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Deanna_T Blog

the results are in!!!!!!!

ok, ok remember the tests i had to take for my psyo, speech, and history 2 class? well i got the grades back! needless to say, i'm pleased with the results. speech: 80. lost grade of them all. this was a test i had to ditch my art class to study for the day before. not bad for cramming most of the day and studing for in the morning. i thougt i had done poorly, but the teacha told the class that if we do corrections on the test, we'll get back the points missed, but it is only up to 10 points, so i get a 90 by default. ^_^ history 2: 88! yay! i usually get the hisgest grade in the class for that class. the questions i corrected on test came back correct, and that just proves that corrected answers might come back postive. does that make since? oh well, it doesnt matter b/c i shut up the chick i am in competion with. is going to be a messy semester..bring it..ahahahahaha. *planning to keep that bisshes mouth shut* pyso: BREAK OUT GRADE OF THE YEAR! omg..i got a 87! >.> but, wht, how, who, huh?!? say that again! that was the a pure shocker..the teach hinted that the grades were not all that hot, and i was *^n^* sweating bricks..dam. then at the end of class, he called out names, but since my first letter of my last name is one of the last 26 letters of the alpabet, i had to wait like 10 mins, & this is b/c i stood next to him while he showed another his her test, and also he thought i was someone else. and i'm like sir...i'm "Deanna" (not real name, duh). then he shut his trap and showed my me paper..and it was like U SEIRUS..I GOT AN 87..:Ox10... teach: uhhhhhhhhhh, yes... me: :Ox10 and this is cuz i stuggled though out the test and i crammed the nite b4. but had been studing all wk. to celebrate, i'm going to go eat breakfast at some place after school tomarrow wif a friend. the all u can eat buffet on the enterprise..hahaha i think i might i have "learned a lesson" here..i always knew that cramming was bad, and i never really did it..but this yr i'm twisted in all directions, so it just comes to show, if u put your mind to it..and blah blah blah..all that gay crap. now, "deanna, when well u work on grammer and spelling on your blogs, if u claim to be so 'smart'?" if this is might u might be thinking..dont forget i read mind. :P well, this is my blog, and no i wont. so there! :P ps: atlast i have a level increase! after 3 blogs..count 3 blogs just to get where i am. dam. from 23% to 34% blah. AND QUARK IS WATCHING YOU, AHAHAHAHA! pc time: SMILE FOR THE CAMERA!

tengo nada.. being random

no tengo nada para hacer y estoy aqui en escuela en la computadora. hahaha.. had to say that in spanish! w0ot. sure..whatever.. any wayz, ne thing new wif u guys?

Fav. tv couples? V-day style! ^_^

In the "loving" spirit (commeralism) of V-day, i have dedicated a blog to your fav. tv let me begin.. My 1st choice? Tripp and T'Pol of course!!! Enterprises' failed lovers from the start. Southern gentleman with hair of gold, and makes all the ladies scream his name..TRIPP. and his pointed ear often confused partner in crime and later the momma of kids (i wonder why..hmm)..T'Pol! Silly Vulcan, Tripp is for Earth Girls! No really. Those 2 did have a future together, after the insanity their failed relationship has suffered, and the confusion surrounding T'Pols feelings, they did belong to each other. There was so much intension between them you'd think they'd be in closet "making it offical". If there was a season 5, they would finally be together just wht the fans wht have wanted. such a soap opera! sweeeeeeettt *tears of joy* The final epi. who shall only be mentioned once on here...let me just say..T'Pol i feel your pain. Sorry, to see that girl. *sigh* if i had more time, i'd actully make a pic of all the thing T & T! ^_^ miran tan chulos! ^_^ *tears of joy* 2nd couple Whom else, but Troi & Riker! yay! lol. TNG's "whirlwind romance" right... He is a large, hairy, comdr. dude, and she is a half human/ half betazoid with a crazed mother. there off and on again lovers. She can read minds and feel feelings, but to a limit, and he can stand there and look serius! TNG ran for 7 long years, and in that time we saw riker do hos, troi date worf, riker get jealous, troi ignore riker, riker do more hos, troi happy with worf, riker wanting to break up troi n worf, troi "adopt" worf's kid alex, troi n riker get kidnapped by fergenri..list goes on, but wht i'm trying to say is, DAM WHT A SOAP OPERA! crazy shaznets going on there..and loving every minute of it! ^_^ then they got married in the movie "nemises" wht a joyies time..oh dont forget the titan book series..or that they appread on the final epi. of ENT! >.> omg! lmao! super small a$$ i know wht troi's thinking..."wish i was t' i can have tripp!" lmao! SO WHO ARE YOUR FAV. TV COUPLE! VOTE NOW! :D PIC TIME! FOR ALL THE CHOCOLOVERS!

