@Karmazyn @DarkSaber2k I believe that's the point. THe weapons are *supposed* to feel all broken and battered to hell. It's part of the world you are in, like having to choose between using your shitty ammo or "spending" your "money" to kill quicker.
Playing through the first Metro on PC and I'm loving it. They put a lot of effort into making an incredibly immersive tense experience, rather like a STALKER game on a linear narrative.
@Vandread25 @Falllen_angel @BlackBaldwin The thing is, we're looking at the sales as consumers and going "I don't get it, it sold lots". They (or their shareholders) are looking at return on investment. In others they are pulling a Squeenix and saying they aren't selling enough to make the development cost worthwhile.
@experience_fade @Undietaker @DarkSaber2k I've played Rift more recently than TOR (which itself I've only ever said I *quit* playing). Want to try again?
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