Certain parts were incredible, some were horrible. Not the best, but okay. To be honest, people complain about the music on the radio now... what about then?
People hating certain bands because they think it's cool. You can think that "modern" Metallica is horrible, but you're not any more of a music fan because you think so.
Wasn't a big fan. Earlier I doubted the greatness of it, saying it was primarily for kids - or for people who want a charming yet shallow CGI flick. I went and saw it - that's exactly what I just saw. Was wishing I saw Star Trek instead. Atleast Star Trek was entertaining all the way through. Up lost its steam halfway through.Bumzur
Shallow? From what I've seen, shallow is definitely not a word that describes this movie.
That book looks hysterical. My uncle is an English teacher, and he recommended this book to me. Anyway, I'm kind of in between books right now. I'm planning to get to "Odd Hours" eventually, as I love that series. I also have to read The Book Thief for summer reading, but it's supposed to be pretty good, so whatever.
My mom read this and said, "You know, schools have kids selling drugs in the halls, having sex in the bathrooms, stupid (she used a different word, but I can't say it here) teachers, intolerance of differences in both students and faculty, but blowing a kiss. . .that's the start of anarchy. Total anarchy." :lol:
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