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DarkNinja1994 Blog

Killed by the Disney Groupees...

Those fracking idiots have done it again... This is the second time I've lost 50 points for telling them to get a life. But I will not let it get to me!!! I cannot let them think they've won!!! However, I am laying off the reviews for a while. :P

About to smash my head into the frigging wall...

Yes Bryson, this about someone you know (not you) so if you don't want to hurt our relationship, then DO NOT READ!!!!! I know you don't listen well, and know your brain is only half working today, BUT I'M DEAD SERIOUS!!!!!

My friend in reality who shall remain namelss *COUGHBROOKECOUGH* is driving me frigging crazy!!!!! She's very hypocritical, but when we try to confront her about it, she gets all bent out of shape!!!!! URGH!!!!! I DON'T THINK I CAN TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At camp she was in a bad mood all the time because all we (me, Bryson, and Kylie) would talk about was Titanic, anime, ghosts, or fanfiction, and she has no interest in any of them. Usually she would just sit and be quite while we would discuss those things, but every once in a while, she would start screaming at us, then everyone else would stare at us. It's like she expects us to change our interests for her! Well I'm sorry, I love the Lord and I try to read my Bible everyday, but I'm not about to sit around and discuss it 24 hours a day or watch youtube videos that don't make any sense at all. Although Taylor the Latte Boy was kinda funny. But Poisoning Pigeons in the park was just retarded. Anyway, she hates a very dear friend of mine, who is probably my best. I usually put up with her putting him down all the time, but at camp when she called him "The Devil's Servant", I lost it. ALec is an athiest and me and his girlfriend have been trying to reform him so that comment pushed me over the edge. But the reason that makes her hypocritical is the fact that she won't even give Alec a chance, yet gets mad when I calmly say that I don't want to be friends with Lucas because he annoys me. At least I have a good reason for not liking Lucas! I'm over the whole "he dumped me" thing, but he really is annoying if you sit down and talk with him. She doesn't like Alec because he hooked up with Savannah A. and now A. doesn't like her because she tried to split them up. Frankly, I don't blame A.! And also, I'm tired of "my friend" telling people I'm still on the rebound for Lucas. I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My relationship with him ended in November. I admit, I was stuck on him for a long time, and my rebound was a pretty crappy choice. But shortly after that, around March, I fell in love with Tyler. TYLER WAS NOT A REBOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't really like anyone in a romantic fashion. OK, maybe it was a little much to like a guy who lives on another continent, but he was really cute! Anyway when I got back from Gettysburg, I told practically everyone the General Armistead story, becuase well, frankly, it was exciting! If you saw the aparition of a Confederate General, you'd want to tell everyone too! But no, she calls me a liar! Becaused apparently "ghosts don't exist and everyone goes to Heaven or Hell". I strongly disagree. Some people go to Heaven or Hell, but some people would rather stay behind and be ghosts! It's simple logic! And this morning we got into another fight because she kept correcting my typos on Yahoo! IM, which was really starting to get on my nerves. Seriously. How would you like it after everything you typed someone corrected you?!? Oh, and her peeve with anime is really annoying. I used to do this thing called the Anime Theme Song Competition, and I emailed it to everyone. I got a reply back from her saying that the videos "scared" her. I'm sorry, but that's just irratating. They can't "scare" you. Also, that's another example of her hypocriticalness. She's just mad at me because I wouldn't go to the National Day of Prayer with her at school. She through a fit for a month. And then one day we were IMing and I showed her the Lucky Star dance (full version with the cheer uniforms) and she very rudely IMed me back and told me that she thought I was being stupid for wanting to do such a horrible dance and the whole thing sucked and whoever came up with it should be shot. That doesn't sound very Christiany to me. Especially when she tells me she hates Alec. So at camp I sang the Lucky Star song very loudly just to piss her off. Also, she didn't know that I used to be a cheerleader and I actually tried out for the 7th grade squad and now she's mad at me for that to. And she always tells me that I'm perverted, but when I bring up something that could be perverted, but the way I'm talking about it isn't, she's always the one who says, "Oh geez, get your mind out of the trash!" Excuse me?!?!?!?!? I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*sob* No one cares about my fanfiction!!! ;_;

