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Deanna_T Blog


eh...still groggy from monday. now, you'll excuse me, i havata read for another 3 hours. O_____O i will be leaving andysaurs in charge while i'm gone. if u remember the whale/dog connection blog.

History Blog! ^_^

this is just like the animal blog..but even cooler! ^_^ btw, hella awesome blog due for saturday! class time! Ok, students. time to turn off the tv and turn this way to the blog board! *scrathes sharp on the board* Ok, got your attention now? Very well, it is about a large finding of human remains in a graveyard in england. this will help those smart scient guys (bill nye) learn more about the history oy deases and how dead ate. LONDON - A large medieval cemetery containing around 1,300 skeletons has been discovered in the central English city of Leicester, archaeologists said Tuesday. The bones were found during a dig before the site is developed as part of a 350 million-pound ($630 million) shopping mall. University of Leicester archaeologists say the find promises to shed new light on the way people lived and died in the Middle Ages. "We think, probably outside London, this must be one of the largest parish graveyards ever excavated," said Richard Buckley, director of University of Leicester Archaeology Services. "Archaeology will tell us a lot from the rubbish people throw away. We can really learn about the lives they were leading." "But it's very rare that we get a look at a (whole) population itself. It's quite a tightly dated group." He said the graveyard was probably used from the 12th century until the demolition of a church at the site in 1573. Communal graves and a high number of child skeletons already provide evidence of high infant mortality and contagious diseases in the area, Buckley said. What is believed to be Britain's largest medieval cemetery was found at Bishopsgate London in 1999. It contained more than 10,000 bodies. source: yahoo. hmmmmmmm. any thoughts? at first, they found the bones, i thought it might have been a graveyard for those who died in the black plague. since the mention of contagious diseases lead to think about it. but the timeline doesnt add up, since the black plague happaned during the 10 hundreds and not the 12th century. but since it is a big graveyard, u never know. it also shows how ppl ate. by looking at the teeth, and bone structe, they can determine wht the dead might have eaten. such as hard grains, or ppl eating things that shouldent like rocks, or bone structche determing that children died as well. of wht? hmmm..chicken pox, colds, measels, mumps, that spread fast around kids. or could diet determine thier fate as well? well, i'll leave u 2 decuse now! ^_^ ok, recess! NOT FOR YOU, JUST FOR ME! hahahahha :P

Since everyone's doing this...

NEW BANNER! lol. not really, it's just a smiley shooting at a dino..very Jurassic Park..^_^ don't forget the Carmin SanDiego personal image! maybe I might make and submit icons of her..but not now. cuz i dont how and i dont have the time..^_^ *note 2 self* buy sound track of where in the world is CSD to record on phone as ring tone. well, duh i did not make it..i'll say when the new banner is up..but not now. when the creative juices start flowing and the buttons start clicking themselves! btw, i made business cards & flyers for my mom this weekend. it was fun. that's a job i wanna get so i can buy a chevy alavanche.

OmG tHe BaNnErS & iMaGeS aRe BaCk!!!

 EVERY ONE LOOK!!!!!!!! THEIR BACK UP..AND EVEN PRETTIER THEN B4! LOOK I CAN SEE CONNER TRINNEER AND THAT BEATIFUL FACE AND HAIR HE HAS! AND INSPECTOR GRADET! BANNER..WHICH I DID NOT MAKE! ^_^. SO EXCITED!IS TV.COM REALLY BACK TO IT'S "OLD SELF"???? *runs back and forth all excited* alsom ne one else having problems with the site? such as clicking the preview button and it gives u a somelse blog? or the white page? REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh...this means there is another Stargate: Atlantis day coming soon...very soon..but not today..:D & this also means more exciting blogs soon! now if only more ppl actully posted here...hmmmm. - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics

Monday's Funness...

