@TheFlawedGoblin I'm gonna disagree on one point; Tales games do a much better job with story and characterization than the SO games usually do, and also tend to have a bit more depth when it comes to combat. A LOT more depth, actually.
I will say though, that when it comes to general gameplay mechanics, the SO series is very strong, ESPECIALLY SO2 with it's dual-protagonist system, extensive cast of characters, private actions and near overwhelming amount of side -content.
@SingletreeAve @doppelgang @MegaX- Yes, but it did answer the question as to how your squad mates were on the Normandy at the very end, especially since the last you see of them is them lying on the ground in front of the Conduit, bleeding out and pretty much f*cked up beyond repair.
@dmdavenport @Enundr @RJLateralus "Because it's how real-life works sometimes" is a really poor excuse for thematic contradictions and inconsistencies.
There are some basic storytelling rules that you just don't break, not unless you're some kind of mad genius. And even mad geniuses usually play it safe by including some moments in the story that can be recontextualized as foreshadowing upon retrospect.
Regardless, taking care to not introduce new information to the narrative that fundamentally alters the nature of the story post-climax is one of those sacred rules, and ME3's ending violates it brazenly. And really, for no real reason other than poorly conceived and poorly executed shock value.
@tizmond New characters are fine, so long as the work itself isn't objectively poor and can also maintain that central ethos that made its predecessor noteworthy to begin with.
Star Trek successfully pulled it off more than once (Voyager and Enterprise were terrible, though.) Hell, Doctor Who's done it ELEVEN TIMES since 1963.
The Star Wars prequels didn't suck because they didn't have the original cast. They sucked because they were poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed, and because Lucas was more concerned with using them as showcases for newly developed visual effects than he was with doing any actual film-making.
@uxtull Wow, there's a cynical world view if I ever saw one. I bet when you see someone hold a door open for another person your brain somehow recontexualizes it into a hate crime.
See, if you're gonna have a TV service for your *game* console, this is how you do it; announce it as an extra feature. Don't make it the main-fucking-appeal and sole incentive to buy your console.
Did something big happen with Denis Dyack that I'm not aware of? Looking at his resume he's written and directed some pretty great stuff.
From the way people talk about him I expect to google his name and find an article on how he burned down an orphanage or something, but all I can find are one or two mild controversies.
looooolz I luv teh Xboooox!!11! Halo is de best gaem EVAAAAR! Xbox haz teh adverts! Failstation 4 gonna suk cuz it coppied Xbox and maed it cancel teH DEE-ARE-EMZZZ Hoo wanz a consolez without adz??? ADZ are teh beeEst!
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