considering i spent all of my money on Rock Band and MGS4 im thinking of buying something cheap. What would you recommend.?
i found some deals on amazon... my choices are
the darkness new $20
motorstorm used $15
Warhawk used $23
Oblivion new $29
The darkness is rubbish. they try to make the character cool buy giving him tones of "goodfellas" style quotes during the game and in the end the gamplays dull, the shootings boring and the online sucks.
Motorstorm is not a game i would buy but having played would be something different from the others and ones you own. So i would recommend it when you want to just race around.
Warhawk....never played it. most people seem to like it. but MGS online offers third person gameplay....with more realism. a big game. i have bought it on 2 consoles and cant get past the 20 hours mark as i find it repeatitive. but most people will tell you "You can do anything in this game and takes you 200+ hours to do so,"
So i would go for Motorstorm. It is cheap now. and if you buy it now you can always say you are Motorstorms biggest fan when the second one comes out.,
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