OK, right now I'm a little mad because on, but Spiral fanfic Love Isn't Logical is like super popular right now. But when I started posting on the Spiral forums, no on even bothers to read it! Except the person I find to be extremely annoying, and I don't even think she read it. But she left now. Something about her account on another site working. Anyway, if you care about my existence, you WILL go to the TV show Spiral (You can find it on my favorites list), and to the forum Spiral Fanfiction Ideas. READ IT I SAY!!!!!

Annoying things my dad does

My dad is really annoying, and these are some of the things he does to annoy me.

1. After dinner, when I've just washed my hands and put my plate away and am walking upstairs to make this blog, he asks me if I want more sweet corn

2. Dances around in his briefs and sings "Don't Cha". He isn't allowed to do this anymore under the decree of Mom, because I would get so annoyed when he would do this I would get mad and slam/lock the door to my room

3. Says my name after every single sentence when he's talking to me

4. After dinner (ALL THE TIME) asks me if I get enough to eat. Usually I am complaining about how full I am when he asks me this

5. Never says the name of a TV show. Always calls the show the name of the main character. Ex: Two and a Half Men, he calls Charlie. For M*A*S*H, it's Hawkeye. Really gets annoying after a while

6. Looks and dresses like Kip from Napolean Dynamite

Avatar Finale

Whew, for a while, I thought they were gonna make it a Zutara ending. My mom (who is 43 and likes Avatar too) is a Zutara supporter, but I've always like Kataang. Out of all the shippings I supported, I got 2/3. Dude, that NEVER happens!!! Usually when one of my animes end I usually get at least one, but that's it. The only other time I've gotten a 2/3 was in Harry Potter, and I remember being mad because Neville and Luna didn't end up together. Anyway, my Avatar Shippings were AangxKatara, ZukoxMai, and SokkaxTy Lee. Needless to say, SokkaxTy Lee didn't happen. SokkaxSuki did. I never cared for Suki. I don't know why, I just don't. Anyway, As for the rest of the show, Aang started to battle Ozai, and I was so glad the writers didn't go with a cheesy Disney ending where "Ozai was just so touched that Aang spared his life and he became good". I honestly thought that was going to happen, but was so glad when it didn't! Ozai just gets thrown in prison for life. And Azula goes mentally insane, and it is assumed that she was thrown in jail as well. Zuko becomes Fire Lord (it's assumed that he marries Mai later on), and goes to confront Ozai about his mother, but we never find out what happened to her! :o Oh well, I guess we'll leave that up to the fanfiction writers. (Unless thy make a spinoff!!! But it better not be written by those Disney Groupees...) Sokka and Suki end up together, and Aang becomes recognized as the Avatar. The series ends with him standing outside the Fire Lord's palace gazing at the sunset, and Katara comes out to join him and they start making out!!! XD

Back from my not-date

Well I'm back from my not date with Cody. I LOVED IT!!! I haven't seen him in two years, and he's SO HOT!!! I WAS AN IDIOT FOR LETTING HIM GET AWAY!!!!! Oh my gosh, he's so gorgeous!!! And nicer too. When I first met up with him, I was expecting the same squeaky voice kid, but his voice is so deep and sexy now... Plus he's a lot taller. Piberty has been kind to him. ;) However there wasn't much to do at the fair, so mostly we caught up. He hates his new school and wants to move back here more than anything. Actually, I think he could. Cody's parents are divorced, but I think his mom still lives in the school district. But I'm not going to bring that up. Anyway, he told me he had a great time and wants to get together to watch a movie sometime before he goes back to Newcastle!!! XD (That is in Pennsylvania, by the way)

Not a date, just kinda like one...

