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Dark_Priestess Blog

Nihongo-a-go-go, tutorial madness, Robot-on-Robot violence... and a talking pig

Hello, everybody! Welcome to another fun-filled rant! :D

Today was a wondrous first day of school! My Japanese teacher is the same one I had for Beginner 1 Japanese... awesome-wicked-cool! Only now that we're in Intermediate, she's gonna be talkin' mainly in Japanese... and really fast! Fortunately, my best friend took the class last year, so I can go to him for help if I need to.

I did my first Visual C++ tutorial today: The "Hello World!" Application. Hooray! Taking Angel_Feathers advice to heart, I also looked at some Photoshop tutorials at Soon I shall be a master! Bwa, ha, ha! Speaking of PhotoShop, I just finished my first sig! Yippie! And it's... not entirely horrible >_>'. It kinda turned out a bit better than I thought it would, since I had no idea what the hell I was doing. There's still room for improvement, though... and lots of it too! I'll get a Photobucket account, so that I can store my "creations" and show you guys.

I finished Zone of the Enders today! Damn, Anubis was hard! He certainly lives up to being the God of the Dead (or was he the one who lead the dead to Final Judgement... :?)... that twit almost gutted me like a fishy :o

Finally, I started Beyond Good & Evil. I haven't played that far into the game, but I like it. A lot. I especially love the voice acting; it's probably the best I've heard in a while. It's a shame it didn't get the props it deserved. Pey'j rocks with his fart-powered boots :D!

Final note:

I'm never going to listen to weathermen ever again. Today was beautiful! Thunderstorms and heavy rain my rosy black booty! Blah! :P

I've been hoodwinked... by myself! O_o

Today was the first day of school... and I didn't go! *gasp*

*My Peeps*: DP, how could this be!? Explanation, please!

*DP*: Request granted, my peeps!

Today was the official first day of classes. I only need three more credits to graduate, so I'm taking 2 classes (one that I need, the other just for the heck of it). Before leaving the house, I decided to check to see which class I had today. Turns out my classes fall on either Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. I can't believe that I made myself think that I had to go to school today :P

But today wasn't a total lost! Really! I tried making a Practice Sig today in PhotoShop, just for the heck of it. Nothing too fancy. I'll fiddle with it more tomorrow... I reviewed Japanese a bit more... and... um... took a nap... and... watched TV. Blah! O_o

In other news...

The weather man said we're gonna see the remnants of Hurricane Frances tomorrow in the form of heavy downpour. Tonight we're supposed to have thundershowers. Bring on the lightning! I'm not scared! Really! *cuddles up with teddy bear* :P

Other news...

I changed my e-mail addy today. Why? I just felt like it.

Other final news stuff...

I want my Tokyo Game Show! Now! *starts running around like a lunatic* Now, now, now, now, now! *runs into a wall* I guess that's all for now... *passes out* :P

Labour Day and Adventures in Photoshop-ping :P

All was quiet in the house this morning... no pitter-patter of little feet coming into my room screaming "Auntie Sondree! I wanna play 'Family' now!" Blah!

I was planning on getting up early this morning, so that I'll have the entire day to get stuff done. Instead I woke up at 10:00 (which is still early for me on days off). I checked e-mail, checked out what was happening on the forums here (Zzzz...) and chatted a bit. Kazona and Xtremevillan were such good company (thanks, boys ;) ) Oh yeah, I cleaned my pigsty of a room. :P

This afternoon I played Zone of the Enders. I have to disarm bombs, now? Dang! The duties of a hero are never-ending *sigh*. I logged into my PlayStation Underground account to write some reviews for the games in my collection. Checked out their forums too (nothing of interest... blah!) Wanted to write in my journal, but couldn't think of anything at the time :P

Perhaps the most fun I had today (aside from my earlier chat session) was fiddling with PhotoShop. I think I'm getting the hang of using Layers (it's all about the baby steps :D ). Maybe after paying tuition and buying my books (and getting my PS2 online), I'll finally get me a scanner so that I can scan in my drawings and colour them with PhotoShop. Mmm... sweet... Next step: figuring out what all those other functions do. *sigh*

That's all for Labour Day. And I laboured a lot today :P Bye-bye! *kisses to all!*

Goals for the month of September

So many things to do... so very little time. I decided to make a list of things I want to get done this month. Not much, but at least they'll keep me busy:

  • New Avatar and Sig: I have so much love for my Ashtar Avatar and Yuna sig, but honestly I think I need a change. Plus, it'll give me an excuse to (finally) learn how to use Photoshop! w00t!
  • Buy New Games: Sounds simple, no? But with school starting, I'm gonna be a gamer on a budget so I have to be choosy about what to buy now and what I should hold off buying until a later date.
  • Start learning Visual C++: Hee, hee... something that I've been putting off for a really long time. Now's a good time as any to start learning.
  • PM buddies on Friend's List: There are people on my Friend's List whom I rarely -- if ever -- PM (mainly my fault for being such a lazy dumb-dumb). I'll make more of an effort to open the lines of communication and hopefully mend the severed ties.
  • Use PlayStation Underground account more: Ooo... the toughest goal of all :P I have no real incentive to go there. But I'll force myself to go and whenever I log on, I'll force myself to make one Journal entry and one post in the Message Boards.
  • Get PS2 online: I've been holding off for far too long. I'll try to set up my PS2 to go online before the end of the month.

Hmm... six goals... should be manageable. Hopefully :D

**** Special News Bulletin *****

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Journal Entry for this special news bulletin...

Dark_Priestess, that lovable scamp from the GameSpot community, has received her soul back from her niece, Jane Doe *name changed to protect the innocent*, in exchange for a "My Scene Madison" doll and Strawberry Shortcake lip gloss.

The exchange happened on Saturday afternoon at approximately 5:15 pm Eastern Time when Doe, Priestess, Doe's mother and Priestess's mother all went to Zellers (the Canadian equivalant to Wal-Mart... only not :P ) to do some shopping. Priestess offered the doll as a "sacrificial lamb", with the lip gloss being the proverbial icing on the cake(Strawberry-flavoured icing, that is).

In addition to receiving her soul, Priestess also purchased Beyond Good and Evil for the low price of 19.99 CDN, adding a wondrous game to her collection.

Doe and her mother left Priestess's home Sunday at 8:00 am Eastern in order to catch the train to New Jersey. When asked to comment on being re-united with her soul and the departure of her niece and sister, Priestess said "Uhhhh..." and passed out on her bed; chocolate cupcake in mouth.

We will have more on the happy reunion as the story develops.

I've lost all hearing in my left ear O_o

My niece threw a colossal-size tantrum this morning. Yelled right in my ear too. Reason? Quote: "I don't want my hair done! Waaaaa!" End Quote. *collapses onto keyboard* Lord give me strength... or at least a chocolate cake. 24 more hours to go...

In other news...

School starts on Tuesday. My last year in University. Must review my Nihongo (Japanese) so I won't look like a complete shmuck in class :P After grad... I'll find some way to weasel my way into the game industry! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha... At least that's the plan anyway. A Major in Creative Writing has to be handy somewhere, right? Right!? :(

More other news...

The Tokyo Game Show will be staring soon. Capcom's line-up is pretty sweet; all their games will be playable except Shadow of Rome (only a movie... but so pretty to watch :D ) I want to get my hands on DMC3... oh Dante, I can't say 'no' to your icy-blue eyes *sigh* No word about Konami's line-up (will we see some Nanobreaker lovin'? Stay tuned!!!!) SNK Playmore's dishin' out some KOF goodies... a remake of '94! Supreme Ultimate w00tness!!!!!!!!! If they remade other installments (maybe bring KOF: Kyo over here to NA), I'd be one happy camper!

Umm... other, other news...

I've been neglecting my PlayStation Underground account. I don't seem to have much incentive to go there: aside from writing in my Journal and trying to think up reviews for my game collection, I just keep forgetting to pay it a visit! I don't have as much fun on their forums as I do here (maybe it's because I haven't made any friends there... *sigh* I'm so lonely :( ) I'll try to make more of an effort, I suppose...

Ah nuts, what should I write? I got it... Final other news...

It's almost lunch, so I guess it's time for me to go. Until next time (unless I suffer some tragic fate in the hands of my niece... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ;)

Won't Sunday ever come!?

I'm losing whatever piece of sanity I have left!!!!!!!!! ARGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! *starts running in a circle* Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! HELP ME!!!!!!!!! *starts bouncing off the walls* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Falls to the ground*






I need chocolate :P

2 more days until my soul is mine

My big sister and my niece are heading back to New Jersey on the 4th after spending 2 weeks at our place. My niece has been running, screaming, and throwing tantrums since she got here. All she wants me to do is play with her all day, even if I'm not feeling well. In other words, she owns me and my soul

I haven't been able to game since they came here. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with them. It's just, with school coming up and a bucket-load of games coming out in a few weeks, I would really like to finish up my back log and move on! Besides... I can only play "Family" for so long before I lose whatever sanity I have left.

Well, my sis and niece are leaving soon. With my brother leaving to visit a friend in Calgary for a week and my dad still at work, it'll just be my mom and me... PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!