I'm so bored right now I'm thing of why every other trekkie is prolly thinking --a new show that won't be out until--wht 7-10 yrs (IMO) from now??? Give us a break here, Paramount. Any ways, on the ENT tv.com page, its aparent that tensions are still high, and grudges still remain. I haven't posted there in a while b/c the last epi (name shall NOT be mentioned) still brings back the monthes of tears b4 the show ended and non-stop sobbing when it ended. As for my self, I remain in denile. Yes, denile everytime I think of it or visit that page. Not and everyday thing, ok? Why? watch season 4 and get to love it. Get to know the ppl, get to know the technology, get to know the action. and you'll know the true meaning of losing your best friend or a limb! Bad ananoglies, I know, but thats the best that can be described. Work with me: Timeline: ENTERPRISE J !!!!!!! YES! Like the time traveler dude took Archer to visit a century like 400 yrs from now! (ENT timeline). I'd love to see a ship 4x as fast then all the ships combined(not DS9 duh), sick weapons, hella evil villans (ones that make u cry at nite), scary new planets. Basicly the same formula, but combine some BSG elements, and [insert your own ideas here]. I think we might have a winner. A Movie? I'd like to see a movie introduce a new show. Sounds like a supreme bad idea. But, I'd be the first one there dressed like u guessed it--Troi..LOL, or Col. Nerys..lol or how about T'Pol...lolololol. Knowing me I'd prolly dress like Spock..no really I would..lmao! If there was a movie b4, I would like to see a really dark, emtion tearing, sometimes confusing plot twists, hard as nails cap, strong able willing 1st officer, and eaqully minded crew. I mean tearing up the ship, losing a thurster, well u know i'm refering to. The shows all had things like these, but i wanna see more mooooreeeeeeeeeee. Plot: Darkness. Gut wrenching. Taking Trek to a whole new persona. Lets say: The Federation is falling apart, a dark new enemy is invading, millions dead, alliences falling apart, dwindling Star Fleet Personal due to constant fighting, and declining Earth poplation. And maybe the show revolve around 2 ships? another space station? IMO, a totally new formula would prolly work. Taking the old light plot formulas, using imagination, reinventing enenmys, redisigning ships, uniforms, attitudes, & throwing them into the culdren to see wht we get. and NOT letting, repeat..NOT letting who's names shall not be mentioned (yes, trekkers, u know whom iam refering to) any where NEAR any ideas relating to trek. and so help me god if they partake any thing to with the fallen brethen. Maybe some ENT ideas can be used as foreshadowing. Not a Xindi war, but using the Enterprise J (ENT season 3) battle as something to come. Unless....... Crew: Hmmmm...could this work? It an extremely far Star Date from now. Everything seems fine..but is it? This is something the Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans (maybe?), Ferengi, and Humans fear... EVERYONE TOGETHER ON THE SAME BRIDGE!!!!! =) THE POSSIBLITYS! *pulls ideas out of a hat* Captain: Hey i got an idea. Lets see..Combinde some of the previous Trek capts DNA to form one super captain!!! No? Sounds kinda gross to me also. lol. Oh, and his last name is "Gunn" imagine....I like that "Gunn". Capt. Gunn a space ho is here to see u now, Capt. Gunn pizzas ready!!! I am Capt. Gunn of the Federation starship Enterprise. And yes.. PREPARE TO BE BOREDED! shields up! I like..i like.. but the capt. has to a smooth operator that has like a million fangirls. But have one that smiles every now and then & has a boflex in his room..=D! How about married? Sisko was married..but this this time have a capt. that is really married and his wife a pure betaziod conselor (ahem..me!, lol.jk). That would be fun. 1st officer. I'm talking 6'4, blond/brown hair, 210 lbs of muscle, blue eyes, pretty white or tanned skinned, and listens to loud music while boxing. A total package for any fan girl. Lets be real, someone with quick wit, fast attitude, sharp senses, cunning intellect..same goes for the capt. But i'd like a southern gentleman (kinda like another tripp, but bigger, and more screen time) Science officer/security officers: Hmmmm.. I'm going with Vulcan. A 3rd vulcan science officer!!!!?? Yes a 3rd one. hey, they know alot about things n stuff, so why not. Vulcans are atuclly witty and sarsatic. and i can't get enough vulcans. It those ears! they have incellect and brains, but all of that sometimes get in the way of thier judgement. Give them enough time, yes they might vene be passionate. This guy can figure out pussles in seconds, finds cures within hours, still skinny vulcan male with ears that pook an eye out. kinda like spock but with a romulan enforced attitude at times. for the head security officer, a romulan! yes a romulan. by the time its next show, maybe the romulans join the Fed and were going to have to wait till it happans. A tuff-as-nails/bark-worse-then-bite female romulan running around. she can kick a bad guys arse just by looking at them, and can smile everyone in a while or tell a joke? fun stuff: a vulcan/romulan relationship! :O. yes, a passionate galaxy crossed lovers. they dont tell any one, but they can relate to each other in ways only a star trek show writer can think about. its totally secret and no one suspects any thing. until she get pregant..oh no! i'd watch red faced, but i'd watch nonetheless. but the docter & betazoid counselor suspect something! those 2 on the same ship..and friends! human doc. atcs sarcastic sometime. this chick is still young and knows lot about wierd alien treatments. she has bug treatments(like plocx), mccoys coolness, crushers patience, bashiers intellect, and the holodocs curosity..wht a combo..dam! klingon eningeer: i like the sound of that..klingon eningeer. he breaks the mold and makes it cool to be klingon and fix ships at the same time. mild tempered (like worf) but still can wield a wrench if he ever needed to. is guilty of loving the holodeck to much. hehehe betazoid counselor: a real not a half human one. dont get me wrong, troi's cool and all (in fact i stole her name!) but her character at times hardly used. lets make the counselor married to the capt. wht a roit! she has mental breakdowns, collapses, & often times can sense danger from even when there still is no danger. sometimes runs on the bridge when she feels the away party is at bay. (does some of the things troi has done, but a better develped charater). ferengi ensign: this is where the fun beings. since everyone is now friends on the new Enterprise, this guy is the comic relief. sometimes break orders when ship is in danger. make him half human (dad) and ferengi (mom). still is greedy, but makes up for that in helm skills! well i sugessted a dark, sad show, but hey we can still have fun here! ppl are friends can get used to the fact that an alience is here to stay. makin old enemies new friends, and entire new set of bad things. let the old go, and make a new one. theme music: hmmmmmmmmmmm. wht about classic oprea with hard core metal guitar? a totally new CGI induced intro with all sorts wind & string instruments blair in the backround & symbals, & drums, u name it. and a claranet solo..=) everytime theres an "uncomtrable" situation, the Stevie Nicks song "Stand Back" starts to play, or when theres an enemy strike classic opera metal plays and each villan has there own theme song. weapons: the ship and everyone abroard is armed to the teeth. the same weapons, but stronger with farther shooting range, and able to fire though any thing cloacked. so wht are your ideas? ***Yes, i know im getting the fangirlness get in the way. just funning!
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