my day & the joy's of ironing...

well, i pupose it is time 4 another blog. so, i'm going to give it to ya straight. heck, since i'm a "nice" betazoid, i'll include a pic of some sort. :D secondly, begain writing your "thank you" notes to yours truely, Deanna T. Riker..yes, including my FULL name this time. ;) exhuasting: wht was supposed to be a moring that was to begin at 6 am, did not. i had a pyso test today & needless to say, i did not study very well. i was to lazy to do any thing, and in seriues need of s-l-e-e-p. wht ever that activy is called. so thats wht i did, s-l-e-e-p all wkend. lucky, i did study sunday nite around 4 pm or sometime. but, mother wanted to do to some air show-blah. ne how, i had been studing during the wk, and only reviewed the material a lil bit. i set the phone to ring at 6am, it did, but i went back 2 sleep. around 630, i got, ran around getting dressed, restroom, hair, makeup, feed cat, feed me, look 4 backpack, make sure books in backpack, lock keys 4 phone, lock up stairs door, find room key, study a notes a lil, whew! and all in 30 mins. then father camed 4 me around 730 am, then it was speed across 8 blocks 2 beat train, speed along with college track (my dad teachers at a maget high school, and my college is across the street, both are separated by a train overpass, cuz train station is below). then he parked, gave me hair, drove around block, fight both school traffic, reverse park near building, then go to libary and study, and thats wht i did, read a lil. than 20 mins b4 class starts, leave libary, find carlos and jane to hang out wif, than walk to class, and say jokes wif them. ***the test***, brutale! dam. i feel like a fool. i could kick myself, por tonta, for not studing, >..< *sigh* lately, i have been having blackouts, and trouble consentrating. ie, i'll be driving and forget wht i'm going..i hate it. no really. after the test, i searched car n backpack for art book, and IT WAS NOT THERE. WTF. i called mother, but she said she was looking 4 maids for grandmother, and couldent come. so the rush was on again. i drove him in a speed forfitting a good parking space, drove like i was on fire, 8 blocks, passing train tracks only 2 train like 10 ft away! got home, searched moms car for book, found book, took main street back to school like a demon at a unholy speed, almost missing train cuz thing started to flash, in back of sunday driver, circled school parking lots, found a space some place near mars aka medical building. almost crashed car reverse parking. couldent get of it for almost 20 mins, finally did it. and walked the walky walk galaxy to class with only 20 mins to spare. whew! took art class, teacher "liked" work, promised to send me back 2 photoshop! JOY!!! after i finish project. *gasping 4 air* after school, ran arrands for mother. then picked up father at 430, beat train, dropped me off with nother at her work, then he went to his other job. i'm sleepy, and i need to read, and tomarrow i'll get the results of my speech & history tests..sweat drop! *^n^* ironing: came home about hr ago. have no jeans for tomarrow! need to iron. i cant iron for floating toilet matter. so that wht i did was iron! dam u iron! u so hot...and pluz i need jean to survive..jeans..are good. i had 4 pairs to iron..& there i was with that dam thing running the press back and forth..triple ironing my levis 515..needless to say, they look nice, and i feel speical and grownup for ironing..and esstainal skill in the real collge life. 4 tomarrow: more ironing..i have shirts that need to triple pressed..boy dont i feel liek the cats meow... oh, than i ironed a pair og my unides for fun..i was bored! now, if u excuse..i needa read..all half asleep, ok? hay ando like dam..WHT WOULD CATWOMAN SAY! :O

Today's the day....