I had my doubts, my second thoughts, mostly boredom..but when it came time to face the truth, It was AWESOME! I went early to avoid the b4 8 am morning rush and get a parking space since my class starts at 9. The building I'm going to be parked at, fills early and its a good place to park. Finding the room was no prob. but the upstairs a maze, & make sure I was early, I went to look for it. Then I went out. Lo and behold..I saw my friend, Liza, and her friend, Carlos! W0ot! Funness! We walked around about an half an hour. Talking a/b stuff. Carlos was like "Im gonna puke..I'm so0o0o0o0o nervous!" Liza just ignored him, and I was like..uhhhh..Theres a trash can..hehehe. That was fun..We waked around until we stood out side the building...then went in. I was wearing my hair down & it looked like total mess--as always. I combed my in the to Carlos! lol. Then I went to class..boring! It ended early! I awaited about an hour for the next one to start. FUN! ART! First day of class as usual. I was combing my hair! LOL I know the teacher. It was ok wif him..and someone I dont like sister is in that class...& sits on a computer near me! >.< ARGH! Then it ended. I'm gonna run circles around the newbies with my photoship skillz. :D MORE FRIENDS! I Saw my other friend. Toni wonderin around 2 her next class. She lost and did not know where the building was. I know where it is cuz i look a class there last sem..but she asked a teacher to make sure where it was. Me and Toni walked along to the building. A wierd friend of her stopped to look at us..gross looking young man! Then she bragged about all the partys she has been to and I'm like...uh huhhhhh...sure....I like yes just like that. She had to go to class, and I was leaving.. When I saw Chris and Christi! W0ot. I know Chris..and then I meet his "friend" *i think they are going out, & they make a totally cute couple!* They nice kids..funny...and they wear matching top it all off..they marched to the bathroom after I told them where to find a "secret" one..lololololoolol. Well, that was yesterday..It was fun..and your doing to after to wait about todays adventure tomarrow! cuz...i feel like it. *stomach pains* Y'all Im hungry and hankerin' 4 a sandwitch...its not 10 i dont know if they have sandwitchs already...& my next class is @ 1230! :( long wait..but ok.. Pic. time! Cyclops Egg Rolls! Home Depot! Random Things, I know..but they its all good!

Twas the nite before school...

*sigh* Yes, it is the nite b4 school..for me at least! My last nite as a free woman staying up late all nite on the Internet, then getting up the next afternoon doing nothing and resting afterwords...*sigh* those endless possibilities... I think my mom decided to have one last holiday. We had a BBQ today or as in South Tx it is called, Carne Asada. It was the same ol' meat. Sausage, beef ribs, chicken, frijoles borrachos or "drunken" beans. It is just pinto beans with small bites of onion (nasty), spices, tomatoes, and parsley. And fajita or beef skirt. The meat wasn't that great..I've had WAY better. Plus, I'm not much a red meat eater. The beans were to die for. I'm a side dish girl and prefer a side dish to a main coarse anyday. I don't know why, but I think it had something to do with the mac-n-cheese @ KFC (wonderus flavor). I also had tortillas covered in avocado & white cheese. To be honest, I don't think I'll eat again for a few Milena. No really. I feel like a lizard who needs to sit on a heat rock to digest or maybe some pepto bismol might be in order? Back to school checklist (yes i keep one of those handy so i won't be a turkey w/o a head). Backpack: Filled with my Psychology & Art books, spirals, pencils, pens, school id, some cash, paper folders, my new USB drive, & all other nesesary papers? CHECK Clothes: All laid out and ready to go, including socks, shoes, two shirts I can't decide on? (hey i gotta get up early!) Jeans with my schedule in it just in case I forget the room number? CHECK Cellphone: Yes, N-Gage is already recharged and the phone's alarm clock is already set on 6:30 A.M. CHECK Breakfast and lunch money: Yes, I have my cereal box right next to me & when the morning comes, i'll run down and eat as much of it as possible like I always do. Since, I did not have time to buy lunch meat, and I dont like the meat here at home, I'll buy a tuna sandwich instead, b/c that is my favorite to eat. NO taterchips or soda..just plain o'l bottled water. CHECK That just about does it...
BTW, I made Deans List Fall '05!
Deans List Fall '05!

