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Dark_sageX Blog EVER!

Lion Cereals is AMAZING! :shock: (No this is not an ad)

lion cereal

With sweet choclate caramel and vanilla mix you get the most kick ass cereal EVER (Sorry Coco Pops Crunsher, you just got creamed!)

This cereals kicks so much mean tongue and belly. To bad the actually snack bar doesn't taste this good.

Top ten balls

Psyche! no list here just a dud! suckers! were you thinking when you entered this blog hmmmm?;)

sorry, writting an assignment can get boring really quickly and as a result....well....this blog.

So hows school for everyone? Nothing here. Only update i got is games, speaking of which 3 game reviews up!

- Dragonball Z Bodukai Tenkaichi 3: Best dragonball Z experience EVER! and no its nothing like the last 2!

- Jak X Combat Racing: Jak and Daxter's final adventure, and its funnier than ever!

- Hydro Thunder: Some boat game I found for N64, pretty fun at first but gets hard really quickly.

Social advice time!: Don't throw an apple in a toilet in hopes to flood the bathroom, its funny for a sec but removing the apple is gonna become a big problem.

DSX tip: Read above.

Thats that!

Top 10 Part 7: Swords

Pretty self explanatory, which swords look awesome. So here they are:

Water Sword (Prince of Persia): You gain the water sword after collecting all life upgrades. The water sword is identical to the scorpion sword, difference being that it is the power of water imbedded in it. Only this sword can harm the Dahaka.

water sword

Oblivion Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts) I honestly keep forgetting where I get this Keybalde. I found it in some chest in the first KH and in KH 2 I think I got in the world that never was. Regardless this is a powerful Keyblade with great range and strength. It's core chain is a black Kingdom symbol.


Master Sword (The Legend of Zelda): A legendary sword forged long ago as means to protect the triforce. It is the bale of evil's bane and only those chosen by the triforce as well as those pure of heart can touch the sword. It is the most powerful sword in the legend of Zelda series and is pretty much Link's trademark weapon.


Soul Calibur (Soul Calibur): Nobody knows the sword's true origin. But it is said that it was forged by a king long ago who needed a weapon that can combat Soul Edge. Like Soul Edge it can change its shape depending on the wielder. Those with pure intentions will purify the sword and make it more powerful, however those with twisted thoughts can corrupt the sword and lock its powers, which is why the sword is hidden and not many people know about it.


First Tsurugi (Final Fantasy VII): Cloud gained his own original sword and retuned the buster sword to its original wielder as a momento. The sword is composed of 6 distinctive swords that can be combined to form different types of swords, each with different affects. The sword's most powerful form is when all six are combined together, allowing Cloud to execute Omnislash ver 5.


Rebellion (Devil May Cry): Dante's signature sword. It was once a keep sake of his father's, while the sword is physically powerful its true demonic powers can only be unlocked by those that have Sparda's blood, so only Dante, Vergil and Sparda himself can truly master the weapon, but they also must be able to tap into their demon powers in order to awaken the sword.


Sleeping Lion Gun Blade (Final Fantasy VIII) I think its called sleeping lion, otherwise called Gun blade by everyone. This sword has a gun attached to its hilt that can be triggered when cutting an enemy, giving it extra impact. It is Squall Leohart's (or simply Leon's) trademark weapon.


Duel Lightsaber (Star Wars) The duel lightsaber is unique by that it has to laser blades on both sides, which can be switch simultaneously or individually. This saber is more difficult to master than the usual single sabers however once mastered it can prove very affective when encountering multiple foes. The only person I know who ever used this was Darth Maul, I think there are others who also use duel lightsabers.

duel saber

Tokijin (Inuyasha), this is Sesshoumaru's second sword (Tensaiga being the first). A sword specially forged from the fangs of one of Naraku's detachments. The sword has hidden powers that only Sesshoumaru can unlock. The sword is powered by hatred, the more hatred the user has the more powerful the sword gets, the sword is so powerful it rivals Inuyasha's Tessaiga, or when truly mastered can be even more powerful than Tessaiga.


