jesus I'm getting RARE nostalgia from that trailer, this is a game that deserves my money! of course I'm going to wait for the inevitable post launch patches and all DLCs before spending purchasing it :)
@ShadowStyleB: I know the game is a playstation exclusive, what I wanted to address was why this guy got all triggered? why does the thought of a playstation game being on another platform bother him that much?
@playstationzone: Are you saying that because you know that the game is locked as an exclusive by contract, or was it a knee jerk reaction because you don't like the idea of the game being in a platform besides yours? given your user name and the tone in which you responded I suspect that its the latter.
@kyelo: sony exclusives? well off the top of my head: Heavy Rain, Beyond Souls, The Order, The last of Us, Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, the new God of War and new Uncharted game.
Games with replay value: Zero Horizon Dawn (So far), Infamous Second Son and first light, Ratchet and Clank remake and Gran Tourismo Sport (though its a racing game, don't see how you can screw that one up)
@scottyp360: To me thats exactly the problem with sony exclusives, they are interactive movies and not actual video games, having memorable moments are nice and all but what then? what incentive would you have to replay the game? I'm not saying story driven games are bad, but I have to ask myself "what am I paying $60+ for?" certainly not for something that could easily be achieved through watching lets play footage on youtube for free, the game just looks fun to watch, not play.
@Pyrosa: Have they done any actual work besides patching the game and then wrap up in a pretty ribbon and slap "remaster" on it? if the answer is no, then yes the game should be free for those that already payed them.
@Mogan: So by calling it a remaster you exempt yourself from fixing the game and as such are within your rights to charge for it, wow, makes total sense! here is my money! /sarcasm.
Again, arguing semantics will not help, what the dev is doing is unethical, note I said UNETHICAL, I didn't say illegal (or are not allowed to do), they should provide the remaster in a form of a free patch, because thats exactly what it is, a patch, slapping a different label does not change that, worse, slapping a different label and lying to consumers with the nefarious intend to rip off consumers is plain unethical, they should respect the consumers that bought their game and supported them in that platform, not make bullsh*t excuses and then shame them.
@Hurvl: I'm glad they gave Darksiders 1 for free, the original game had issues in with cutscenes and would not play, but the warmastered edition fixed that problem, its essentially a new patch.
Dark_sageX's comments