gather around now. sit down. story time is about to begin.
may i add that this story is completely true? it will knock your socks off...rather long, but worth the read. TWO PARTER! PART 2, 2 WKS FROM NOW!
sunday is decussion blog day
Tell Me Who I'am
It was late July 2006 and young 16 y/o Chris Phelps Jr. was a hormonaly charged, quisi skater kid of the non-emo type. A shaby dressed boy with typical teenage boy poor lessening skills was barely learning to drive. "DANG'NAMIT boy" His grandfather, Asa, yelled while clinging to dear life at the passenger seat. "Chris, I told you to put the car in reverse and u it on drive! Are you trying to kill us?!" Asa snaped. Young Chris wasent paying attention because Death Cab For Cutie was playing on his i-pod, which was blasting in his ears with the head phones. "Relax, gramps" The young man whos voice was barely begining to change said laughing. "We're in a parking lot...been here for 5 mins, all your doing is yelling." He said with a voice cracking from low to high tones. "There is no one here...and the sun is my eyes..." he added. "Chris..were practing reversing for the mean time. It's not that hard to do. Just go back in a straight line, then we can go home". Asa sighed. Chris dident care, because he was already exchanging text-messages with his BBF Landon Killam. "Whatever...guess I'll go play checkers with my old army buds at the rec center." Asa thought to himself. As Chris was running out the door with his skateboard to the skatepark 2 blocks away. "Bye gramps!" Chris's girlish voice cracked as Asa was getting into the drivers seat. Chris was a late bloomer. He was considerably shorter than most of the boys in his class at only 5'6. He was often teased because he was very slim, had almost no muscle mass, girlish voice, dressed in over sized classic black converse shoes, wit baggy clothes, no chest hair like some of the boys in his grade, and looked like a 11 y/o boy from far away. For the most part, Chris was also a loner. He had one friend, Landon who was 3'' shorter than Chris, girly voice, and both boys were into skate boarding and viedo games.
"Well it's about time, loser" Landon teased standing next to a rock. "Sorry, man, gramps was all up in my grill today...haha" Chris laughing. "Whtever, duhwebe" Landon snaped. Both boys begain playing smacks until Chris eyed some girls laughing at them. "Dude...chicks!" Chris smiled. "Hi ladies" he said waving from afar. "Uhh..nice" Landon said with a recluant tone in his voice. "Let's go talk to them or sumthing..." He added. As both boys approached the skater, semi-punk females wearing lick eye liner, and hot topic clothing.
Meanwhile. "Chrissss...Chrisss...I miss you Chris." Chris's mother, Virginia, said sobbing while curled up in a fetal postion in bed, with a death hold on her pillow. "Christopher, why did u leave me?!" Why did you have to die!?" With tears in her ears. "We could have had a life had to die" she continued while skaking violently, with nose runoff and heavy tears. She looked at the photo of Chris next to bedside while brushing aside her matted light brown curly hair from her face. Chris Howard Sr. was a big muscular man at 6'6, with med-brown hair, and soft steel eyes. He had a very calm, and polite demeaner which had attracted young Virginia Phelps in the 1st place. He stroked the pic with her finger. She remebered that Chris Sr. was in the army and deplyed in the 1st Gulf War back in 1990 when he died.
"Haahahahah...let me see u try to do that, mr." Landon said while pulling a 360 on this skateboard. "I can do better" Chris yelled while jumping over a ramp. "Check and mate, loser" Chris yelled back. "Whtever..I'm straved" Landon said while his stomach growled. The boys had been at the skateboard all day doing tricks and impressing girls. Now, it was 8 o'clock at nite, the sun setting, and kids leaving for the nite. "Did your mom make dinner, tonite?" Chris asked Landon as both were leaving. "How should I know..I've been here all day....duhhhh" Landon replied. "She makes the best lazana...thats why I'm asking..." Chris said. "There outa town! It's me and the sis..." Landon replied. "The hot one, Cloe? that's right I forget they skipped town" Chris responded. "Hey! stay away from the sis!" "She can attack you with her heals of death" Landon said laughing. Chris smirked as both were walking to the nearest Pizza Hut.
