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Darrogamer06 Blog

I would like to thank...

Well, I have only been blogging for 2 days and I am now featured on the homepage of Gamespot, as a featured user video. The video in question is my video review on an awesome game known as Psychonauts for the Xbox.

Shout out to capin131 for pointing this out to me anyway so I thank him and I see that I am along side another good video blogger known as TheWesker with his latest addition. Anyway, I am happy with this and I would like to thank my fans, Gamespot for providing me with this user upload feature and don't know who else to thank. I sounded sad there but anyway for you non-believers out there, here is certified proof I am on the page:

You can hardly see it but that is my video on the bottom right. 

User Upload

Hey fellow GS users.  I am not sure if the small group of people that were invited onto this User Upload survey were randomly picked or chosen because of the blogs they produced.  If for the latter, I am surprised since I only started blogging on Monday and yet got a invite to do a survey for Gamespot. 

I am happy with this whether it is randomly picked or chosen because of the blogs but glad to see out there that people whose blogs I enjoy reading and watching have been picked also for this survey like masoumi and capin131 etc.

Anyway, just wanted this here to get off my chest but anyway good luck with the other select few chosen for this survey.

And the blogs keep on coming!


Another blog already. Man, I am going too fast with this stuff.  Just kidding.  Anyway, this is basically a little tour of my room and hope you enjoy it.  The skylight window is there cause of course I am on the top floor of my house and the room is blazingly hot at the moment hence the fan on and the window wide open.

4th Blog, 1st Review


My 4th blog in two days but my 1st review.  I hope I did a good job and provided some gameplay footage and graphics as such just to make my blogs a bit better than my first three.  Hope it is good according to all of you who view it.

The Wii

Well, E3 has been over now for several weeks and I believe and many others will agree that the standout of the expo was Nintendo and the Wii.  Personally, I cannot wait until it is released here in the UK so that I can get a feel of how the Wiimote works and play such great games like Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and Super Mario Galaxy amongst others.

Time will tell whether it will be released and what the exact price of it is but we know at the moment that it will be no more than $250 meaning it probably will be around £200 or a bit more but we know it will be much less than the PS3.  It would be best if it was released before the PS3 since people will still get that considering the ridculous price on it.  The TGS (Tokyo Game Show) will be my best bet where they will provide more details on the Wii and see whether it will be released before or after the PS3 in November.

Nintendo should be proud to do something innovative even though it has somehow in a way been done before but I will be looking forward to see what it is like and hopefully will do better than the Gamecube, as although GC is a great console, it is the weakest of the three current-gen onsoles in terms of sales, popularity and games.

3 in 1 day!


Only started video blogging today and here is my 3rd one already.  By this rate I will have 50 in a few weeks but I doubt it as I will eventually run out of stuff to talk about or whatever.

2nd Video Blog Up and Running


My 2nd video blog. The games and movies I show here are not all I have and have a lot more stuff around my room but if I were to show you every game and every movie I had in my collection, I would be going for about a 1 or maybe more. Hope you enjoy and welcome your feedback.

UPDATE: If people watched this, I was wrong on two counts:

1.  I have Super Mario All Stars for 12 years and 6 months coming not 13, as I got it with the SNES for Christmas 1993.

2. Its been nearly 2 years, not 3 since I became a DBZ fan as a friend of mine had Budokai 2 and started playing it hence introducing me into DBZ. 

E3 draws near!

It is only a few weeks now until the biggest gaming event of the year known as the Electronic Entertainment Expo or E3.  This year's event will be a very interesting one and the focus will be more on the PS3 and the Revolution in peoples minds than the Xbox 360 since it has been released for several months now and some of the big games have been released for it.

It will be very interesting to see what the Nintendo Revolution has in store for us with its unique innoative features and its entire back catalogue available to download and play and people will be checking how exactly that is going to work.  I will be getting the Revolution definitely as I love Nintendo and always have since I started playing games at a young age.  I still have my Super Nintendo I got for Christmas at 93 and every now and again I play it.

Will the PS3 deliver? People will find out that question come E3 when hopefully it will let people play some of the games that will be released at launch or at a later date.  I suspect the big game people want to see more of is of course Metal Gear Solid 4 and judging by the trailer shown last year, I agree with them.  Also, another important aspect of it will be its cost.  Will it be too expensive for some or will it be the right price?  Well time will tell judging by this blu-ray specification stuff.

I believe the only thing that Xbox can do to get some attention is to have some sort of news about Halo 3 or at least a tralier of it or whatever because at the moment, I cannot think of any other BIG franchise games due for release in the coming year that will be mindblowing unless you count Gears Of War, which looks amazing anyway.

Well, we will see when E3 comes around what surprises are in store for the gaming community and some questions will be answered. 

The game the world is playing..... or at least North America and Europe.

What is the game I am talking about?  It is of course the latest instalment in the Elder Scrolls series: Oblivion.  I recently had the privilege of getting this game along with Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Perfect Dark Zero with the Xbox 360 for my 21st birthday and it is possibly one of the best games I have ever played.  A lot of people around this site will have the same opinion like I do and I can't blame that.  I cannot blame the people who are so enthralled with this game because it sucks you right in and you can play it for long lengths of time.

Some of the GS staff are playing it also and are enticed by it including my favourite two Jeff Gerstmann and Greg Kasavin.  It is a game that you can do mostly whatever you want and whenver you want. 

Even though this game does have its flaws, they are most minor and don't ruin the experience you have with it.  I know some people out there are not fussed on this game at all and played it for a bit but disliked what they played I respect as this game ain't going to everyone's cup of tea.  But the majority of the gaming community out there will love this game for this uniqueness and endless hours of play.  Heck a year down the road, I may still be playing this game with a smile on my face and will be happy if that's the case.