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Deanna_T Blog

Deanna T/Leo Nimoy. Day Blog Party of the Century!!!!!! ;)

  I guess Andy is more than ready...:lol: Is that right, Andy?!! He looks so cute in his "party princess" hat! Andy: *barking*. I ani't a chick..besides I still have heartburn from those mexican ppl...*burp*  This is my cake..I just blured my name...:P You can still kinda see it..   Btw, they havent given me any! dam them! Leonard Nimoy:   For more info on him, u can visit hi profile on this very sight.... ;) Today's he older...and I'm 19...:lol: Lets get the party started:  WE'RE HAVING A POOL PARTY! :) Bring a nice suit, a towel, and most of all...sun block!  Here's the snow-cones..all flavors...:)  PIZZA, EGG ROLLS, & BONELESS BUFFLO WINGS!    YUMMY! :D :D Pony ride any one? ^_^  Carnival!  Dance Floor!  ENJOY THE PARTY..AND DON'T LET ADY EAT YOU! ^_^

What's in the Trash Can!?!

The burning question reminds...hahaha. Burning like a STD on a cold day..well no that much..but u get the idea...:P :P :P :P As as all u know, or atleast seem to know, tomarrow is me and Leo Nimoy's Birthday as u can tell from all the Spock action going on. Homer_24 guessed it was "Spocks" birthday, but just means he's half right, and HEYHEY_MYMY guessed it's my B-day so he receives the "Spider award".  While the rest you can pick wht ever Andy found in at the landfill...;). Me, being the Queen on the Titan [Trek refence] , did not go, but instead I sent my flea bitten pet, Andy to find "presents". ^_^ I gurantee there's a nice tire or baby dieaper in there...:P  Look!: Go Ahead now..don't be shy..:P    MORE PRESENTS FROM A DUMPSTER!!!! ^_^  Found that DVD Homer_24 was looking for... From this guy right there:  Andy looked all over the the American/Mexican Borders (Cali-TX) looking for some guy with a cheap, bootleg copy of 24 season 4 on the bridge. Andy said some he scared those guys and ate some bridge kids. He said those kids nasted nasty, until some guy named "Jose" sold him a DVD for 5 bucks...then Andy realizing the guy smelled like tacos, Andy ate him! Here's the DVD:  But, look closey...OH NO HOMER..IT'S IN ASIANENESE! & JACK LOOKS ASIAN!  WHT ARE YOU TO DO!?   note: Dudes, this a joking around blog..nothing to be taken seriesly, ok???? sign here:

a quick one....

a little busy right now, but i logged on to send a B-Day wish to Captain of Captains....WILLIAM SHATNER!!!  We already know wht show(s) he was on, so i don't to explain. :P  BTW, IF U CAN GUESS WHT CERTAIN TV.COM USER *cough,cough* & WHT CERTAIN TREK ACTOR *cough,cough* ar having their b-days on Sunday (26th), YOU WIN WHTEVER I CAN FIND IN A TRASH CAN!!! :D wooooooo! :D :D :D :D

Oh my....

