@WingChopMasta @sdnoriko Take Two are a Publisher/Developer. They publish games developed by third parties, and they also have wholly owned studios that make games for them.
Blizzard and Electronic Arse are NOT typical of MMO development, just typical of AMERICAN MMO development which is "Throw millions after millions at it ensuring that unless 5 million people subscribe for 10 years it will never turn a profit, and call it a WOW-beater."
ANd of course you can't forget to alienate all the people who HAVE subbed by going Free-To-Play and forcing your loyal subs to pay for paltry updates and piss poor "expansions"
EA have been a laughably atytpical MMO dev who just can't ut right and probably never will. But that doesn't mean MMOs aren't popular in the US.
It simultaneously worse and better on PC. The ease of indie publishing means we get a LOT more zombie-themed games than the consoles. On the other, because people who develop for PC tend not to suck as badly we actually get a lot more GOOD zombies games like Organ Trail or Dead Pixels.
@saltbalsak Wrong. Zombies have been in games since the 80s, flesh eating undead zombies zombies have been around since the 60s and voodoo "zombies" have been around since at least the 30s in media.
It's kinda hard to take seriously any opinions on violence from a man who created the chainsaw-bayonet. Even if, for once, Cliff B. actually has something of interest to say that isn't pants on head retarded and rampantly egotistical!
Also, that must have been what, nearly two months without a Cliffy B quote? At least the whole article isn't about him again, but still, how about 3 months next time Eddie? Or how about nothing until he gets a job and becomes relevant again.
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