^n^* Well, yes today is the day of the art show! OMG! so so so so nervous! and i'm not even gonna talk to the judges, like i did when i used 2 showed turkeys for 4-H and FFA. and today was also the day i had those tests for speech & american history 2. the speech test was 50 questions on scantron and was just impossible..^n^* then came history. i knew most of the stuff, except for 7 or 8 questions..but it was 80 questions scantron so i'm not to worried over that one. ^n^* i dissed my art class yesterday so i could study for those 2 test..btw the physo test was moved 2 monday! yay! ^u^ So, i just got back from the art show. i was so nervous over nothing! and get this... MY POSTER SG:A POSTER WAS NOT EVEN THERE!!! ALL THE STUFF WAS TOTAL FLOATING TOILET MATTER, AND MY POSTER WAS BETTER THEN 80% OF THE STUFF BEING SHOWEN. THEY EVEN HAD PAINTING OF NAKEN PPL THAT SO GROSS AND DISTATEFUL. THE TEACHER SAID CUZ OF SIZE MATTERS, SOME STUFF WONT GET SHOWEN, AND THERE WAS A MONSTERUS OIL PAINTING THAT WAS THERE..AND IT WAS TOTAL CHEESE. A FRIEND OF MINE ALSO AGREED THE STUFF WAS BS. arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. !@#$% *angry face* #O *kicks the school computer* !@#$%& aaaargggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh roooarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr if i had use of the titan right now, i'd send over it there to teacher them a lesson. arrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg *king kong roar* *kicking* *screaming* *punching* *summing the titan to DESTROY* X( X( X# X# X# X# sorry, just venting..oh next when the SG:A episode "Micheal" will be showen,i'll be honering conner t. w/an all week SG:A picture blog..and next friday i'll reveal StarGate: Wraith poster! ^u^ *rejoice* X#

another monday....

eek! i just got out of class out a/b 20 mins ago. we took a quiz. little did i remember, it was actully a remake quiz for the other quiz taken a 2wks ago on a friday! omg! friday of last wk, the 3rd, he said we are going to take a quiz, and on top of that, a take home quiz! yikes! ok, i did the take home quiz, but i did not rember wht the make up quiz was going to be on. no really, had no idea. so i studided the friday notes for psycology. the quiz was on chp 1. section 1. since all the reading assigment is all messed up, i think i studed chap. 1 section 2? luckly, i had studied for the 1st quiz, witch i got an 88 (minus 12 points for each wrong). but, that was 2 wks ago and we kept getting new notes, so i studed those, and got all mixed up. then today when it was quiz time, it was stuff on chap. 1 section 1. dam! O___O then i rememebr sec. 1 stuff was going to be on it. i new goals of pysco (1st question), how stuff is classified (2 question), those 2 had appread on the first quiz. then it became tricky, the 3rd question was something on "how to sceicnts classify stuff or something" well i said critcal thinking, and scientic method...^n^* sweat drop..totally wrong! *nervous giggle* it was correlation and something else. then "wht is the ultimate goal of psucology" um..i put study mental process and behavior...^n^* another sweatdrop. it was "freeing ppl from external control"..DAM! then name 1 advantage from a case study, and naturalistc study, and name 1 disadvantage 4 the both..^n^* sweat drop again! dont remember wht i put...dang...:? he said, "if u get a good grade on the make up..i'll match it. ex if u get a 88 on the 2nd'll get a 88 on the 1st quiz.." and some thing else, "if u get a bad grade, i wont drop it..." dam...!!!!!!!! me: "no sweat..." but i did not remember wht to study! argggggggggg! this will be the 1st time in monthes i actuly flunk something...:? well, there is an upside...he drops 2 quizzes...and i just have one chance left...*^n^* double swea drop! at least a i have a test on friday..but this time..i do know wht to study for it..and it just takes away the excitment for the art show on thurs..and btw i have 2 tests for thursday. ***^n^*** triple sweatdrop..the pressure! arghhhhhh

New Banner! ^_^

check out the new banner! neat-o huh? ^_^ I did not make, but the ever so cool, xGowronx, made it for me! :) i love spock, espially evil spock, and the color purple, so the new banner hits the nail on the spot. it brings out the "color" in my profile, i will keep this one up for a long while, cuz its so kick arze! :) HUGE - Glitter Graphics - Glitter Graphics to Gowron! you did a great job! ^_^ ps: the Tripps Death Conspirecy blog hasent run its course keep posting at that one and this one!