"It's getting late" Asa said with a smile. "Good game boys...must be getting home because daughter prolly has dinner waiting." Has he scooped up his winnings from playing checkers at the rec center with his friends Oliver and Iggy. "Get outa here u old goat" Iggy responded sarcasitly. "yea scram!" Oliver added. Asa walked out the door with smile, while worrying for his daughter Virginia. For it was nearing the date. Asa arrived home and entered the door to see Ginie [nickname] heating sandwiches in the toaster oven. "Hi dad" she said. "Wasent in a cooking mode today...rather hot outside." "Dont worry about it, hun. Sandwiches are good anyday." He said smiling. Asa could tell Ginie, had been crying all afternoon, since her eyes will a lil puffy, even though she stopped crying 2 hours ago.
Chris got home around 10:30 pm, creeped up stairs to his room and begain undressing. He enjoyed playing with his x-box in his boxer shorts because according to him "cool air from the a/c, & slight nakedness was the best was to play viedo games all nite. Chris took off his shirt and noticed new muscle mass in the mirror. " this me?!" He thought to himself while flexing. "Wow my arms...there so chest hair, but thats ok..."he continued thinking while undressing. Chris's life and body were to change forever after next week's events.
*Door bell rings at Phelps household* It was 12 noon and Ginie was the only person at home. Chris or CJ was at the mall with Landon and the girls they meet at the skatepark, Asa was at the rec center meeting woman his age, and playing Checkers, and Ginie was homealone tending to her knitting. "Who is it?" She asked at the door. "It's me." A deep manly voice responded from outside. She peeped though the lil hole in the door and eyed a man in a busniess suit. She opened the door only to find one of the most tallest, beatifulest, and sharply dressed men she had ever layed eyes on. Standing at the door way was a 6'4, white complexioned, blue eyes, thick black hair, and thick black beard man in his early 40's with a dark blue BMW in the drive way. "Wow..who is the angelic man..." Ginie, thought to herself. "Hello, Ginie, may I come in?" The man asked. "Y-Y-Yes you m-may, sir" She nervouly replied. "How do u know, my name, sir?" She asked. "Because, Virginia, it's me Chase" "OMG, CHASE!!! CHASE!!" Ginie she screamed. "I havent seen u in 16 years!""How are u? details!" She added. Chase smiled and replied. "I'm here to talk to you." "Oh" she said. "About wht?" "Over dinner, my sweet" Chase said smiling extending his big hand. "Tonite, darling, be dressed, be lovely." He continued. "I'll pick you up at 7. Dont be late" He said still smiling. "A date?! sudden..havent seen each other in 16 yrs..but ok?" She said with a confused smile. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, and walked out the door back to work. "Bye dear, 7!" He said walking away.
Chris was at Landon's house admiring Chloe the 18 y/o sis of Landon. "Hi, cupcake." Chris said winking. "Toilet, I'm 5'9 w/o my heals...I can kick your face in just by looking at you." She hottly said. "I'm not dead!" Chris said laughing. "C'mon loser...the honies are gonna be waiting!" Landon said throwing a pillow at Chris. "Whtever...lets go" Chris said walking out the door to the mall. "Relax...u live a block away...a few minutes are not gonna hurt my babes" Chris said. While catching up to further ahead Landon.
"Sniff...snifff" The crying had begun again for Ginie. She was in bed repeating the crying spells. Poor Ginie had been like this for a month. It was only 2 more weeks until Chris Sr. anniversy. Ginie stared at the photo and rembered thier story. It was Aug. 1990 and the 1st Gulf War had just begun. Ginie dident know where Chris Sr. was stationed and was soon deplyed to Iraq. She would exchange letters with Chris where ever he was at; either in an army base or in war. She dident rember if they exhanged phone calls, but often times, she would re-read those letters for comfort. Ginie was very in love with Chris, but was hiding a lil secret. This secrect was very intense for Ginie. It burned away at her soul and heart everyday, and dident know where to turn. She knew young Chris admirred his father from afar..even though he was born 9 monthes after his death. All she knew that Jr was a love hot nite would soon turn into a memory, a memory into a living memory of the man who would never come home. Ginie was getting very sleepy, and soon difted away to dream land...cluthing Sr. photo.