MY SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST OVER!!!!! :cry: IT ENDS AT 12 MID-NITE! *sobbing* Oh well, now that's done with..time to piss all over the new Dr. Who. :evil: Btw, I wanna see the old one.  SCI-FI...WTF...the Dr. Who suxs far worse than any thing the Killa's B's could ever do... & I think I mean that in a good way.  First let me start with: Bad story lines: C'mon fighting plastic?! o.0 it's rather honkey... Store Manakins gone bad? WTF...Wht the hell kinda plot is that? The boyfriend of the fat chick is shallowed by a trash can. To top it all off, she doesnt doesnt really notice her b/f's new look, he looked like a freakin' freakin' condom..all rubbery..he's the new rubberban man. all slick n a rubber! or he repeated the same words over and over. such as..PIZZA..LETS GET PIZZA.. or sweet heart, darling...repeat x5. lame...the manakins were ppl dressed rubber suits..u could see the zipper, some of the stuff was remote controlled. it all blah, blah, blah, plastic...building explodes, manakins attack n kill ppl, blah, blah, cliched scared boyfriend, hero girl, blah, blah. some syrup called anti-plastic to be dropped into some lava pit to stop the "plastic". *sigh* that was just the 1st episode. Dr: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE... Yes..Rose needs to run..she needs to lose weight.. -Mom says Rose is entitled to workers comp. b/c the store where Rose works @ was blowen to bits, where the manakins go crazy, b/c they want to take over the world, meaning all & any thing plastic will kill every one, and were all doomed. *yawn* btw, the manakins hands open from the side to reveal a hidden gun...*yawn* -Rose's mom almost dies at the hands of the bridal shop dummies...but if it werent 4 Rose @ some hide out, swining like tarzen to stop the "bad dummies", then the Dr. would have still been aruging with the lava pit, everyone would have died, and the puzzy-arse b/f would have continued to pee sitting down like a girl...LAME. Don't even get started on the 2nd episode...almost as bad...boring. Blah, blah, blah sun exploding, blah, blah, typical solve a mystery episode, blah, blah, blah. last human, ppl of diffrent colors..yawn. grade: F- Horrid acting: The ppl cant act...bad chemistry between Rose n the Dr. infact, they have none. Rose is a fat-arse, the Dr. is to skinny. Rose utters her lines, the Dr. cant say his lines all that well, either. Fake expressions...THE WORLD IS ENDING..OMG! Rose: pretends to be worried, but her face or tone of voices doesnt cut it, the Dr. ties to look sad, but it looks like he just wants to fart. When they both try to smile, they just look like the beverly hill-billies. the no chemisty part is really killing it for me. i mean, every show i have seen, the ppl atleast try 2 get along together..but it just seems so forced they way they try to get along. the only time their acting looks "natural" is when they both hold hands, and the Dr. hopes he can get some some...yuck. Rose's b/f is no gift he cant act for his life. he's hog tied..yet all he can do is utter his lines.."the thing talks"..dude, your pretending to be scared..not talking to a baby. the only thing he can decently do is smile or say something pretaining to him. Rose can't keep it 2gether. her weak facial expressions, low tone of voice, lack of interest in charater, bring the charater down and add to the flacid plot. The Dr's semi-decent facial expressions, ok tone of voice, some interest in charater dont really add to the show, but he kinda keeps it interesting.. Grade: F- I won't get started on the Spiecal FX... Grade: C- Btw, HAPPY B-DAY TO CONNOR T!!!! W0ot! Many more, dude! Have a good one! We all support for you and want u back on tv. :)   grade: A+ Pic of the day: My aunt's dog...

Gotta make this quick...

HI EVERYONE!!!!! I just got back from vaction...It was nice, even though it was only 4 one day. All mother n mom was do was shop, but I got some cute pics. of my aunts cat and dog that will be posted later. Don't worry, I'll post at your blogs during commerical... The New Dr. Who is starting (central time) and I plan to watch it. So this a quicky blog.  Btw, thanks for the feedback on my last blog!! ^_^ One more thing, I live in South Tx where the majority of ppl are hispanic don't celebrate St. Pat's day. Unless there are in a bar..LMAO! But, I'm not like them, so HAPPY ST. PATTYS DAY A TODOS!!!! celebrating the Mexican...way tacos n beer! pics of beer: (no offense to anybody)