Wht should the next Star Trek be about?? Think with me

I'm so bored right now I'm thing of why every other trekkie is prolly thinking --a new show that won't be out until--wht 7-10 yrs (IMO) from now??? Give us a break here, Paramount. Any ways, on the ENT page, its aparent that tensions are still high, and grudges still remain. I haven't posted there in a while b/c the last epi (name shall NOT be mentioned) still brings back the monthes of tears b4 the show ended and non-stop sobbing when it ended. As for my self, I remain in denile. Yes, denile everytime I think of it or visit that page. Not and everyday thing, ok? Why? watch season 4 and get to love it. Get to know the ppl, get to know the technology, get to know the action. and you'll know the true meaning of losing your best friend or a limb! Bad ananoglies, I know, but thats the best that can be described. Work with me: Timeline: ENTERPRISE J !!!!!!! YES! Like the time traveler dude took Archer to visit a century like 400 yrs from now! (ENT timeline). I'd love to see a ship 4x as fast then all the ships combined(not DS9 duh), sick weapons, hella evil villans (ones that make u cry at nite), scary new planets. Basicly the same formula, but combine some BSG elements, and [insert your own ideas here]. I think we might have a winner. A Movie? I'd like to see a movie introduce a new show. Sounds like a supreme bad idea. But, I'd be the first one there dressed like u guessed it--Troi..LOL, or Col. or how about T'Pol...lolololol. Knowing me I'd prolly dress like really I would..lmao! If there was a movie b4, I would like to see a really dark, emtion tearing, sometimes confusing plot twists, hard as nails cap, strong able willing 1st officer, and eaqully minded crew. I mean tearing up the ship, losing a thurster, well u know i'm refering to. The shows all had things like these, but i wanna see more mooooreeeeeeeeeee. Plot: Darkness. Gut wrenching. Taking Trek to a whole new persona. Lets say: The Federation is falling apart, a dark new enemy is invading, millions dead, alliences falling apart, dwindling Star Fleet Personal due to constant fighting, and declining Earth poplation. And maybe the show revolve around 2 ships? another space station? IMO, a totally new formula would prolly work. Taking the old light plot formulas, using imagination, reinventing enenmys, redisigning ships, uniforms, attitudes, & throwing them into the culdren to see wht we get. and NOT letting, repeat..NOT letting who's names shall not be mentioned (yes, trekkers, u know whom iam refering to) any where NEAR any ideas relating to trek. and so help me god if they partake any thing to with the fallen brethen. Maybe some ENT ideas can be used as foreshadowing. Not a Xindi war, but using the Enterprise J (ENT season 3) battle as something to come. Unless....... Crew: Hmmmm...could this work? It an extremely far Star Date from now. Everything seems fine..but is it? This is something the Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans (maybe?), Ferengi, and Humans fear... EVERYONE TOGETHER ON THE SAME BRIDGE!!!!! =) THE POSSIBLITYS! *pulls ideas out of a hat* Captain: Hey i got an idea. Lets see..Combinde some of the previous Trek capts DNA to form one super captain!!! No? Sounds kinda gross to me also. lol. Oh, and his last name is "Gunn" imagine....I like that "Gunn". Capt. Gunn a space ho is here to see u now, Capt. Gunn pizzas ready!!! I am Capt. Gunn of the Federation starship Enterprise. And yes.. PREPARE TO BE BOREDED! shields up! I like..i like.. but the capt. has to a smooth operator that has like a million fangirls. But have one that smiles every now and then & has a boflex in his room..=D! How about married? Sisko was married..but this this time have a capt. that is really married and his wife a pure betaziod conselor (!, lol.jk). That would be fun. 1st officer. I'm talking 6'4, blond/brown hair, 210 lbs of muscle, blue eyes, pretty white or tanned skinned, and listens to loud music while boxing. A total package for any fan girl. Lets be real, someone with quick wit, fast attitude, sharp senses, cunning intellect..same goes for the capt. But i'd like a southern gentleman (kinda like another tripp, but bigger, and more screen time) Science officer/security officers: Hmmmm.. I'm going with Vulcan. A 3rd vulcan science officer!!!!?? Yes a 3rd one. hey, they know alot about things n stuff, so why not. Vulcans are atuclly witty and sarsatic. and i can't get enough vulcans. It those ears! they have incellect and brains, but all of that sometimes get in the way of thier judgement. Give them enough time, yes they might vene be passionate. This guy can figure out pussles in seconds, finds cures within hours, still skinny vulcan male with ears that pook an eye out. kinda like spock but with a romulan enforced attitude at times. for the head security officer, a romulan! yes a romulan. by the time its next show, maybe the romulans join the Fed and were going to have to wait till it happans. A tuff-as-nails/bark-worse-then-bite female romulan running around. she can kick a bad guys arse just by looking at them, and can smile everyone in a while or tell a joke? fun stuff: a vulcan/romulan relationship! :O. yes, a passionate galaxy crossed lovers. they dont tell any one, but they can relate to each other in ways only a star trek show writer can think about. its totally secret and no one suspects any thing. until she get pregant..oh no! i'd watch red faced, but i'd watch nonetheless. but the docter & betazoid counselor suspect something! those 2 on the same ship..and friends! human doc. atcs sarcastic sometime. this chick is still young and knows lot about wierd alien treatments. she has bug treatments(like plocx), mccoys coolness, crushers patience, bashiers intellect, and the holodocs curosity..wht a combo..dam! klingon eningeer: i like the sound of that..klingon eningeer. he breaks the mold and makes it cool to be klingon and fix ships at the same time. mild tempered (like worf) but still can wield a wrench if he ever needed to. is guilty of loving the holodeck to much. hehehe betazoid counselor: a real not a half human one. dont get me wrong, troi's cool and all (in fact i stole her name!) but her character at times hardly used. lets make the counselor married to the capt. wht a roit! she has mental breakdowns, collapses, & often times can sense danger from even when there still is no danger. sometimes runs on the bridge when she feels the away party is at bay. (does some of the things troi has done, but a better develped charater). ferengi ensign: this is where the fun beings. since everyone is now friends on the new Enterprise, this guy is the comic relief. sometimes break orders when ship is in danger. make him half human (dad) and ferengi (mom). still is greedy, but makes up for that in helm skills! well i sugessted a dark, sad show, but hey we can still have fun here! ppl are friends can get used to the fact that an alience is here to stay. makin old enemies new friends, and entire new set of bad things. let the old go, and make a new one. theme music: hmmmmmmmmmmm. wht about classic oprea with hard core metal guitar? a totally new CGI induced intro with all sorts wind & string instruments blair in the backround & symbals, & drums, u name it. and a claranet solo..=) everytime theres an "uncomtrable" situation, the Stevie Nicks song "Stand Back" starts to play, or when theres an enemy strike classic opera metal plays and each villan has there own theme song. weapons: the ship and everyone abroard is armed to the teeth. the same weapons, but stronger with farther shooting range, and able to fire though any thing cloacked. so wht are your ideas? ***Yes, i know im getting the fangirlness get in the way. just funning!

