrella cheese sandwich with a side of beef stew with shreded colby jack cheese in it with a plate full of sour cream and onion potato chips and a can of Pepsi, my favorite meal in the world!!! :D After lunch I logged on to and all those frigging Disney Groupees got banned and I was made editor of Spiral. And Brooke IMed me and told me she wa sorry for all those terrible things she said about Alec and being all hypocritical and I just happened to have my TV in my bedroom on and it wa son the news and Princess Sydney had just got hit by a bus and died!!!!! XD And then like five minutes after that, Cody called me and told me was moving back here and that he was an idiot for losing me and wanted me back, so I agreed! :P And then like a second later Lucas called and said the same thing except the part about moving back 'cause he lives here anyway, and I said, "Nope, no way, sorry, you had your chance. I'm dating Cody now. Hit the road, loser!!!!!" So then he got sad and jumped off the roof of his house and died. :P And then I messed around online for a little while longer, and then it was time for dinner!!! We had food. And after that I went ghost hunting and they actually talked to me!!! :o And then I woke up. :P

But I did go see Wall-E today and I did go ghost hunting! But they didn't actually talk to me.