My ex boyfriend (yes, Captain Douchebag, only we're friends now so I can't call him that anymore) is back in town visiting his grandparents for the summer and we've arranged to meet at the county fair tomorrow. I have mixed feelings, because I haven't seen him face to face since he told me I wasn't pretty, and blah, blah, blah... Actually, that was almost 2 years ago. Apparently, I'm the only one he's kept in touch with since he moved away, and he is looking forward to seeing me again. So needless to say, I'm kinda nervous about meeting him. I know kids from school will talk, but I've stopped caring what people think of me since camp. (Bry, you helped in that department, too!) Any advice, anyone?

Camp Pic

This is a picture of our Family Group (HONDURAS!!!) at camp. Ben, Bryson (bryrsul), and me are standing on the bench in the back with the blue circle drawn around our heads that says "Best Buddies". Ben is the dude, Bryson is the short one with the braids in the middle, and I am the one with me arm around her in the black Naruto T-shirt wearing her green sunglasses. Hm, I just noticed the other Ben wasn't in theis pic. Oh well. Here's everyone else:

Bryan is the skinny dude holding the milk carton smiling like a retard and Rossanna is the short Latino woman standing next to him. Caroline is standing in front of Bryan, and Holsey is standing next to her. Callon is the girl in the yellow shirt, and if you look carefully, you can see that Ben has his hand behind her head. He was holding on to one of her braids, which he yanked really hard right after the pic was taken. Katie is the girl in front of us with the weird expression on her face. No one really liked her.

Best Buddies

Camp Stuff

I tried to switch icons to this cool Titanic one, but it went back to my screaming Kyo one instead... I'll try again later. Anyway, this was pretty much what happened at camp. But first, you must watch this video:

OK, so Brooke (who will be refered to as Cookie) carpooled with me and my mom took us to camp, and her mom took us home. Anyway, me and Cookie were mad when we got there because they assigned us groups, and they didn't put us together. The theme this year was the Olympics, for obvious reasons, so our "Family Groups" were various countries. Cookie got Zimbabwe, and I got Honduras, who has the prettiest flag in the world. Sully (Bryson) ended up in our group, along with Caroline, Halsey, Ben F., Katie (the obnoxious one), Callon, and Ben M., who ended up being our buddy. Our leaders were Bryan and Rossanna. Later Ben ended up having to slow dance with some girl (long story) and I caught it all on film. :P He was so mad. XD I'll post pics of camp later. Napolean Dynamite was our camp movie this year. Cookie said it was the stupidest movie she'd ever seen, so I smacked her in the head with my plushee monkey, and she started crying. :roll: On Thursday, me and Cookie were so tired that we layed on the floor of the gym on our backs and sang random songs and laughed like crazy people and screamed "HI!" at everyone that walked past us. We also came up with a story of why the Zimbabwe flag looks like a bird sitting on a demon cheeseburger. (do a google image search or something)

Once upon a time, there was a little birdy named Paco. Paco was a nice birdy, but then he decided to go on the Internet and he became friends with someone named DC. He gave DC all of his personal information, WHICH IS BAD!!!!! So then DC, who turned out to be a demon cheeseburger, came over to Paco's house, and ate him!!!!! :o Then Paco popped out of the demon cheeseburger's head. THE END!

Friends I made where Ben, Anya, Dylan, Teddy, and Rachel. Also, I hooked up with a friend I made two years ago. That would be Kylie.

Answers to your questions

I'm back from camp. But I was mad when I got back because my parents gave away some of my kittens and gave away Jinx by accident. :cry:

1. Riding a buffalo

2. A dead fly that's been spit on

3. Half there

4. Lick it

5. OF COURSE!!! :D

6. Same answer as 5

7. Same answer as 5 and 6

8. Black

9. Yes

10. My dog is a she, and not that I am aware of

11. Brown

12. The regular kind

13. I don't have one

14. I'm not sure, but they look funny

15. Wii

16. Sexy

17. The Sahara... Unless that was a typo and you meant "dessert", then in that case, it would probably be vanilla ice cream with a melted-ish brownie covered in chocolate syrup

18. Roller blading (that is too a sport)

19. Who doesn't?!?

19 is a bad number, so I'm going to ask myself a question!!!

20. Buffalo