$40 buxs well spent...

Today probaly was another busy day for me. It was the usual again. The usual? Well, lets see, I woke up @ 930 am by my moms nagging, only to find out some guy was going to install a new deadbolt a door upstairs (where i live). i brushed my teeth n face, and up on a sweater over muh pj's. then they left i got dressed, and another "usual" for me was having to sofer my mom all over town so she can run "errands". she did nothin except look for some person's house for god-knows-wht-reason. then lunch and gas for tha car. BORING..yes i know. good stuff: i went to the mall after i paid some bills for her. so it was to tha mall. normaly, i abhore that place filled with pregant teen girls, thugs/thugettes, middle school kids, horads of those in hoards!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went early and beat the crowds, ^_^. pluz it was a tuesday afternoon. i walked that Wraith Hive ship in search of Trade Secret. and lo and behold the light at the end of the roach motel. Trade Secret by Jc Penny's. I went in made a sameday appointment (stlylist dude out to lunch), and waited on a bench. The rest is history. That was the best hour and half on hair and eyebrows that ever happened to them. My naturally shapped eye browns are waxed, my hair perfectly cut. he blow dyed and washed my hair is super volumey like the real troi's but not that big. his magic fingers glided though my soft dark hair. his gentle touch shaped my unruly locks to blissful perfection. he clipped & nipped here and there, letting the scicors dot he talking. he is the hair chef. my hair the crem-bu-ly. ok...thats about my hair is prefect now. i even got hit on by an old dude thats like 55 at a gas station :O. grossness to the 10th. as i was leaving the mall, i almost got into a car crash, cuz it was my turn at the stop sign and the lady was gonna run it! b i t c h. wreck my moms mountaineer. then again cuz to dumb b i t c h e s crossing that street when it was my turn to drive. :O well thats it. i'm going to finish my reading now. SHAKE IT PICS COMING BACK TOMARROW! [TV.COM BETTER BE TELLIN DA TRUTH!!!] (____\____) (____|____) (____/____)

Getting back into the swing of things & asking the tuff questions...

