@spammehardo ......and as far as I know all but one of the rumours about the PS4 was actually true. Not sure what I'm trying to say there but I said it.
@deathstream @oSoLucky @R2C25 @buccomatic No it's a pretty widely documented *rumour* (backed up by patent applications, which is what we call Evidence). And while it is indeed just a rumour at this time, it certainly isn't a slur started by fanboys
@BrutalPandaX2 @DarkSaber2k The past? This was FIVE MONTHS AGO. Which, while technically IS the past, is certainly recent enough to be something that should definitely be considered when looking at this project by this company,
@BrutalPandaX2 More like Nintendo is about the only company who will touch them with a bargepole after they got suued to the kerb by Epic Games for not paying licence fees (and we don't even know Nintendo ARE interested since we have a crowd-fund). The console manufacturers LOVE them some licence fees so it's hardly surprising they are avoiding a company known to welsh on their debts.
@Legolas_Katarn @unreal_master @kiramasaki Best guess is they are relying on PC people to fund it in the quite likely event that Nintendo ignores them instead of doing a Bayonetta 2.
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