@WantYouBad Space sim games usually involve flying through space, discovering different star systems, navigating different star systems, associating yourself with different factions, stopping at different planets or space stations to take on odd jobs that vary widely across the legal and ethics scale, anything from piracy, smuggling, combat, escort, etc.
They used to be the shit bag in the early 90's, but right around the time EA bought out Origin Systems the genre started to take a downward spiral and got less and less attention.
Star Citizen is a much-needed comeback for a fantastic genre.
@soulfulDAGGER What happened? It's not as outlandish as you might think.
Square spent a few years working on a new 3D entry in the "Mana" series for the PS2. New game in the "Mana" series eventually develops into Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts becomes one of their most iconic and recognizable franchises. Square asks Tetsuya Nomura to apply his "Kingdom Hearts/Mana series" formula to a spin-off FF game. Spin-off FF game goes next gen and gets rechristened as FFXV. Any questions?
@Sion1138 You're missing out. I'm with you in that I don't like being able to not customize my characters, but there are times when, for the sake of story, that an RPG benefits from depriving you of that feature. Planescape: Torment comes to mind and the same goes for The Witcher.
Geralt of Riva is the same character that he was in the books that the game is based on, so no, you can't alter his gender, race or appearance (outside of a feature that lets you change his hairstyle in the second game). Geralt of Rivia's plight to recover his past and safeguard those he holds dear is the driving point of the story, but like any great RPG, there are times when you need to decide what's more important to him, and it'll provide you with some of the toughest and most heart-wrenching moral choices you've ever had to make in an RPG.
@Phrosnite @okassar If anything needed to be retconned it was the destruction of the relays. Without them all of Earth's forces are stuck in the Sol System, dextro amino acid based races like the Turians and Quarians are doomed to starve to death, along with populations of all the city-planets like Illium who rely on farm worlds like Eden Prime for food.
In all honesty, I'm *cautiously* optimistic about DA3. I doubt it'll be the hardcore RPG that I'm craving, but maybe with a respectable development cycle, and with EA no longer diverting all of BioWare's talent and resources to rushing out SWTOR like they were doing during the development of DA2 and the bulk of ME3, maybe, just MAYBE, it'll be a really good game in it's own right.
ME2 showed that BioWare can make good games under EA's management, and despite a lot of recent departures from the company I do believe that there's still a lot of talent working there.
@Klop_Job I respect your opinion, but considering BioWare's track-record since being absorbed by EA, I'd say my pessimism is pretty well-founded. That being said, I am cautiously optimistic about DA3 now that it has, as you said, a longer development cycle, and also the fact that EA is no longer divulging all of BioWare's talent and resources toward the development of SWTOR like they were during DA2 and the bulk of ME3.
Dat-tsu's comments