Uncharted 3, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Little Big Planet Karting, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD, Demon's Souls, Catherine, Malicious, Lord of the Rings: War in the North, and The Cave. Vs Defense Grid and Assassins Creed 2.
@malokevi @DarkSaber2k @jrcast84 Didn't read it and only saw what you wanted to see didn't you. Read it again, and probably a third time. Also trying to insert an issue where there isn't one one with the PS Eye since I'm not getting on of those either.
@malokevi @DarkSaber2k @jrcast84 Actually this article isn't about Kinnect. Just saying. But since you asked: Developers go for lowest common denominator/route of least effort. Hence PCs getting average quality console game ports rather than effort. No multiplat is going to have anything other than token "shout at the screen and it might work" support.
@jrcast84 @malokevi Because gaming IS a lot better than on consoles......and cheaper. And doesn't want to watch you fap. Not that PRISM ain't monitoring everything you do on them too, but good luck avoiding PRISM on anything including your calculator.
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