@bottaboomstick @DarkSaber2k @walidras As long as it's ported, I'm not fussed when. Brutal Legend took a while but was worth the wait. And then Double Fine went bust coz of the torrenting. Oh wait no they didn't, they actually sold more copies in their first week on PC than they did on the consoles combined.
@Imperiacommando EVerything there except Ni No Kuni is easily playable on PC (and as a greatly improved version to boot). So your point doesn't make sense to me.
@ExtremePhobia @WingChopMasta @sdnoriko Although he doesn't have the presence of mind to equate Undead Nightmares success to it's game design and tropeerfically Genre Savvy writing rather than just "It had zombies, that's why it was popular"
@eyepro I was talking strictly in gaming. The "shove zombies in it" attitude ended in gaming about a year ago (well, unless you look on Kickstarter, then every 2 bit wannabe bandwagon developer is trying it, and they usually don't hit their target.)
Hell even the Resident Evil games are moving away from zombies (for better or worse).
In fact other than Dead State and Project Zomboid I don't even know any other zombie games in the pipeline. But I'm sure Craptivision will shit out another TWD game before THAT show disappears (and their are strong indications that TWD has viewer fatigue now, and the comic lost whatever spark it had some time ago.)
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