@OniTaedo @Dannystaples14 Yeah, people tried to make the same argument for the Kinnect 2.os crap but the problem remains (as this article highlights). It's only any good if every person on earth (or at least every person who uses the sensor) reacts to the same stimuli the same way. And developers are NEVER going to put the time and effort into making it work differently for different people when they can just "Make zombie jump out of door in 5 seconds time" and call it done.
I love it. He started off being all arsey towards the PC platform, then his beloved Microsoft kept fucking him over and now he's snubbing them and acting all "PC for life". Such a fucking tool.
Well this will no doubt be just as accurate as his guesses at the XBox One Eighty and PS4 pricing. As in not accurate by any stretch of the imagination. Like all his predictions.
"We know peopl are worried we will use the Kinnect to watch them fap, but they shouldn;t be worried. Really it's the advertisers who will be watching."
Because I'm incredibly cynical I can't help wondering if she's getting the job because Microsoft think we'll be more likely to swallow all their bullshit if it's being presented by a pair of tits. Especially after Mattricks complete botching of the XBox One Eighty information previously.
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