Tripp's Death....A Conspiracy?

Look around ppl. If you had been paying attention, you might have picked on this, and did some serious critical thinking. But, if you haven't noticed, this will make you think twice are wht ENT seasons 3 and 4 had in store. These kinds of thought & emotions have boiling up inside for several months now ever since i bought season 3 on dvd. viewing and responding to the "why star trek enterprise fell" post on the sci-fi board brought all these feelings back. i just want to know if any one agrees or has noticed. *note* may sound like innate ranting 2 some. Season 3: 1. Similitude- During a routine engine check-up, the ship hits some kind of disturbance, causing a massive explosion and tripp goes into a life threating coma. He almost dies, but Plox being ever so smart, decides to clone him. It is a one time experiment, and the clone with grow pretty fast. The clone, they named "Sim" was raised to just to be slaughtered just to save real Tripp. Project works, and everyone happy as larks. Note: I know, I know, "but how could this relate to Tripp's death, since Archer almost killed himself every other episode, since, it had an happy ending?" Well, it seems like an "isolated" incident, but it appread again in E2. 2. E2- Enterprise folks just tugging along in a ship that barely moves, until they discover and another Enterprise! First, it was the thought to be the Colombia, but when they ppl on the other ship, show's OMG..WTF!? reactions from everyone. The capt. who just so happans to be Tripp/T'Pol son (pay atten. here folks), explains to them they are from another universe, they ended up going back in time after they enter warp, time ends up being 21the century earth, ships becomes generaltional. The son explains to Tripp, that when they went back in time, momma vulcan and daddy human got married, and had son like a 9 monthes later after the got married. Son also explains that when he was 14, Tripp dies, *seem familar?* and T'Pol is beyond crushed b/c Tripp is the only one she can "realease" her feelings. my fav. epi. of S3. note: This is where the fun starts. Tripp's and T'Pol other "child" was only a season away, and empending doom. Again, another mention of DEATH! Now, this is when the show was dipping into bad ratings and prolly signaling a distant ending. 1. Was this the foreshadowing of Tripps death? 2. Were B&B thinking "well the show has deathly ratings, and we are slowly going to hint to the ppl that someone is going to die?" 3. Did they know they were already planning to kill off ENT, and by killing of a main charater & UNREPLACEABLE for that fact, bringing the show back would be almost impossible? 4. Were they also planning ahead of time, Tripp and T'Pol having kids, then possibly killing themoff, to? Season 4: Last 2 shows. Tripp and T'Pol find out they have a daughter. hmmmm..reminds u of a certain season 3 epi. doesnt it? except, they dont know how she got there. now jugding from t'pol shocked/embarrsed face and tripp, looking at her in just freakout look. "t' there something u want to tell me?!"-tripp "ummm..errrrr..ummm i dont know?, hehe. i'm outa here, the capt. calling!-t'pol it was pretty much like that. to be honest, i think it was tripp's clone that knocked up t' i dont know. they did it once, but something about gentic material being stolen. at first, it was a vulcan abortaion *gross*, but seeing "gentic material stolen" now makes me wonder if there DNA was stolen and cloned to make a baby. but, also remembering t'pols face makes me beilive she did get pregant, but she was high on moonrocks, shocked b/c she met her future self, going crazy b/c shes insanely head over heals for tripp, confused about her new emotions, and top it all off, knocked up..and shes not even married..the time line adds up for t'pol being pregant and seeing 6-month y/o lizzy for the 1st ever..hmmmmmm. Conspiracy! Mentioning Lioal (sp) "first" kid..was leading up to lizzy! Than *gasp* tripp se muere! he dies! his death was useless..dying for archer? c'mon archer kicked azz, but would u really die for tha be honest not really. & whts worse..archer didnot say the speech, b/c troi said "computer end program!" :Ox10 nothing against troi (sirtis) & riker (frakes) there characters were used in a ploy to further disgrace ENT. IT WAS DONE ON PURPOSE! The ENT ending seemed like a marketing ploy 4 the Titan book series. c'mon why else, real reason why t&r appear? the "reason" why they came out b/c were doing something, (not sex) some thing on the pegases. right... there were adversting the TITAN! and possibly if there is a new TNG movie (duh) most likely it would be if the titan. wht else? still milking TNG, when they could tap the titan and make more $$$ knowing the fans would drink it up, b/c its a new idea..c'mon. subilminal messages! remember Twilight? (best epi. of season 3, btw) archer and t'pol live together in a piece-of-crap ship, b/c archer had serve short-memory problems and therefore unfit 4 duty. this was a rerun UPN was showing when they had "vote 4 fav. epi" when ENT took that crushing hiatus last yr. to be honest, i thought a blond haired vulcan was gonna pop out, and request breakfast in a southen accent and t'pol was gonna chase him w/a broom back inside a room, and she was gonna lie n say jr. was archer's kid...uhhhhhh huh. I once made an off-color remake b4 i had seen "twilight" 2 a friend about t'pol's blue n pink outfits. i said this: "T'Pol wears pink n blue, cuz she cant figure out the color of pregancy test, haha." i coulent have been more off. dam, did i subconconsily pick on stuff, i havent b4, or i'm mean? hahaha. Man, this is a Conspiracy! I have seen countless of other shows, and nothing has proved wht I have seen in ENT. Not even in SG:A have they hinted of killing a person of major importance even though the show has been running for 2 seasons, but feels like forever. questions If ENT was still around today, around this time, Tripp and T'Pol would have made it offical, and maybe tonites epi. would have been hot n heavy t&t action. witch is funny, b/c trek is the show we watch for the "action", and stargates for the action. if so, would those 2 have room for "landon"..14 kids..hahah remember that question? would have archer & hdz. made it offical? then made room for "alexandra juana" hahhaha. would have Q come out? Q v. Shran action..hahha more evil universe action? TOS actors appearing? more TNG folks appreaing? if manny coto would have taken over..if possible would ENT have lasted 10 yrs? would have the theme song been changed into a talkin intro "space the first frontier.." and into a kick arse string music? maybe james whts-his-face made a guest appreance? would the show have so much CGI that it would have caused siezers? would hoshi's, travis, and malcoms charaters been better devloped? would i be calling myself "Tripps_Mistress" right now, instead of "Deanna_T"? well actully no..hahahhhaha. so, yes..maybe the signs were all there. someone take the keys to B&B's italian sports cars, and make those 2 wash windows...AT THE CAR WASH! for $5.15 and ban them from any thing trek, FOREVER! so..woulda think? ps: 2 more wks till micheal and conner t. as a wraith dude! ^_^

