@Detromanoh stfu already god damn im sick and tired of seein haters on every gaming websites comments nobodys forcing your sorry ass to read the comments so why bitch and complain about ciomments you already dont like? i swear your on your period or something
Fixed. (well not the punctuation but I ain't got all evening.)
@NInjagamer117@TriggerManX97@CyberX115HAHAHAHAHAHA. "Bethesda is the only company left that won't allow a game to be published in its name that doesn't have high quality to it"
HAHAHA, suuuure games that are utterly broken, buggy and glitched out the arse at launch due to being rushed absolutely scream HIGH QUALITY right. How's Skyrim on the PS3 these days, is it working yet?
@---Cipher--- Or the part where executives at the company told us to "Deal with it" or that we are "backwards" for wanting to play our old games on a new console?
DarkSaber2k's comments