*ZZZZZZZZZZ* the locuts were in trees making insane amounts of racket, the kids next door was having playing in thier floor swimming pool, and it was 5'clock 2 hours b4 her date. "Oh my...gotta get ready" She thought while hurrying to take a bath. No one was home yet...Asa was prolly at the rec center or maybe fishing with Oliver and Iggy, Chris was prolly wit landon at the skatepark or the mall..but it dident matter now since Chase was taking her out for a fun nite.
*Ring* The door rang at 7 o'clock sharp. No one was still home even though Asa called and said he went afternoon fishing with his friends, CJ called and said he was @ Landon's playing viedo games. Chase looking devlishly handsome, swoopwed the sharp looking Ginie in his arms. She left a note saying "not to wait with ex-boyfriend" and a smily face :). They both got into the car and drove away. "He smells so nice" she thought to herself in conversation with Chase looking out the windows of the city light of the highway. It was a lovely nite of visiting nice clubs, and eating at a nice resturant in downtown. She finlly felt from her "burden". But soon, lovely would turn to horrid.
The pair arrived home around 11...and as luck would have no one home. The pair climbed up the steps holding hands into Ginies room. "Ok..we need to talk" Chase suggested. "Sure, speak." She said. "I know about Chris.." Chase said with a stern voice. "Wht do u know about him?" A worried Ginie asked. "Every thing..."He replied. "I know about his late growth into puberty, I know it's Chris's annivery, and your torn to bites about it. I know everything." He continued. "No you dont..."She snapped. "Wht gives you the right to come in here and ask these kinds of things..."She furthed. "BECAUSE GINIE, HE MIGHT BE MY SON..AND U KNOW THAT". CHase said with with his voice rising. "No you dont! lier" She yelled backed. "Listen, Ginie...I had the same problems at his age...girly voice, no musle, skinny, and no self-esteem..I played many viedo games to keep happy...dont u get it...""He might be my son!!" Chase added. "LIER! LIER! CJ IS CHRISTOPER'S CHILD!!" She yelled crying. Meanwhile CJ is downstairs overhearing everything and failing to notice the dark blue BMW parked next to the drive way. "Ginie, I'm not impplying any thing...I want to know, u want to know...Asa told me everything--" He was cut off mid sentence. "What, my dad called u here? for wht? He's been the only father that CJ knows and your hear to take it away?" "Whats wrong with you?!" She yelled. "Because, Gin, we slept together...alot...u cheated on poor Chris ALOT! Dont denie it!" Gin dident look up. He contined. "U know that...u were sleeping w/Chris and me at the same time...he'd come visit, we'd hang out, you would be with him most of the nite, then you'd come to me for dessert." Gin couldent bring herslef to answer...tears rolling down her face. "i hate u.."she whispered. "i hate you...""I want to know...Ginie...""you want to, and Asa wants to know..." Ginie looked Chase in the eye.."I hate you! GET OUT! GET OUT!" She started getting violent with kicks and punches. Chase caught her and tried to calm her. "GET OUT!" "GET OUT" She cried. Chase was holding her w/o a stuggle. Both sat on the floor. Ginie in tears and Chase in silence.
CJ had heard enogh can ran out of the house back to landons. All these crazy thoughts ran thew his head..."Whts going on?" he asked while running to Landons. Landon and Chloe were playing with the wegi board when the door rang. Landon opens the door, and lets CJ in. "'s almot are u doing here?" "Cuz I wanna...!" CJ snapped back. "Gezze dont get your panties in a knot" Landon said rolling his eyes. :rolleyes: CJ walked pale as a ghot. "Wtf is wrong with u Chris...u ok?" Cloe asked worried. "Want some water?" She asked. Then went into the kitch to get some water. "Who wants pizza?" she yelled from the kitchen. no reply, but she put it in anyways because someone was found to get hungry. Landon and CJ went to Landons room where the was. "Hey check it out...I found it in my creepy basement...wanna play?" :) Landon said with a smile. "Sure, whtever Chris replyed with a monoton voice.The boys asked it silly questions like "is the moon made of cheese?" or "if mars is made out of coolaid?" or "why is chloes butt so big? until asked the burning question...
the thing started to move..."C-H--" when the Chloe announced the pizza is done by banging on the door.
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