Every One Come Quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*gasping for air* *can't breathe* GASP! omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show art show thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 thursday feb. 9 school art show on thursday feb. 9 at 4:30 pm student art studio. can't breathe to excited..cant wait to see if Stargate: Atlantis poster made it or not. can't breathe pain in chest. wanting to know if i got a ribbion or not. excitement. omg. cant wait. on other news..felt i should post this: PAY ATTENTION ITS SUPER IMPORTANT! Kama Sutra Worm Set for Attack on Feb. 3 NewsFactor - Wed Feb 1, 6:54 PM ET Security analysts are warning computer users about a new and potentially destructive Internet worm that can obliterate important documents. The worm, called Kama Sutra, is making the rounds now, but is scheduled to execute its first massive attack on February 3. The malicious worm targets computers running Windows and spreads primarily by copying itself to shared network locations and then sending itself to e-mail addresses found on afflicted computers. With subject lines that read "the best videoclip ever," "give me a kiss," and "school girl fantasies gone bad," the worm entices computer users to open the attached file. boy, i'd love to kick the person who made this non-sense..btw if it posted on yahoo, shouldent the federal gov. be breaking down thedoor right now of the **** house and sending she/he/it/they to prison? god dam. hahahhaha censored. EDT: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENT SPINER! 57 Y/O TODAY! w0ot! MANY MORE TO COME!


eh, hump day. more rested from tuesday, and now i havta study more. x__X (___|___)