Calling me names and accusing me of things doesn't get you anywhere in any legitimate debate over any issue, unless its politics..and this certainly isn't.
Also I do realize Bill Gates has "donated" more money than anybody else in the world, I also realize that roughly 95% of their foundation's endowment goes into investments, of which about half is in companies that promote the very problems they claim to want to solve. That 5% coincidentally enough is just about enough money to cover income taxes.
Most of the links are either taken out of context, by analysts, business as usual (you'll likely find it at any business), or utterly contradictory of other links. The list needs to be cleaned up tons before it can be a valid complaint about Sony's conduct which I will admitt has been far from admirable.
Last time I checked Microsoft was the one running a 3.4 billion dollar viral marketing campaign, not Sony. Sony just gets caught more often as the attention is more focused on them and while we're at it, yes I do have a job.
My deep rooted hate for Microsoft is multi-faceted. Their failure to adhere to basic computing standards, their inherently insecure operating systems, and their monopolistic and innovation destroying activities. In addition, their utter disregard for other software developers (they've been convicted of software piracy), their disturbing influence upon government, and their near-criminal (and in some cases criminal) activities towards open-source which is certainly better than anything they've ever done.
Thats not all the grievances I have towards them either. IBM of the seventies and eighties was better than they are and thats saying something.
"Calling me names and accusing me of things doesn't get you anywhere in any legitimate debate"
Oh but insulting ones grammar does? You seem like the kind of pompous persona I hate.
Do you believe someone has to have perfect grammar to participate in a discussion or let alone be intelligent?
Wow you must type fast :lol: I find it hilarious that you would come to system wars to find a "legitimate debate". Do you even own a console? It seems that your passionate hate for Microsoft is some how fueling your need to post on this board.
I am aware that almost ALL companies are greedy DUH that's commen sense. There just trying to make money for the share holders.
And Windows is a perfectly fine OS, also Microsoft's list of faults isn't that bad and Sony is much worse of a company and has horribly low standers (selling refurbished TV's as "new" anyone?).
So what is it like writing all that on a DOS or Linux computer? Or are you a Mac guy?
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