@Annonith @DarkSaber2k To be fair, quite a lot of gibberish is trademarked. Hell, what is "Ouya" if not gibberish?! Well, gibberish and the sound I make when I whack myself in the nuts with something!
And then on the other hand you have head-in-the-sand morons like Squeenix who blame all their woes on the decadent spoilt western gamers for only buying 3.5 million copies of a game.
At £44,99 it's also the most expensive game in the franchise history. ANd they've done their now-usual BS of cutting out 3 playable factions as a pre-order bonus/day one DLC
@RAD_RADIO @DarkSaber2k Oh sure, we're really losing a future cure for cancer here aren't we. What noble copyright-infringing freeloading heroes for sure.
DarkSaber2k's comments