After racking up 25 hours in this game, here's my modest opinion:
Compared to marvellous games such as Elder's Scroll series or Fallout's, this one seems it lacked some polish. Enemies all look about the same, crafting is a joke, AI is worthless. Even the gun ballistics would have deserved some love.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game, the graphics are decent, the tropical setting is beautiful and it's one big sandbox of a game. But after some time spent on the island, it gets repetitive quickly, the storytelling isn't strong enough to keep you going.
Maybe Kevin saw some things he likes about RPGs being incorporated within a FPS, but I for one was expecting more. Much more.
I have both a PC and a PS3. Given the choice, I would rather play the game on my PC since it would simply look better. That being said, I think that people downloading video games illegally may cause the downfall of the PC gaming industry in the end. And don't get me wrong, you can pirate consoles too, it's just way more complicated.
@the1four @jhonel83 A mummer's a mime, but the old kind, more like a fool. I've been reading A Game of Thrones lately, maybe I'm way too much into it! :)
Great game by the way it looks so far. That being said, I'd like it better if Maxwell didn't feel he has to show us his mummer's skills. It gets painful.
Dark_December's comments