@xenomorphalien: Who said anything about removing the challenge? i said make the game more accessible, not easier, you are just a whiney cry baby who doesn't like change, or maybe you are some internet loser who cares too much about his e-rep to let some filthy "casuals" have some fun as well? grow up, the world is bigger than you and your silly online segregation.
@kingslump: Then go and play the older Mortal Kombat games since those provide you with the challenge you want or play the old street fighter games and let others have a go at the franchise, its not always about you you you.
@BabeNewelll: lol "talent", you make it sound as though spending hours in your basement learning combos is an accomplishment to be proud of, but I suppose you have nothing else going on in your life. I have no problem with a few minority group being able to learn how to excel in technical fighters better than me, but to have you guys being the main target audience when capcom can tap into a larger group and potentially make their franchise even more popular, now thats "sad and stupid", and honestly I don't understand why you are bitching, its not like Street Fighter 4 will seize to exist, you can always play that game, maybe even petition to get more DLCs going to it, either way stop being such a whiney entitled loser and give others the chance to try out the franchise.
@cmdr_danbo: I knew about the game long before this silly stunt, and also viewing this did not make me want to go out and purchase the game, so no it didn't "work". Maybe its cheaper than a TV commercial, maybe its not, but doing BOTH is certainly more expensive than doing just one of them, thats my point, people already know the game exists, no need to plan for some silly stunt, its freakin Tomb Raider, even none gamers know who Lara Croft is.
Another fine example of current gen budget management, use the money to focus on creating a better game and just use a bit to make for a simple advertisement? Nah! lets make a freekin game show to promote the game! because you know, logic! lol AAA gaming is such a joke.
Lol this is the first gamespot video where you can actually see a clear cut difference between the games compared, The X1 version clearly has more texture, though I wish digital foundry did an fps run to compare the performance of both, though i was told that the 360 version runs at steady 30fps.
@dthhisard: Well SEGA has bought ATLUS and have made efforts to port games to PC so its not exactly out of the question, still, just play the game on PS3 if you can't hold it, besides resolution and fps I doubt there is much of a difference between both and anime games imo tend to look better at 30fps.
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