Dam..I start school on Monday!!!!!! N0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o! (crying face). Not only do I start on Monday, I have a 5 day week! (another crying face). See, last (Fall) Sem I had 4 day wks and 3 day week ends ^u^! Hallenuya! Now, there is another branch of the college I attend. I go to the main one, and there is a new branch that opened up in another part of town. I heard somewhere that the teachers in my school are being stretched out and many of the main school teachers are sent to the branch to teach (true b/c on the class catalogue, diff. subjects are taught by teachers on certain days @ both schools. A counselor told me that the teachers follow their schedules like it there bible). I spent 4 hours looking at this online catalogue and noticed the early MW classes are MWF and the later ones are during the late afternoon. All this effort to decide what time I was going to sign up. I had everything planned out. The classes at the right time. But, nooooooooooooooooooo I ended up changing all the time/days of the classes originally wanted. Original; plan: Into 2 Speech- TR 915am-1050am American Lit 2- TR 1100am-1230pm General Psychology- MW 915am-1050am American History2- MW1100am-1200pm *sigh* It was a perfect plan same time for everything! Insanely the same...*sigh* The class catalogue has the same times and everything. I was planning to far ahead New plan: Into 2 Speech- TR 800am-915 American Hist2- TR 1230-150 pm (odd times I’ll get to that later) General Psychology-MWF (shame!) 900-950am Design Comm- 1100am-130pm (we get a 15 min break @ 1230 4 lunch ^u^) About those odd times. Everything is kinda spaced out b/c I want time to continue studying for History along with lunch or a nap, mainly for studying. I guess its to stressful for the teachers to teacher an hr 30 min class then drive halfway to town to teacher a class that long. so maybe that is why the early MW became MWF classes and all the TR classes stayed the same. I had second thoughts for all the lit classes, & going to leave that for summer when I'll have more time to read n such. Today, I woke up @ the ungodly hr of 630am. Why? I needed the car 2 buy the books, b/c today is the day the books are available on Financial Aid. He starts class at 815 and picked me up (I live w/mother) at 730 then it was off to his school. Luckily, my school and his school are block away, separated by a overpass where trains pass. When I got there, it was still b4 8 and hardly a soul except for some folk who haven’t registered 4 class. I did when early online registration started--HALLOWEEN DAY. Got my id validated for the sem, bought my books, went to my old high school to visit w/friends all b4 10am. =). What a day, then I came home, did some cleaning, ate lunch, watched Star Trek: TNG on Spike for 3 hours, and now here I am. =). REJOICE! All I need to be complete for Monday is: Roast Beef and Cheese slices 4 lunch (school food nazty & E-X-P-E-S-I-V-E), and a 100 count box of cereal to last me till May. So how was your day? -------------------------------------------- Asking the tuff questions. 1.Why do old ppl smell like pee? 0.o 2. How many illegitimate kids do Riker and Kirk have? 3. If Tripp would have survived that last epi. of ENT would he and T'Pol have finally made it official? If so, would T'Pol have been a definite baby machine? would their names be, besides Elizabeth and Loral (or What ever his name was. the dude from E2 season 3). Heres a list of names they'd prolly name those kids... 1. Jimmy 2. Katheryne 3. Ben 4. Marie 5. Landon 6. Janet 7. T'Vel (Vulcan male I made up) 8. T'Pan (Female Vulcan name) 9. Tray 10. Johnny (Betazoid senses sense favorite) 11. Evelyn 12. Jonathon (Named after captain) *running outa breath* That makes 14 Sorry, just had to satire something. Wht ever really happaned to Whesly Crusher? Will we ever get to see the Wraith homeworld on SG:A??? Will Bart Simpson ever grow a beard? Will Homer ever use Rogain? Should I dye my hair red? jk You decide....

