@igorphoenix: The problem is nvidia is locking down features to their cards to prevent others from developing features of their own, for example Batman Arkham Knights interactive smoke feature is trademarked by nvidia, that means if anybody else attempts to create a feature like interactive smoke they would have to pay nvidia for the right to do such a thing because that feature was patented by nvidia, AMD could create a much more stable version of the interactive smoke effect but because nvidia can block their effort with a costly lawsuit nobody is going to have the guts to do it, its basically a monopoly thats killing PC gaming, luckly though AMD users are not missing much, Gameworks is a joke and all it days is break games and nvdia never bothers to optimize those features and really its just a means for them to keep the competition in check, from the consumer side you have nothing to worry about, I keep all nvidia features off so its really no different from having an AMD card, but the issue is nvidia is preventing progress in PC gaming, we could have had awesome graphical features in our games that are stable and far more efficient but nvidia is to busy wanking at their $$$$ to let people through, thankfully we still have the modding community, but things would be a lot faster if bigger and more financed companies are allowed to have a shot, this monopoly from nvidia has to stop, it will ultimately ruin PC gaming.
@zeek_fox: R.Mika, Elena and Cammy are literally the only female characters that show cleavage (and I suppose Poison to some extent), everybody else is dressed up, I know more dressed up female characters, just from the top of my head, juri, chun li, c.viper. makoto and ibuki, i'm pretty sure there are more (I only played ultra street fighter and SfxTekken) but my point is everything is already well balanced, they can go all crazy with the other characters especially R.Mika, her over the top perverseness actually gives her a unique personality, if everyone was all well mannered, all dressed and as dull as feminazis would like ALL females to be then they will be no different from pallet swaps, and when THAT happens they will complain to devs about how dull all their female characters are, it will never end.
@thepyrethatburn: Its not that complicated really, people tend to listen to women more because they are women, tinder, soft, innocent creatures that can do no harm. (or are attractive enough to ignore their short comings).
@Xristophoros: "the problem for me is that far too many developers treat gamers like perverted 13 year old's all the fucking time."
All the time? like where "all the time"? in star wars battlefront? in assassins creed? batman? need for speed? super mario? zelda? no go ahead tell me about how devs ALL THE TIME treat gamers like perverted 13 year old? or do only 1 or 2 examples suffice as significant sampling? lol typical SJW trash, one thing upsets you and you want to go on a crusade.
Also interesting how you consider skinny clad females "insulting", tell me, do shirtless men "insult" you as well? or is it not as distracting and you focus on other aspects of the game because it genuinely interests you?
@jz-nxs: Age rating won't make a difference, feminazis will still complain that such content will "objectify women", they are not going after young men, they are after ALL men.
@Gloridel: Oh here we go again with the whole "video games influence young men" bullshit, yeah sure because obviously young men are too stupid to make their own judgement, just like how violent video games will make men violent because again men have tiny microscopic brains and can't discern video games from reality, lets all listen to the whiny sensible peewads and "adjust" to their belief because clearly their feelings are THAT important.
The ones who are objectifying women are those that accuse others of objectifying them such as yourself because you have a habit of extracting a source and use that to group all women together, do you feel that its objectifying men when you see calvin cline models posted all over billboards? or do those feelings only come when a female is involved? yeah I thought so.
And now how many of those that complained are actually gonna play the game? wait thats right, 0, null, nada, just a bunch of angry fat ugly feminazis looking for something to bitch about as usually, I'm more dissapointed in capcom for bowing down to their demands like that, so SPINELESS.
@king_jamz: This would also serve as a deterrent, to make sure they don't run off with most of the money and spend little (or nothing) on the actually project, crowdfunding to devs = free money without consequences.
Dark_sageX's comments