Things that work and don't work/Kick off of Fantasy SpringBreak Wk

Everyone pay close attention: Hello friends. I have been doing recent surveys of my blog posting attendance lately, and have noticed that some blogs get more posts. Now, I'm not angry or any thing, but the reason I have been doing this is because one day I plan to start my own television/film/speical FX empire (no "good lucks", plz). I want to know how the people will think and respond to certain topics and how much attention a particular blog will get. I am not asking for you to post at every single one of my blogs, feel guilty, or angry. Wht I blog about comes my mind and my imagination. Wht ever I can churn out is good for me because it shows that I pull and transform certain ideas into other ideas depending if it is good or bad. Particularly, the previous blogs of "Lets play Trek", friend party, almost getting into a car crash advice, Spring Break sentence blog, etc. Wht works and wht doesn't: I've noticed ppl who talk about themselves or post pics usually got hits. But that is not the point, and it doesnt matter to me wht so ever. I don't like to talk about myself all that much, but instead I'll at times ask for adivce (the car crash & growing), or have Stargate Atlantis weeks (the pic. and character blogs), which so far have been my main blog staples. Other times, I'll post fav. tv couple, level updates, the x-mas reciape blogs or the animal/history blogs. Why I'm doing this? For starters, starting my own media empire is very important for me, and wht I post here is prolly a look at wht I plan to do. I have some ideas, but if they don't pan out, it's the end to that. I'm starting to think like a network; If a show has low ratings, to hell it goes, and plan a new show that will attract more veiwers..even if it means it resembles something already on tv. But, the networks usually try something once & don't try it a 2nd time if it doesnt work. That is wht prolly happan on my blog. I'll something once, and if it fails..good by. Some day, If I'm at the helm, the painfull, ugly disision of letting something good go will prolly come my way. I understand that tv fads come and go, and the opinions and interests of ppl change. But, as easlier stated, I'm doing this to get a closer look at wht ppl like. The reality tv fad is fading, sit-coms are coming back, the drama/action/violence/resmbels out of CNN senario/touch of fantasy like shows like 24 or the crime dramas & medical shows like greys antomy or srubs. Now, these shows dont interest me one bit. But the networks do and wht it takes to get viewers. I like to keep things nice and short. This getting long, now remeber I'm not mad or any thing, just looking for honest feedback on wht you guys think, u dont have to agree, its ok 4 any ill feelings, it's just a survey. Like I said, I'm starting to think Like a network... Yes & no: Things that will be back: 1. Animal/History Blogs (coming soon...) 2. Stargate Alantis pic. Blogs 3. Maybe some more advice??? 4. More fav. tv couple blogs 5. More pics of Spot (my cat, coming soon...) or other things I can think of... Things that won't be coming back: 1. Games.. The "Lets pretend were on Trek" game didnt pan out, so it's gone. I was planning to have "Lets pretend were on SGA", that's not going to happan... I want to have the random charater elimantion game..buts not going to happan either 2. I refuse to talk about my self. 3. No level updates..ack. Maybe?: Random stories I made up and want to share...If those don't work, to bad there gone---FOREVER. Recepies for food. No workth=good by If my fantasy blogs dont work..there gone, also. Any thing to keep the ppl coming back. Let the selling out begin...No, I'm not crazy... --------------------------------------- Kick off of Fantasy SpringBreak Wk. Ok, Me and Andy decided to have Carmin San Diedo like Fantasy SB week of trips! Whos Andy? Guess..hes the guy that stinks, hairy, doesnt shower & he drools.  To where? Oh, the loviest of places..snowy pikes, ice walls, whales..WHERE ELSE?! ANTARCTICA! It was nice... Andy: My balls froze... Me: was nice. This is our slide show! ^_^ Me: Look @ the cute whale! Andy: Mmmmm..dinner!  Me: LOOK MORE ANIMALS! Andy: MORE DINNER!  Me: This was our tour ship. Andy: I got sea-sick  Me: We went ice climbing! Andy: Yea, I was the one who lifted you up the ice & my balls got stuck on the ice...OUCH  Me: OHHHHHHHHHH Andy: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  Me: We ice diving! Andy: that was fun!  Me: More ice! Andy: I want a snow-cone...  Me: We went snowboaring..funnn! Andy: You used me to slide down the snow..u hurt my ears! *bark*  Me: this was the Pizza Hut we went to afterwords! Andy: It was yummy!