SG:A wk continues..Dont forget discussion of "The Hive"

Miscellanous Charaters Dr. Zelenka The other crazy looking doc. along side Beckett and McKay. He is also smart, and his wacky hair makes him look like a mad scienist. Friend of Rodney and Beckett. He kinda is a go-threw of Carson and Rodney. Wish he got more screen time. His and Rodney's antics are ever ending laughs. Colonel Caldwell That bald dude that commands the Daedalus. Comes to the resuce of Team Shep when needed, and is a stubborn man. I think he & Weir were flirting w/each other in one episode. o.0 Major Lorne *fangirl alert* Yes, I'm already a fan girl. Even though he as appreared in like 5 epis. He is short, sometimes overbearing, rugged, and but is a team player along side Col. Caldwell.I don't know wht it is w/me and man with the rank of "Major" (ex. major shep,& major hayes -star trek:ent-). But, the guys that are always cast as Major are sarcastic and Discussion Wow..the Hive part 2. There was no words that make me discribe wht we all saw last nite. So, that is why I'm putting it into sections. First off, if u have read my bio..I'm a CGI nut. thats first then the other stuff, lol jk jk. *Might be some spoilers* CGI & Set: Wow..just wow. I started drooling when Hyper Drive was playing. If that's hyper drive..than warp drive doesnt compare! No offense Star Trek, but the SG:A animators really outdid themselves this time. Warp Drive doesnt compare to wht SGA version of it-- that is Hyper Drive. It looked as if the Daedalus and the W ships were zooming at insanly fast speeds inside a worm hole. The W ship battle was amazing, similar to a Star Wars movie battle. Watch this show in the dark, to feel the full "flavor" of the CGI. Everything was glowing with perfection, not a glitch in site. Outer space and it entireity were prefect, the battles scences were kick arse, and Hive set was eerie, excellant, overall lighting even in the dark . Dust & cobwebs everywhere kinda like holloween a little cliched, but sick. ^_^ A+ for CG-I and backround. Plot: At some points dull, others wicked, then picks up again. The Hive2 was a truely genuine episode. Even though, some parts were cliched, the strong acting made up for that. Rodney almost losing his life to save Team Shep, Shep almost being tricked, the crew being in diffrent locations, all pulled off with such ease. The cast put up w/Fords downfall, and his mates. SG:A is knowen for the quick wit is throws at us. But, there was a twist. Rodney wanting "some", and beating up guards. The subplots, all combine into one exciting episode. The battle and sabotage took off quickly and was just an thriller..but u thought everyone was gone..think again. B+ Acting: Very strong and no holds bar. Dave H. did a outstanding job and truely outdid himself. Dave/Rodney combo always amazes me. He can play that charater like a puppeter on Seasme Street. His faults with Beckett come to life with the vigor and anger as a very calm somber Paul/Beckett smoothly handles the delema w/aling Rodney. Liz/Weir factor hardly showen. Liz always manages that deep thought face, that captures us. Joe/Shep comb. Also, truely amazing. It was the same Shep wit that Joe pulls off so easly, that stopped the W queen in her tracks! Nicely done! Jason/Ron-Same ol Ron, but we got to see him smile this time! Such a nice smile. Wicked sick fighting skills stopping those leaches w/legs in a quick manner, perfect. Rachel/Tayla. Always the calm collected Tayla with fighting skills of cat...hisssss. Always a thinker, she pulls of Tayla in a dazzling manner. Dispite the fact, that Taylas main purpose is to fight. Rainbow/Ford-We already see him anymore. He is given the benefit of the dought. Rainbow is a gifted actor, that sometimes doesnt get the screen time he deserves. Good Job! to everybody! A+ Villian: We finally got see wht the W are really like and the thier Queen! As, seen b4, we know they are cruel..but not to wht extent (manipulating, lying) captured ppl. We know that they trap casulties and give them a deadly choice. Could this be how they know so much about diffrent worlds? The queen is a lil wierd, and her gen/comdrs. are no better. Besides, the guards don't talk, but thier ultrapysco leaders make up for that in violence. I loved the inside of the ship. The blue lights, the halloween apprance, thier goth/matrix uniforms, white rasta hair, and all that hissing..kinda makes u wonder how they jkjk. A+ Cast Joe Flanigan- Major / Lt. Colonel John Sheppard Torri Higginson-Doctor Elizabeth Weir David Hewlett- Doctor Rodney McKay Rachel Luttrell-Teyla Emmagan Jason Momoa- Ronon Dex (season 2) (new cast member) Paul McGillion-Doctor Carson Beckett Rainbow Sun Francks-Lt. Aiden Ford (season 1, now reoccuring) David Nykl-Dr. Zelenka Mitch Pileggi-Colonel Caldwell Kavan Smith-Major Lorne