No there's not. You're just making it up as you go so long as the cash keeps coming in you'll keep mapping out the sequels and throwing the narrative out the window. we should have been done with this series last year and it really should have been the third game instead of the fifth.
Nothing made by them since 2003 has. Doom 3 was a paint by numbers "what's popular and works right now" Most of it was pretty much Half-Life without the lights on.
Are you actually saying you hold Ubisoft as the pinnacle of game quality? Yikes. First, LOL. Second, calm down look at it from a long time fans point of view Splinter Cell once was a hardcore unforgiving complex stealth game and since the first game on this current gen it has slowly been stripped of its former identity. Ironside was really all that was left of old Splinter Cell and his voice is what made that character. Without it the character is as generic as they come.
For so long? Mark had finished playing the Joker years before Arkham Asylum and there had been plenty of other actors since. (Though yes that will always be the voice I hear if I read a comic featuring him)
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