Bouncing.......lets play the Trek Game!!! Everyone come! ^_^

I'M FREE I'M FREE I'M FREE I'M FREE I'M FREE I'M FREE I DON'T HAVE TO GET UP EARLY TOMARROW ^_^! THE MIGHTY DEANNA CAN SLEEP TILL 12. TILL 12!!! BETAZOID BEAUTY REST. NO WORK. NO TEACHERS. NO STUDING FOR 5-6 HOURS A DAY. NO LECTURES. I CAN WALK AROUND THE ENTERPRISE IN MY UNDERWEAR! :lol: Which I plan to do anyways.... SpRiNg BrEaK plans: -sleep fun part: I have been spending time on the ENT board and now needless to say, i'm influcended by the ideas from the Killa B litterbox that is Paramount. (___|___) Lets play a game...Called the "Lets pretend were on Trek" game. rules: there are no rules..u can pretend to be any charater, or u can be your own. be any officer, or postion, any alien, wht color of uniform, any ship (including DS9), or other. u can live in a alternate universe, or the regular one. u can be a sexpot or a moral mindy, rude, nice, drunk, doesnt matter..have fun! :D Were pretending to be on a make-beilive episode here! I start, then u guys continue, ok? Objective: kinda like the SIMS games...but, to make this work, we all have to go along with it. this game is open to vistors, friends, trek fans and non-trek fans. this is one big parady. off-color or naughty jokes are acceptable and any topic is ok. but full paracipation is the key to a succesful game. basicly, pretending to actully on Trek itself, like your in an episode with things going on, atleast 2-3 subplots (aliens, sex, violence, holodeck madness, etc), we'll will combine all of our ideas into one big thing and out-trek outselves!! sound fun? u ready? u wanna do this? ;) 3....2....1...Trek off! my idea: I start u add on 2 the story on the bottom. But to become an "offical charater", u havta add your own backround story to offically start and continue. backround is only used once and is mandatory. Name: Deaudra Oppupation/rank: Respectable Starfleet female officer; Lt. Comdr. Burning hormone secerity officer than later a Counselor Ship/year: VD-5019 Enterprise X (Bigger faster than the Enterprise D) Alternate Universe Future Centery 60 Race/appreance: Half Betazoid/Half Romulan. (Mother Betazoid, Father Romulan. That's why I don't have a last name). But I have pointed ears, unbreakable angry Romulan spirt, but look like more a Betazoid w/limited, but usefull powers. For the 4 seasons, I have a Romulan hairstyle, but the hair grows, till it becomes massive (like Trois!) french tip nails, and the fans all riot on the step because they want me mean, and not nice. ^_^ Interests/dislikes: I like loud music, shoes, makeup, computers, spending time with green sister, eating, and peanut butter. Dislikes: old guys, cold weather, and onions! Uniform color: Starfleet settled for all black uniforms. Like TNG suits, but all black, except the colors are colored. Red-ppl in charge/helm, Yellow-sciences/engerinning/secuirty. Blue-medinces. My color is Blue! Family: Younger sister that's half Betazoid and half Orion. Named Jenna. She's completey green, buring hormones, but has limited powers..also in Starfleet, and were in the same ship! :O Life story: Parents divorced because dad couldent keep it 2gether. Stress of being Romulan Gaurd got to him, so he drank and drank, till mother divorced him, took me, and I never saw father again. B/c she moved back to Betazoid, met step-dad, had younger sister that is 5 yrs younger than me. But I still communiate with dad everyother month when he wants to. He only speaks Romulan to me and is emotionaly distant. Mother's name: Melinda; Fathers name: T'Bok. Step father: Joe ---------------------------------- SEASON #1 *takes a deep breath* Wht a nice day to walk around the Enterprise. Wht a nite. My crazy-arse excuse for a sister and sadly my best friend threw a party last nite. But get this -- SHE LIVES IN A FREAKIN CAGE. We keep that Orion in a cage in my room so she cant cause harm even though her powers are weak, and the men havta wear foil hats when they are near her & to top it all off, she's the ships brain surgen...0.o. It was her b-day and she kept beggin 4 a party, i "ordered" a cake from the computer, and we invited all senior officers, and partied till we all puked. *flash back time* Jenna: Deaudra, I'm hungry, and I need to use the bathroom, and my arse itches, and my nose hurts, and I'm cold..let me outtttttttttttttt. Me: Hell no! If u would wear regular clothes, & not a piece of tape to bed, this wouldent be happing, now wouldent? Now hush, I need my Romulan du to be nice n pretty so i go flirt with excess of men on this horrid flying metal death trap! Jenna: Can u atleast let me out!? I start in like 5 mins. My arse is cold, and this cage hurts..I'm calling mom when i get out! *tries to use powers* Me: HEY, I READ MINDS REMEBER! I CAN HEAR ALL THE MIND SPEAK..I'M NOT A B!t** I HAVE IMMUNITY TO YOUR SL*T POWERS. I'm part Romulan and dont hold back when I get mad...dont make me go over there...don't make go over there! just wait...just wait... *grabs hair spray bottle* *Jenna makes faces and hand sybmols.* *BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* The holodeck explodes! -------------------------------- your turn! 8)

is this normal?

i'm 5'2 even and almost 19. to top it all off, i have a size 9 shoe size! is that normal? 0.o i once knew girl who was the same height but wore a size 8 1/2. my cousin is 5'7 and also has a size 9 shoe. some of my friends are a little taller and have the same shoe size and they are all 5'5 and 5'6. a teacher once told that when she was my age, she was a shrimp and hit a mega growth spirt from 4'11 to 5'5 when she turned 19. i feel if i have one more growth spurt, i'll prolly grow another inch or so in a yr. like i did my jr. yr. of high school. does this mean i still have room to grow? or wht? --------------------------------

The Time Has Come......

I finally received the "Social Butterfly" icon a few seconds ago...SUCCESS AT LAST!  this means that are are 20 ppl out there who think i'm cool, or at least pretending to think i'm cool ^_^ and that makes me feel special. ^_^ recieving the icon at this very moment is a twist of fate actully. i randomly clicked on sassy_eggs profile to add something to her current blog on BSG. as luck would have it, i saw someone w/an interesting nick of "heavensblade" w/a blog title of "new banner"& i just had to click. needless to say, i forgot wht i was going to mention to sassy (i'll remeber later..:P). when the page finally loaded to his/her profile, i noticed that person added me!!!!!!!! ^_^ *joy* now i added u back, heavensblade! i don't know u yet--but will change soon. shoutouts: i want to send a SHOUTOUT! to all my exisiting friends..epsically to the ones that always post here..u know who u are!!!!!!! ;) w/out you, this woulden't have been possible! i enjoy all your company, and love posting at your blogs. *betazoid tears of joy* btw, i don't "spell check" out of laziness..:P plz, plz, enjoy the "buffet" and remeber to pet "andy" on your way out..^_^ buffet:  Andy: