@RPG_Fan_I_Am Well, all the kickstarter games that I've backed give you access to forums that the developers use to get player feedback on certain aspects of the game. Now, of course, this can only go so far, because we have to remember that people backing a certain project often do so because they have great interest in what's presented.
For instance, I backed Torment: Tides of Numenera because it was specifically conceived and advertised as a spiritual sequel to Planescape: Torment. So naturally, if people start requesting the kind of developments that would cause the project to deviate from that vision, then I'm afraid you backed the wrong project.
Basically, if you don't want or have no interest in what's being advertised, then yeah, you probably shouldn't bother backing. If you ARE interested, and you DO back them, then you'll be regularly shown tidbits on how the project is developing and given the opportunity to offer your two cents on it.
I personally have absolutely zero intention of ever buying another product from EA unless it's used, and even then I doubt it's gonna happen any time soon unless it turns out that Dragon Age III somehow miraculously ends up being BioWare's brilliant return-to-form (emphasis on the word "miraculous", as in "occurring through divine or supernatural intervention").
@Suikogaiden Well, there wouldn't be much purpose in backing a game that's already been made, would there? Seriously Suikogaiden, did Kickstarter kill your family or something? 'Cause I've seen you leave a negative comment on every single kickstarter-related page on this website.
Here's where your argument falls flat. If there was a Kickstarter page by some guy I never heard of, I probably wouldn't be so willing to spend my own money. Obsidian and InXile are not random people I don't know. Their developers that I've been big fans of for a long time. I know, for a fact, that they are a legit business, because I have their games sitting on my shelf. A lot of other people have also donated money to Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns, and wouldn't ya know it, it turns out they *weren't* BSing us, cause I can find gameplay footage for both of those games on this very website.
I dunno what else to tell ya, bud. Your argument has been invalidated.
Sorry, EA, but when we take close examinations of your business ethics and distribution management, and levy some legitimate criticisms your way, you're gonna hafta come up with a better response than "...Nuh-uh!"
@MoronGotMyName The story wasn't shit, you just didn't agree with it's premise. And it's completely fine that you don't, but that doesn't make the story objectively bad.
Personally if I had the choice between what's effectively "immortality alzheimer's" and death, I'd go with the latter.
2 years is a long wait, but after years of being disappointed by games that were obviously rushed (DA2, ME3) I'm just gonna say take as long as you need InXile. Besides, between now and then I'll have Shadowrun Returns, Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity to keep me busy ^_^
It's not an April Fools joke. InXile said last week that they'd make a big announcement on Monday, and stressed that the fact that Monday was April Fools day was purely coincidental.
At any rate, it looks fantastic. I'm really glad I backed this =)
@moviequest14 That depends on your definition of "cut-scene". If it's a completely scripted cinematic where you have no input or control, then Mass Effect has very few of those. On the other hand, if you view cutscenes as any point where people are talking and not shooting, then yes, the ME series has quite a bit of that.
Dat-tsu's comments