Zangetsu (Bleach): Ichigo Korosaki's Zanpaktou. Zangetsu consists of 2 spririts, An old wise swordsman who represents the sword, and a hollow spirit that seeks to take control of Ichigo.

Zangetsu'normal form is that of a huge Katana. It is fairly sharp but its unstable spiritual pressure flow makes it hard to control and easy to break.

Zangetsu's Sikai is a permanent transformation, the sword loses a hilt and guard and gains a slightly larger and much sharper blade, and will allow Ichigo to attack using soul reaper powers. A white wrap will replace the sheath, which can compress the sword to a smaller and more compact size.

Zangetsu's Bankai turns the sword into a black bladed, slim katana with a crossed shaped guard and a small chain attached at the end of the hilt. Despite its rather ordinary appearance the sword becomes much more power and extremely sharp due to its incredible compressed and concentrated spiritual pressure, to the point making it unbreakable. In this state the sword is dubbed "Tensa Zangetsu".


Thats that!

The sage shall once again dive in the pit of darkness.

...meaning I wil go unactive. Cuz there are a number of things 'd like to do:

- Study

- Finish assignments

- Tune up my profile (just feels kind of plain in here:( )

- Need to give "certain" people more attention cuz they complain too much for it. sheez:roll:

- Play games and review them.

- list goes on...

Oh and as for the secret mission....there was none, tottaly made up to fuel ur curiosity. (haha suckers :twisted: )

Well, i'll drop by ur blogs and forumes, c ya later!

Oh yeah I almost forgot, social advice time!:

Advice: Fan boys will destroy the video game world! cuz they are so dedicated to their franchise they would give it the highest scores even if the games are total garbage (Just like when people attacked my Final Fantasy XII review cuz I didn't give it a 10! I mean come on! 7.5 isn't a bad score!) Companies will then see this as an oppertunity to get some cash and throw in some cheap cash-ins cuz they know the fan boys will swallow it! Thus we will get crapy games after another until we are faced with another video game crash!

DSX tip: Its good to encourage franchise but you've got to THINK! cuz if you encourage them too much they will start to take advantage and throw in some cheap cash-ins (like SEGA is doing with Sonic) Compare the games with the old ones (e.g. Compare FFXII with FFVII) give them time to finish (The longer it takes the better, SSBB is gonna kick ass cuz we waited this long for it! I mean look at sonic riders ZG, around 2 or 3 month and its not even better than the last, for more on that game stay tuned..)and get strickt! that way they will always put more effort into making their games! but not too strickt.

Going low....

OK, am off on a top secret "mission", what mission? Like I said its top secret, I'll tell ya when am back so until then u can guess, anyways due to the "mission" I'll be unactive for a stay tuned..........

Well what do you know? ANOTHER BLOG! OMFG!

Well hows everyone? I could say am feeling great but i'd be lieing, and so would all of you. Cuz Now that holidays are over its back to work work work! and none so far is looking forward to it, :cry: So to chear u up, how about I give another social advice?:)

Advice: Now when blogging I try to keep it as short as possible, cuz I know (unless ur friends or the blog is really intresting) people don't like to read essay long blogs which is why you wouldn't get many comments. However if u r a girl then its a whole different story. Once people take a look at someone's profile and see the word "female" slagged on it then prepare to get a LOT of attetion, cuz ladies, once you blog something nice or cute about ur life(even if its 1500 word essay long) then expect to get around 50 comments the next day (100 if u r, or if poeple think u r hot cuz they see a pick of a hot chick thinking it might be u). of coures this doesn't ALWAYS happen but it does happen a lot, I've seen it (Not just GS, Facebook an MSN as well), and what creeps me out is that I thinkthere are guys out there who pretend to be girls in blogs just to get attention :?

DSX's tip: Never say too much about ur self and if u have to, try not to give away important info about ur self, cuz there are likely to be stalkers, and never pretend to be someone ur not, cuz it will only make it worse, instead look for a way to improve ur self or accept ur self as u r, and for those who don't accept u as u r should all go and ****** and ********* themselves. and never stalk people round, cuz the more u do it the less they'll like u, if u don't get a reply then just apologize and leave without any drama (yes its hard but nobody said its gonna be pretty)

Thats that! Now have fun at work! ;)

Mission Report

Alright! Operation Cake Eater was a complete FAILIURE!!!!:x only around 5 fireworks responded to the ignitor, the rest were a dud! So we had to commence plan B, which was to go to the city and get wasted! 8) We completely forgot about the fireworks!

(ssshhhh don't say a word or were going to have to go back to clean up the mess! ;) )

Well since I have nothing else to say I shall share my wisdom with you, so how about a social advice? I shall blog social advices just for the fun of it.

Advice #1: In forumes or chat threads, Everytime a person comments about a woman's photo,claiming their breast is fake, it must be a woman/girl, because unless ur gay no man on the planet will ever complain about breast being fake or not. If their big their big. 8)

Thats that, see ya next time!, I should really come up with an ending phrase!

Commencing Operation Cake eater

OK new years eve is coming and a friend is gonna have his birthday on the 1st, so here is what me my pals are gonna do. 8)

First we got a huge load of fire works. We are gonna plant a row of fireworks aroundthe entire house, then once their set we are gonna hide the main ignitor under a candle. We are gonna insist that he lights the candles in order to blow them for a wish, when he does that...BAAAMM DDOOMM DUUMMMM BAM BAM BAM!!! :lol:

possible flaws that might screw up things.

- Might rain/snow, ignitor will be useless and total waste of time setting up everything.

- Someone else might light the candle

- Might burn house down (or naighbour's) Not very likely to happen

- might burn garden (Not very likely to happen, but if it does, then were gonna have lots of flower planting to do, lets just hope we don't have to wear any lady dress :?)

- Friend get a heart attack (chances of happening 0.001%)

This is a covert operation, must be careful that the plan is not leaked.....Now why did I call this operation cake eater? cuz it sounds kind of cool, I came up with the name! and my pals agreed with it (they just don't know they did :twisted:) unless you can think of a better name!:roll:

Well gotta meet up 2morrow around 10:00 PM, "drops on the floor and crawls away like Snake".


I have absolutely nothing to say what so ever :P am just blogging to inform you that am still alive. Feel kind of ignored lately :(, but then again I wouldn't blame everyone I almost never blog and I don't have any good ideas, so until I come up witth something, I'll just go with the flow 8) yeeeeeeeees indeed! so spam all you want. but not too much, its gonna stressy replying back.

Oh, and I also reviewed 2 DS games: The Legend of Zelda Phantum Hourglass and Megaman ZX.

Well thats that! and don't worry, I'll try to come up with something BIG to blog next time.

Its time for some random blogging!!

Yes the random blog disease strock everyone and it would have been a matter of time before it got to me as well, oh yeah 8)

life updates

- I need new shoes, nice sleek runners and pure black, a long coat, not those leather ones punks wear, the really cool bussiness cotton type, new jeans, not those horrible tite ones you find in C&A, they have to be a little baggy, it would make me look a lot more NORMAL, and finaly I need to lots of underpants cuz I forgot to bring some when I traveled back to germany for holidays. So if anyone has the cash for it, I wouldn't say no ;)

My MP3 player broke, and it was soooo nice too! then again I think its my fault for throwing it every where, woops :PBTW why does everybody like iPod? its terrible! sure it looks great but iTunes is a pain in the nuts! what happened to good old simply drag music in or out? the nanos are expensive for their quality and they are ultra vunerable, I will never buy an iPod and if I ever get one for a present I'll sell it! its that horrible and I hate it!

game update

- My Wii mote is out of battery, need new rounds :x

- Am still trying to get the internet on my Wii to work, about Wi-fi games, do they only work with wireless or can it also work with cabled LAN?

- 5 reviews up:

- Metroid Prime 3 Corruption: The final chapter of the prime trilogy is upon us, and its a blast!

- Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence: Best MGS package, I plea you all to get it!

- Jak and Daxter/ Jak II/ Jak 3: Awesome platformer trilogy, with lots of funny moments, getting funnier with each game after!

and can I ask, please, pretty please, pretty pretty prettty please, please :( can you give the thumbs up or down? remember, you don't HAVE to read them. It would mean a lot, thanks!