Twilight Princess was fun but far too easy, I remember when I fought the spider boss all I did was stand still and the guy couldn't hit me, AT ALL, and when he did damage it was very neglectable. I also hope they add more ssignificant side quests besides collecting hearts, you know the homestead missions from Assassins Creed 3? what if they did the same for Kakariko village? you rescue people around the world, convince them to come to kakariko village and build new shops where you can unlock new items and build a bigger community there? that would be soo awesome, obviously this is more unlikely than to ever happen, but a guys gotta have dreams!!
@Tiwill44: The NX is apparently more powerful then than PS4 (though thats rumors with lots of doubts behind it), so its certainly a possibility, aaarrggg so many questions!!!
Starfox X Transformers lol, I really liked the E3 game play trailer, looking forward to the game! its been too long since we had a proper Starfox game!
Given the nature of how this was revealed I'm going to assume that it was a mistake by valve and the game was never meant to come on steam so at best its just a rumor, but again if its true this would be pretty awesome, I have heard great things about the Dragon Quest series but never got the chance to try out any of the games.
Great news I guess but how is this possible? FF7 was never on any nintendo platform, the only reference I can think of is Cloud appearing in Kingdom hearts Chain of Memories but that hardly explains his move sets like limit break and the shinra stage which were all exclusively in the game, I expected Cloud to appear on Sony's Smash game lol, does this mean nintendo finally chinned up and decided to open up some more to 3rd party devs?
@kingslump: Or maybe they should change Street Fighter and try to improve it? or do you just want it to stay the same and never let capcom try out to reach out to a wider audience? basically make it street fighter 4.2 but with slightly prettier graphics?
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